

【作者】 傅强

【导师】 郑津洋;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 化工过程机械, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 与其它储氢技术相比,高压储氢容器结构相对简单、成熟;压缩氢气成本较低;氢气灌装速度快,能耗低。该技术成为国内外综合利用氢能的主要发展方向。国外采用复合纤维缠绕结构,提高容器工作压力、降低容器质量,以提高单位质量储氢密度。我国复合纤维缠绕结构轻质高压储氢压力容器的研究还处于起步阶段。 本文以国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)“轻质高压储氢系统的研究”项目为依托,开展了纤维缠绕结构高压(单位质量储氢密度:3wt%,工作压力:40MPa)储氢容器的研究。主要工作为: (1)确定多层纤维缠绕结构高压储氢容器的结构设计方案。采用无缝金属内衬,碳纤维缠绕增强结构,并设置外保护层。首次提出新型外层保护结构。该结构在保持原有结构优点的前提下,结构更加简单、易于加工、装配,在各种跌落情况下,能更好地保护容器的端部和侧面。 (2)纤维缠绕层的力学分析。根据网格理论、层板理论,充分考虑纤维缠绕的实际加工工艺,提出纤维增强层设计方法。简体按照网格理论进行多角度纵向缠绕+环向缠绕初步设计;按照层板理论,采用二次失效以及Tsai-Hill强度理论,进行强度校核。封头采用测地线和非测地线两种缠绕方式,计算确定其缠绕角度,并进行强度校核。 (3)整体优化设计。综合考虑筒体与封头强度、质量、尺寸、缠绕工艺等因素的要求。以容器的质量最小作为优化的目标函数,以容积、应力、阻隔性和加工工艺等为约束条件,以容器内衬内直径D0为设计参数,建立优化设计模型。并结合Matlab软件,开发了优化设计程序。 (4)根据理论设计方案进行样品加工。对全部(10只)样品进行水压试验和质量称量;对两只容器进行爆炸试验。初步试验结果表明容器各项指标均达到既定要求,说明设计方案正确、可靠。

【Abstract】 The technique using compressed hydrogen gas is widely used due to its simplicity of the storage system and low cost for storage and transport of hydrogen gas compared with the other techniques. This paper introduces the state-of-the-art of lightweight high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks. To improve hydrogen storage mass efficiency and reduce transportation cost, The fiber-reinforced composite hydrogen storage tank is developed which could resist the high storage pressure and lighten the weight. In the high-pressure hydrogen storage technology, China is behind the developed countries.Based on the 863 programs(the Hi-tech research and development program of China) "lightweight high-pressure hydrogen storage system", the filament-wound lightweight high-pressure hydrogen storage tank(hydrogen storage mass efficiency : 3wt%, working pressure: 40MPa), is developed in this paper. The main research results are as follows:(1) The structure of the filament-wound tank is designed. It mainly consists of internal liner, transition layer that is overwrapped with carbon fiber-reinforced layer, impact-resistant layer, and fiberglass-reinforced external protective layer. The new structure of the impact-resistant layer was first developed in the paper. The structure of this tank can resist the small or large angle impact and protect the boss, the dome and the side of the tank. Moreover, the impact-resistant layer is easier to be fixed on the dome of the carbon-fiber shell.(2) The theories of mechanics of material such as the netting theory, the laminated plate theory are used to evaluate tank design. Based on the netting theory, the cylinder with filaments in both hoop and longitudinal orientation is presented and checked by the Quadratic failure criterion and Tsai-Hill criterion. At the same time, the head is wound by the geodesic method and un-geodesic method.(3) The method of parametric unitary optimization of tank is performed in this paper. Based on the constraint conditions, the object function, the minimum mass of the tank is solved to get the best design proposal.(4) Ten prototypes are manufactured based on the design proposal. To insure the safety and the reliability of the prototypes, the tanks are tested. The programs include the hydrostatical test for all tanks and bursting test for two random tanks. The tests satisfy the requirement. It shows that the design proposal is right and reliable.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TQ05
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】601