

Research on HR Supply & Demand Problem of Changzhou Manufacture

【作者】 黄岚

【导师】 党兴华;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入新世纪,常州市提出了建成长江三角洲地区重要的现代制造业基地和区域中心城市的目标。常州市把自己定位在介于技术密集型的上海和劳动密集型的中西部之间的制造业基地,成为“世界跨国公司的加工厂”、“上海工业的后坊基地”。最大限度地利用上海经济、金融、贸易和信息中心的功能,借力发展独具特色、层级较高的制造业。 常州市在实施发展远景目标进程中,越来越深切地感觉到,地区间、产业间和企业间的竞争实质上是对科学技术运用能力的竞争,而科技的竞争又突出地表现为人才的竞争,人力资源是重中之重。大力开发人才资源,抓紧构筑新世纪的人才高地,是常州“十五”规划的人力资源战略。 据此,本文结合常州制造业的实际,根据常州经济发展战略目标,针对常州市人力资源的现状,对常州市人力资源的质量、数量和结构进行定性、定量分析,与周边城市进行比较,正确估量自身的优势和不足,特别是真正认识入世后各类紧缺人才的供需矛盾及其对常州经济发展的影响。根据分析结果,对人力资源的总量、结构分布、使用效益作出供需预测,重点是对制造业支柱产业的人力供需矛盾作出判断。在此基础上,对人才储备及结构调整提出建设性的建议,对人力资源的开发,从政府、企业、社会三个不同角度,特别是在教育、培训、配置、使用、引进、投资和社会保障等方面提出对策措施,重点是创新政策,改革机制,优化环境。

【Abstract】 In the new century, Changzhou is looking forward to become one of the most important modern manufacture bases and one of central cities in Yangtze River Delta Region (YRDR). More specific, Changzhou intends to become a bridge that connects Shanghai’s technology-intensity and West China’s labor-intensity. Shanghai is the economic, financial, commercial and informational center of YRDR. Being near to Shanghai, Changzhou should maximally take advantage of Shanghai’s facilities to build a distinctive and high-level manufacture base.During its developing, Changzhou deeply realizes that the competition between regions, industry and enterprises is naturally the competition for science and technology and ultimately become the competition for talents. Human resource is the most important resource of all. hi the next five years, Changzhou plans to exploit human resource with great effort and become the hotbed of talents.In this article, the quality, quantity and structure of Changzhou’s human resource is analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. This analysis is based on Changzhou’s developing strategy, on current conditions of Changzhou’s manufacture and human resource and on the comparison with other cities in YRDR. Through this analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of Changzhou manufacture are made clear. Especially, understand that, after China enters into WTO, the lack of high quality human resource is going toimpede the developing of Changzhou manufacture. According to the result of this analysis, supply & demand, distribution and efficiency of Changzhou’s human resource are predicated and the inconsistency between human resource supply & demand of supporting industries among Changzhou manufacture in the future is stressed. In addition, advices on the structural adjustment of human resource repository are given. To facilitate the developing of human resource/ proposals on education, training, deployment, application, assimilation, investment and social security are made. Among those proposals, the emphasis is to update policy, expedite innovation and optimize environment.

  • 【分类号】F427
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】292