

Study of Measuring & Data Processing System of Ablation Area on Curved Surface

【作者】 张涛

【导师】 郭俊杰;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近代科学技术的发展,几何尺寸与形位测量已从简单的一维、二维坐标或形体发展到复杂的三维物体测量。而被测物的图像包含丰富的信息。为此利用图像测量已经成为一个重要的研究课题。这对进一步提高测量精度、测量速度、测量自动化,减轻操作人员的劳动强度具有重要的现实意义。 对利用图像检测技术测量几何量,如长度、面积、形状等的研究和应用大量出现。然而对面积测量的研究应用均局限于平面。实际上在生产、科研中对曲面面积的测量有着重要的意义,如火炮药筒烧蚀面积的测量,它是分析炮弹的质量和发射状况的一个重要手段。 本文首次将三坐标测量机(CMM)与图像检测技术相结合,利用CMM可以准确运动的优点和图像测量的非接触测量能力研究回转曲面面积的测量,完成了多幅图像的拼接,并应用物体的颜色特征识别被测曲面的特定区域,测量其面积。 其中文章对图像检测技术应用于回转曲面上特定区域面积检测时遇到的标定、几何校正、图像展开与拼接,图像分割等问题进行了深入研究。实现了图像检测系统的自动标定、图像特征区域准确、客观的识别和多幅图像高精度的拼接。较以往的手工测量是一个巨大的进步。 据此所研发的烧蚀面积测量系统顺应测量仪器精密化、集成化、智能化的发展趋势,将机电、光电和计算机技术有机地融为一体,实际运行中,在效率和速西安理工大学硕士学位论文度上达到良好的效果。现已成功应用于总参某兵器试验中心的火炮药筒烧蚀面积测量系统中。文章所提出的方法对于利用图像测量回转曲面物体的面积以及划伤、磨损、锈蚀等具有重要的参考价值。

【Abstract】 As the development of modern science and technology, measurement of geometric size, shape and position has expanded from one or two dimension to three. The image of workpiece contains rich information so image-based measurement has become an important subject to study. It’s significant for further improvement of precision, speed and automatization of measurement and minimization of labor.There are many studies and applications of image-based measurement to inspect geometric quantum such as length, area, shape and so on. However, the research and application are limited within two-dimensional field. Actually, it’s significant of area measurement on curved surface in production and research. For example, the area measurement of cartridge surface ablation is an important means to analyze the quality and shoot of cannon.The paper deeply studies calibration, correct of image distortion, curved-surface spread and mosaic, image segmentation which happen in the area measurement of special regions on the curved surface using image technique. It achieved automatic calibration correct recognition of characteristic region and exact joint of images. It’s a great advancement compared with manual measurement.Based on that, the system developed for ablation area measurement combines mechanics, optics and computer organically, according with the development trend of instrument towards high precision> integration and intelligentizing. It has been in work with excellent efficiency. Now, it has run successfully on the measurement system developed for CPLA weapon trial center. The method proposed in this paper can be referred when measuring area, nicks, abrasion and rust on curved surface.

  • 【分类号】TH721
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】119