

【作者】 胡北

【导师】 冯秀文; 郝名玮;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 世界史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 十九世纪末二十世纪初,墨西哥处于社会转型阶段,被迪亚斯政权的“秩序和发展”暂时掩盖的各种矛盾日趋激化,当到了不可调和的地步时,轰轰烈烈的墨西哥革命爆发了。这是墨西哥历史上迄今为止最彻底、影响最深远的一次革命,直到今天墨西哥社会生活的各个层面依然留有这场革命的深刻痕迹。任何对墨西哥革命的研究不可避免地要从早期民族资产阶级入手,因为正是这股日渐壮大的政治力量的经济政治要求、思想觉悟引发了革命,也是这个阶级与生俱来的局限性和软弱性制约了革命的更深更远的发展,只能局限在资产阶级革命的范畴中。 马德罗是这个阶级一位具有世界影响力的人物也是早期民族资产阶级的典型代表。他的一生就是土地资产阶级为历史选择又为历史淘汰的过程的浓缩;他的政治思想是十九世纪自由主义与时代精神结合的产物;他的政治实践和隐藏在实践背后的经济目标体现了民族资产阶级在革命中的定位;他个人的失败表明了在半殖民地半封建的落后农业国里早期资产阶级的政治幻想的破产。所以选择马德罗作为论文的主题目的就是透过他考察墨西哥革命之前的社会矛盾斗争情况,革命初级阶段的实质和力量对比,进而把握革命发展脉络及二十世纪初墨西哥资产阶级的阶级状况,以此探索在近现代资本主义世界大背景下的外围国家的发展历史。 第一部分:马德罗的政治思想。马德罗的政治思想集中体现在反对独裁专制,要求民主自由;相信人民,也远离人民:反对暴力革命这三点上。他的政治思想是十九世纪自由主义精神与处于上升阶段、但受到封建地主、大官僚和外国资本压迫的墨西哥民族资产阶级政治要求相结合的产物。 第二部分:马德罗政治思想的实践。马德罗政治思想在实践中不断修正发展,最明显的表现是从和平改良发展到暴力革命。在执政期间,马德罗集中在政府选举、土地、劳工、外资四方面初步贯彻其政治思想。 第三部分:马德罗政治思想的破产。由于马德罗的阶级局限性,马德罗政府的保守、妥协的政策,国内政局动荡不安和国际环境的敌视,墨西哥社会各种矛盾不仅没有得到解决,反而更加激化,导致了马德罗政府的倒台。

【Abstract】 During the closing years of 19th century and the first decade of 20 century, the Mexican society was experiencing the profound transformation. Various social contradictions covered for a time by the slogan "order and development" of the regimen of Porfirio Diaz had evolved so intensely that no measure rather than a revolution can resolved them. Under such circumstance, the Mexican Revolution broke out. This revolution is in the Mexican history the most intensive one with far-reaching influence, which has even imprinted profoundly all the stratums of today’s society. Any research of the Revolution cannot ignored the problems of the early national bourgeois because it is this burgeoning political force’s economic-political requirements and ideology that ignited the revolution while their inborn political limits and weaknesses restricted the further development of the Revolution but to localize it within the classic bourgeois revolutions’ pattern.Francisco I Madero was the one of the world-prestigious representatives of Mexican national bourgeois. His whole life revealed the process of national bourgeois being selected and abandoned; his political ideology was the classic liberalism coupled with the time spirit; his practice and the economic aim behind the practice embodied the bourgeois attitude and its Revolution aim; his failure showed the political bankruptcy of the national bourgeois in the semi-colony and semi-feudal agricultural nation. The reason for choosing Madero as the topic of the paper is that from the angle of the personal study we can explore the conflicts surged before the outbreak of the Revolution, the characters and the proportions of political forces during the first stage of the Revolution. Based on such knowledge, it is easy and favorable for us to grasp the essence and situation of Mexican national bourgeois in the beginning of 20th century, hence form an overall view of the evolution of the fringed countries under the background of modern global capitalism.Part one: the political ideology of Madero. The political ideology of Madero is mainly divided into three parts: opposing absolute power with democracy and freedom; believing in people, but maintaining distance from people; opposing to armed revolution. His ideology is the mixture of the liberalism of 19 century and the rising political requirements of national bourgeois but suffered the pressure of ladinfundistas, big bureaucracy and foreign capitalism.Part two: the practice of his political ideology. Madero kept modifying and developing his political ideology in practice. One of the examples is the shift from the political peaceful improvement to the bloody revolution. During the period of his regime, Madero mainly carried out the political ideology in the issues of election, land reform, labor and foreign investment.Part three: the bankruptcy of Madero’s political ideology. His inborn class limits, the conservative policies of his government, the unsteady situation together with the hostility of international environment sharpened the social conflict, finally caused the collapse of Madero regime.

【关键词】 马德罗墨西哥革命民族资产阶级
【Key words】 MaderoMexican RevolutionNational Bourgeois
  • 【分类号】K713
  • 【下载频次】44