

Bancassurance Model Research on Ping’an Insurance Corporation of China

【作者】 杨蕾

【导师】 陈菊红;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着金融服务一体化和全球化趋势的不断加强,银行、保险公司以及其它金融机构之间的界限已逐渐淡化,为银行保险的产生提供了环境。银行保险的发展对整个金融服务业产生了巨大的影响,银行、保险公司和传统的基金管理公司正将产品重新组合,向全球化的金融分销模式转化,提供“一站式”的金融服务,使客户在一个场所即可购买抵押贷款、年金、储蓄和保险等一揽子金融产品。 中国加入WTO后,金融业相互合作、相互渗透的愿望日益加强,希望对分销渠道和客户资源进行共享。银行保险是被保险公司或银行采用的一种战略,通过一体化的形式满足客户多元化金融服务的需求,将银行和保险等多种金融服务联系在一起,并通过销售渠道的共享实现价值的最大化。 本文对中国平安保险公司的银行保险模式做了系统的研究。首先,对银行保险的概念予以诠释,并分析了国内目前的现状及发展趋势;然后介绍了银行保险的理论依据;接下来,对发达国家和地区的银行保险模式进行了研究并指出了对我国的启示和借鉴意义;通过对平安保险公司银行保险现有运作模式(即协议合作模式)的分析,指出了其中存在的问题;在此基础上,从银行保险发展的环境分析出发,结合平安保险公司的远景规划,论文提出了平安保险公司应建立新的银行保险模式,即以金融集团控股模式经营银行保险的模式,指出该新模式的三个实施阶段,并设计与该新模式相适应的组织架构;最后,提出为顺利实施新的银行保险模式,我国金融监管机构所应做出的配套改革建议。论文结合实践,对银行保险模式进行了研究,提出密切银保之间的合作,只有通过建立资本纽带关系,才能促进银行保险乃至国际金融保险市场向更深层次的发展。论文所提出的以金融集团控股经营银行保险的模式对平安保险公司开展银行保险具有一定的参考意义。

【Abstract】 With the trend of financial global and integrated strengthened, regulatory barriers of banking and insurance and other financial services have diminished, and the climate has been created increasingly friendly to bancassurance. The creation of bancassurance operation has a material impact on the financial services industry at large. Banks, insurance companies and traditional fund management houses are converging towards a model of global retail financial institution offering a wide array of product. It leads to the creation of "one-stop shop" where a customer can apply for mortgages, pensions, savings and insurance products.After the entrance to WTO, financial services in China have the strong wishes to cooperate and penetrated the market. They wish to share the distribution channels and customer resources. In fact, bancassurance which is the strategic alliance between bank and insurance is the best way to provide a package of financial services that can fulfill both banking and insurance needs in such legislative climate at present.In this paper, a systematic study on bancassurance model of Ping’an Insurance Corporation of China is drawn. Firstly, this paper starts with the basic concept of bancassurance, analyzing the current situation and developing trend. Secondly, introducing the basis of general theory. Thirdly, pointing at the significance of using the experience of developed countries for our reference. Meanwhile, with the analyzing of Ping’an bancassurance operation,putting forward establishing the new model of bancassurance which is under the control of financial conglomerate, and design the organization framework in conformity with this new model. Finally, for implementing new bancassurance model, this paper suggests that financial regulator should take measures of concerning reform. The value of the study is mainly on creating new bancassurance model in practicing.

  • 【分类号】F842.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1334