

【作者】 田方

【导师】 初敏; 何莲珍;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过测量位于音节首和尾的/I/和/n/与元音构成双音素串时各音素的时长变化特征来探讨三音素串VCV中辅音在不同的重音模式下归属问题。 第一章主要介绍了音节的基本定义和音节划分的各种规则,说明音节划分答案的不唯一性和各种规则之间的冲突性,尤其是三音素串VCV中辅音划分的歧义现象(Ambisyllabicity)。在此基础上提出了本文的研究问题:首先研究作为音节边界的时长变化特征,然后比较三音素串中辅音的变化特征,由此判断恰当的音节划分。 第二章内容主要分为两部分:首先明确了本次实验的目的,考虑了实验中各种因素。由此本文提出两个假设:当/n/和/l/处于V1CV2音素串中的C的位置时,如果时长变化趋势更接近于他们真正充当音节首(onset)时的变化趋势,就认为音节边界应当在V1和C之间,反之,音节边界则在C和V2之间。其次,本章还结合实验对象/n/和/l/的声学特征以及在语图上的表现,介绍了实验数据的标注与计算方法。 第三章主要介绍实验数据的标注结果和对/n/和/l/的初步分析。从实验得到有关数据可以看出:(1)在双音素串CV以及VC中,辅音做音节首比音节尾对重音敏感。(2)在相同位置的VL0CAVR0,VL0CAVR1,VL1CAVR0三音素串中,不同重音模式之下辅音随VR得到重音而延长,而VL得到重音与否辅音时长基本没有变化。这表明了三音素串中辅音与后一个元音结合更加紧密,说明此时辅音承担着音节首的作用。 第四章根据上一章得到的初步结果对实验的研究问题给予了回答。尽管三音素串中辅音承担着音节首的作用,但VL0CAVR0,VL1CAVR0中辅音的时长特征恰好说明了音节歧义现象的存在。所以在语音工程的音节切分方面应增加重音因素和类音节切分单位以保证输出语音的自然度。 第五章总结了实验的特点,并对以后在音节划分方面可能开展的工作进行了展望。本次试验放弃了以往此类实验中完全设计好少量语料的做法,使用实际语料库以得到自然语流中辅音的实际变化情况。针对以后音节划分研究,本文建议从以下几方面进行改进:首先,除时长音素,还应继续关注辅音和相关元音的其他声学特征来考察音节划分歧义现象;其次,本文只考察了最有争议的/l/和/n/,对其他辅音并未给予关注,今后还应在其他的辅音类别中挑选代表性的辅音进行观察。再次,本文研究问题来源于音节划分的理论值与人们的实际听感出入较大,所以今后还应该在感知方面继续作实验;最后,母语者与非母语者的感知结果也应做相应的比较。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this thesis is to find the proper syllable segmentation in VCV sequence by comparing its durational cues with those of onsets and codas.The first chapter is the introduction of the syllable and rules of syllabification. Four different syllabifying rules are elaborately described and compared, with the obvious results that they are contradictory in defining the syllable boundary and several possible syllabifying results are available when different rules are applied.The second chapter introduces the experiment which is designed to compare the durational properties of the ambisyllabic /n/ and /I/ with the true syllable-initial and syllable-final ones to decide whether C in V1CV2 plays the role as onset or coda. Two influencing variables, stress pattern and their syllabic position, and the factor of different vowels are taken into account.The third chapter, the results and analysis of /n/ and /I/ are presented respectively. The durations of /n/ and /I/ behave similarly in the two and three phonetic sequences. ANOVA results prove that onsets are more influenced by stress than position while codas are not. From the durational changes in VL0CAVR0 , VL0CAVR1, VL1CAVR0 of the same position, ANOVA results show that both /n/ and /I/ comparably lengthen when R is stressed and show little durational variances whenever VL is stressed or not. Therefore, CA behaves more like the onset of a syllable.The fourth chapter, we mainly further our discussion about VCV sequences. Since the C in V1CV2 plays the role as onset, onsets should be maximized under the principles of phonotactics. Moreover, the factor of stress should be added into selecting the syllabifying unit as to guarantee the authenticity of the speech.In the fifth chapter, the experiment is summarized again and the future work about syllabification on vowels classification, the other consonants, perception experiments are discussed.

【关键词】 CVVCVCV音节划分音节歧义现象时长音节首音节尾音节边界
【Key words】 CVVCVCVsyllabificationambisyllabicitydurationonset coda syllableboundary
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】H311
  • 【下载频次】173