

Theoretical Research for Business Procedure Optimizes of Clothing Foreign Trade Agency

【作者】 孙朝霞

【导师】 张渭源; 王革辉;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 服装设计与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国加入WTO,2005年配额取消最后期限的临近,跨国服装外贸代理机构凭借其信息优势,纷纷在我国沿海贸易中心城市上海、广州等地设立办事处,同国内外贸代理机构抢夺国内出口市场,国内服装外贸代理机构面临巨大的挑战。 国内服装外贸代理机构多数脱胎于国有外贸公司,本身存在许多计划经济体制下形成的内部经营问题。在目前形势下,又面临来自外部经济环境的威胁,必须调整经营战略,优化自身组织和业务流程,应用信息化工具,提高业务竞争力和外贸代理服务质量,从而在激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟。 论文抛开宏观的定位、制度、战略等问题,从微观的组织和业务流程管理角度探讨提高服装外贸代理服务的质量,优化业务流程管理,试图通过理论分析和业务流程优化具体实施细则的构画,探讨服装外贸代理机构业务流程优化的方向,给国内服装外贸代理机构的发展提供参考。 论文首先分析了推行外贸代理制的利弊,我国外贸代理制的三种表现形式:直接代理,间接代理,隐名代理。又从信息经济学角度分析了三种形式的优劣,提出完善现行外贸代理制的六个对策。 外贸代理人资格的认定。 有效地实现对代理人的奖惩。 力图使委托合同标准化,制定共同的合同条件。 佣金设计应合理化。 政府不断地创造和完善外部条件以向更有效的交易形式发展。 从内部规范外贸代理机构组织结构和业务流程。 其次从完善现行外贸代理制的对策出发,从内部规范和优化外贸代理机构组织结构和业务流程的角度,选取目前上海较为常见的、脱胎于国有服装外贸公司的,以隐名代理为基础同服装供应商进行业务往来的专业服装外贸代理机构为研究对象,借鉴跨国公司的运作模式,探讨优化服装外贸代理机构业务流程的方法和具体实施过程。 》选择优化的时机和条件:市场的竞争规则变化之际。 》选择流程优化的环节:服装外贸的核心业务流程,订单运作和 质量控制。 》流程优化的具体实施:通过组织重建,实现流程优化。将服装 外贸代理机构分为互相独立,不存在隶属关系的两大体系:业 务部门和生产技术支持部门(验货)。 》应用企业资源管理计划ERP实现业务流程优化。 最后应用企业资源管理计划ERP实现业务流程优化,构建服装外贸代理机构业务流程信息系统,解决业务流程现存的问题,实现业务流程优化的目的。 1)创新传统管理流程,理顺业务流程。 2)完善商品编码体系,实现清晰的商品管理。 3)提高业务流程管理水平,实现供应商管理规范化。应用多目标决策法评价及选择供应商。 4)提升代理机构把握客户需求的能力和决策精准度。 5)实现高效明晰的财务管理,有效降低运营成本和运营风险。

【Abstract】 As our country Joining WTO, the deadline of quota cancellation-2005 is drawing near. International clothing agency rely on their message advantage, set up the office one after another in Shanghai , Guangzhou and other places of key city , coasting trade of our country .Grab the domestic export market with the domestic foreign trade agency. The domestic clothing foreign trade agency faces the enormous challenge.Most Domestic agencies of clothing foreign trade emerge from the womb of the state-run foreign trade company, there are a lot of management problem existing inside under the current situation .Facing the threat from external economy environment again ,they must adjust management strategy , optimize one’s own organization and business procedure , use information-based tool , raise business competitiveness and foreign trade act for the service quality. Only in this way, they can stand firmly in the fierce market competition.Cast aside the localization of thesis, system , strategy issues macroscopically, the thesis manages from organization and business procedure of microcosmic angle ,probe into the way to raise clothing foreign trade service quality and optimize business procedure management .Through theory analysis and concrete regulation implement of business procedure , probe into the direction of business procedure optimize for clothing foreign trade agency, provide reference for development of the domesticclothing foreign trade agency.The thesis analyses the pros and cons of conducting agent system in foreign trade at first, then forward our country 3 kinds of forms of agent system in foreign trade. Acting as agent directly, act as agent indirectly, anonymous agent. Analyse the advantage and disadvantage of three kinds of forms in terms of information economics, propose six countermeasures for perfecting the current agent system in foreign trade. The asserting of foreign trade agent’s qualification. Realize the rewards and punishments to the agent effectively. Try hard to standardize the contract and make common contract terms. It should be rationalized that the commission is designed. The government is creating and perfecting external terms by developing in more effective trade form constantly. Standardize agency’s institutional framework of the foreign trade and business procedure from the inside .Secondly from perfecting current agent system in foreign trade, standardize and optimize foreign trade agency institutional framework inside, choose Shanghai comparatively common clothing foreign trade Company as the research object. They are emerged from the womb of state-run clothing foreign trade Company, based on anonymous agent, draw lessons from operation mode of trans-corporation, probe into the method of optimizing clothing foreign trade agency business and concrete implement . Choose the opportunity and condition optimized: When the rule of competition of the market changes. Link of choosing the procedure to optimize: The key business procedure of the foreign trade of the clothing, operation of the order and quality control. Concrete implementation that the procedure optimizes: Rebuild through the organization, realize that the procedure is optimized. Clothing foreign trade agency divides into independent two major systems : Business segments and technical support department of production (inspect goods) Use enterprise resource governing plan ERP to realize that the business procedure is optimized.Use Enterprise Resource Plan-ERP to optimize business procedure, structure agency’ s business procedure information system of foreign trade, solve the procedure extant problem of the business, realize the purpose that the business procedure optimizes.1) Manage the procedure , make the business procedure in order in innovative tradition.2 ) Perfect the code system of the goods, realize clear merchandise control.3) Improve the proce

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F426.86
  • 【下载频次】526