

【作者】 刘红兵

【导师】 马俊山;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 中国现代文学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 1990年代小说中那歌舞升平令人眩惑的表层繁荣,掩饰不了其在题材的价值指向及文本形式探索等诸多方面的平庸和媚俗。消费主义意识形态引发了90年代小说价值操守上的大撤退。文学从集体叙事、宏大场面、一元化语超越的同时,个人化写作、女性话语及新兴的城市小说却又步入了对消费主义全面不设防的误区。文学与商业媒体合谋,制造出一幕幕蛊惑人心的当代浮世绘。

【Abstract】 The superficial prosperity which make people feel dizzy in the 1990s’ novel can not cover up it’s mediocrity and obsequiousness on direction of value and exploration on form of text. The ideology of consumerism evoked an enormous withdrawal on value in 1990s. Personalized writing, female voice and new-rising city novel go into consumerist open territory while literature surpasses the centralized irritation, grand scene and single voice. The cooperation between literature and commerce produced a great deal of demagogic prospects.

【关键词】 消费主义意识形态90年代小说
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】80