

Study on Dyeing Wastewater Treatment by New-type Bioreactor

【作者】 王春玲

【导师】 奚旦立;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题的研究目的就是通过自行设计的水解酸化预处理—复合式膜生物反应器工艺对印染废水的处理进行研究,从保证污染物去除效果和减缓膜污染的角度出发,并考虑到经济上的因素,找出最经济有效的运行参数和操作条件,为该工艺应用于实际印染废水的处理及回用提供理论依据,从而实现废水资源化。 试验考察了不同好氧段和水解酸化段HRT条件下的污染物去除效果及稳定性,表明该工艺具有很强的耐冲击负荷能力,不仅能保证出水水质,而且还可以降低反应器的体积。尽管生物处理单元的污染物去除率随着HRT的减少而降低,但是由于膜的截留作用,系统出水水质良好而且稳定,系统对COD的去除率都在90%以上。膜对氨氮及色度基本上不存在截留作用,因此,缺氧段HRT的减少或者不启动对氨氮的去除仍然有一定的影响,并且较短的水力停留时间对色度的去除也是不利的。另外,还考察了生物处理单元对COD和氨氮的去除率受曝气强度的影响情况,去除率随着曝气强度的增加而上升。 本试验对不同条件下附着相微生物的增殖特性及活性的变化及其影响因素进行了分析,同时研究了混合液的特性变化。容积负荷增加时,附着相污泥增加,且附着相生物量在总生物量所占的比例也随之增加。负荷较低时,微生物由于营养不足而出现生物固体的自我消解,从而生物量出现降低的趋势。微生物的比耗氧率活性与底物浓度及负荷率有关。过高或过低的污泥负荷都会导致附着相生物的比耗氧率活性降低。另外,MBR上清液的COD、浊度、粘度及蛋白质、多糖含量都呈现出了先增大后降低的趋势。 通过对运行过程中膜过滤压力的变化分析,说明膜过滤压力和膜总阻力与膜通量有关,同时也与混合液中溶解性有机物的积累有关。对膜污染阻力进行的粗略分析表明,膜的固有阻力Rm与膜污染阻力Ref的值相当,凝胶极化阻力Rp约占总阻力的一半左右,引起膜阻力增加的主要因素为凝胶极化阻力。另外,还分别考察了抽吸时间、停抽时间、曝气量和水解酸化段HRT对膜过滤压力上升速率的影响,确定了最佳的运行参数和操作条件。东华大学硕士学位论文 结合膜污染电镜照片分析了膜污染情况,并对其清洗方式进行了研究。表明膜污染主要集中在膜外表面,膜内部污染不明显。经过碱液浸泡以后,膜表面滤饼层基本去除,膜表面结构基本恢复。 最后对该工艺处理印染废水进行了经济分析,表明工程总投资和运行总处理成本较常规生物一物化法要高,但是该工艺能减少大量的污泥处理和处置费用,并且能节省大量水费。膜的费用和更换是限制其推广的主要原因。随着膜价格的下降和膜材料的改进,加田R工艺应用于中小规模将会具有很大的竞争力。 总之,该新型工艺具有如下特点:膜材料价格便宜;采用复合式膜生物反应器处理印染废水,目前相关的研究很少;工艺不需要人工回流,具有很好的硝化一反硝化条件;几乎不产生剩余污泥,不仅有效减缓膜污染,而且免去了大量污泥处置的费用。

【Abstract】 The task of this research subject is to find out the most economical and effective operating parameters, guaranteeing a good pollutant removal, slowing down the membrane fouling velocity, and considering the economic factor through the treatment experiment for dyeing wastewater by the technic of hydrolization and acidification pretreatment-compound membrane bioreactor. If this technic can be applied into the practice of dyeing wastewater treatment and reuse, the research results will offer the theoretical foundation, thus the wastewater can be turned into resource.The contamination removal effect and the system stability under different condition of HRT of aeration part and anoxic part were studied in this paper. It indicated that this technic has strong ability of shock loading resistance and could not only guarantee the good effluent quality but also reduce the volume of the reactor. Though the contamination removal rate of the biological treatment unit decreased as HRT reducing, but because of the function of holding back of the membrane, the system produced effluent with good and stable quality, and the removal rate of the system to COD were all above 90%. The membrane could not hold back NHs-N and chroma. So HRT reducing of anoxic part would have effect on NHs-N removal to a certain extent. And the short HRT would have adverse impact to chroma removal. In addition, the effect of aeration intensity on COD and NHj-N removal were investigated. It showed that the removal rate would increase as the aeration intensity rose.The proliferation characteristics and activity variability of attached growth microorganisms were analyzed in the experiment, and the mixed liquor characteristic in MBR was also investigated. The attached growth sludge concentration and its proportion to the total sludge amount increased with organic loading. When the organic loading was at a low level, the microorganisms’ endogenous respiration would happen for lack of nutrition, so the amount of the microorganisms would reduce. The SOUR activity of microorganism was related to organic concentration and loading factor. According to the results, exorbitant or least sludge loading would lead SOUR to decrease. In addition, the concentration of supernatant COD, turbidity, viscidity, protein and polysaccharide initially increased with time then declined.The variety of the transmembrane pressure during the long-term running test was analyzed. The results showed that the transmembrane pressure and resistance were related to flux and accumulated degree of soluble organic in the MBR. A brief analysis of membrane fouling resistance indicated that the membrane inherent resistance was equivalent to the fouling resistance, and the polarization layer resistance accounted forabout half of total resistance, so the main factor causing total resistance to increase was the polarization layer resistance. Then effects of pump period, aeration intensity, HRT of anoxic part on the increasing rate of the transmembrane pressure were investigated and the optimal operational parameters were defined.The membrane fouling was visualized by scanning electron microscope and the membrane cleaning ways were investigated. It was found that the membrane fouling was concentrated on the surface mainly, and the internal fouling was not obviotis. After soaking by the lye, the cake layer on the membrane surface was removed basically.The economic analysis of dyeing wastewater treatment by this technic indicated that the project gross investment and running cost were higher than those of the normal biological, physical and chemical treatment method, but this technic could not only reduce the expense of sludge treatment and disposition, but also save a large amount of water cost. Membrane expense and changing cost were the most reasons that the membrane technology can not be used widely. With the decline of the membrane price and the improvement of the membrane material, the small-scale MBR technic would have very great competitiveness.In a word, this new-type techn

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】X791
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】363