

Study on the Construction and Properties of Soybean Knitted Fabric

【作者】 蒋艳芳

【导师】 冯勋伟;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大豆蛋白纤维是我国首度研制开发并进行工业化生产的新型纤维,纤维从开发到生产时间较短,对纤维及其织物的性能研究处于起步阶段,本文对大豆纤维织物的结构与性能进行了研究,测试结果可对大豆纤维针织物的生产提供一些借鉴,从而进一步完善大豆纤维织物的生产加工工艺,促进大豆纤维织物大规模生产的工业化进程。 本文主要对大豆蛋白纤维织物的尺寸稳定性、拉伸性能、弹力织物的弹性等方面进行了测试研究。全文共分为五章。 第一章综合论述了大豆蛋白纤维研究的国内外状况,以及简要介绍了大豆蛋白纤维织物在尺寸稳定性、拉伸性能、弹性等方面的一些相关理论。 第二章简要介绍了大豆蛋白纤维的性能,及对大豆蛋白纤维纱线的性能进行了测试。选用同规格的棉纱线作为对比进行纱线的测试。通过测试分析对比,对大豆蛋白纤维纱线的特性有了进一步的认识,为今后开发研究提供了基础。 第三章对织物的尺寸稳定性进行了研究,也是通过与棉织物的对比进行的。分为三部分进行了讨论:干松弛、湿松弛、定型工艺的影响。着重对湿松弛进行了研究。在研究中发现棉、大豆纤维织物经干松弛处理后,织物尺寸发生了收缩,湿松弛处理过程中发现织物尺寸继续收缩。但当五次洗涤后,两种织物的尺寸都不再发生改变,此时织物接近于最小能量状态,达到了全松弛状态。并且对大豆纤维织物干松弛状态与湿松弛状态进行了实物对比,发现织物的线圈形态发生了明显变化。通过对织物干松弛和湿松弛状态下线圈模型的分析发现,织物从干松弛状态到湿松弛状态变化时织物尺寸的收缩率与干松弛和湿松弛的圈高与圈距,及纱线的直径有关,与其它因素无关。全松弛状态下织物的紧度K及线圈长度平方的倒数与织物总密度之间具有一定的线性关系。通过对定型后织物的湿松弛进行研究,发现通过定型工艺提高织物的尺寸稳定性是行之有效的方法。 第四章对大豆蛋白纤维织物拉伸性能进行了研究,发现在拉伸过摘要程中圈高与圈距存在一定的线性关系。通过线性回归方法对此进行了求证,发现无论是纯大豆蛋白纤维织物还是带有氨纶的大豆纤维弹力织物都满足一元线性回归方程,都是按直线规律变化的,并且经检验回归方程都显著。还发现织物平衡点不同,拉伸直线的斜率不同。由于圈高与圈距是按直线规律进行变化的,所以可以求得拉伸状态下的针织物离平衡状态时的偏差值,这样就可以预测织物收缩的大小,在生产过程中就可以据此控制织物的收缩,可以提高织物的尺寸稳定性。 第五章对大豆蛋白纤维弹力织物的编织方式及编织工艺进行了简单介绍,并着重对织物的弹性进行了研究。研究中发现大豆纤维弹力织物较同规格的棉弹织物的弹性要好;在双向弹力织物中,纬向的弹力要好于经向的;在同种织物结构中氨纶含量越高弹性越好:在其它因素相同的情况下,非弹性纱的纤度越小,弹性越好。

【Abstract】 Soybean fiber is a new type of fiber developed and first put into mass production by Chinese specialists. Study on properties of soybean fiber and fabric is at the beginning, because it is short time from development to production. Therefore, the experimental and theoretic study on the construction and properties of soybean fiber and fabric is conducted in order to derive some information for soybean fabric production, which is important and valuable to perfect producing technology and promote industry progress of large-scale manufacture of soybean fabric.In this thesis, the dimensional property, stretching property, elastic property etc. are emphasized or taken as the focus points of research. The thesis is divided into five parts.The first chapter summarizes the research condition at home and abroad, and introduces some theory correlation to the dimension property, stretching property, elasticity of spandex fabric etc.In the second chapter, properties of soybean fiber are briefly introduced, and properties of soybean fiber yarn are tested. The same count cotton yarn is chosen as a contrast to test the yarn property. Through testing, some properties of soybean fiber yarn are found better than the ones of cotton yarn.Study on the dimensional stability of soybean fabric in the third chapter also chooses cotton fabric as a contrast. It is divided into three parts: dry relaxation, wet relaxation, or an aspect of heat-setting technology. Among these parts wet relaxation is emphasized. During research fabric dimension is found to be reduced after dry relaxation, and to continue to be reduced after wet relaxation. Fabric dimension kept stability after fabric was washed five times. At this moment the completed relaxation isreached, being close to minimum energy condition. Through examination of photos of soybean fabric on the dry relaxation condition compared with one at wet relaxation condition, shape of loop was found to have an apparent change. By analyzing loop model on the dry relaxation and wet relaxation condition, the reduced percentage of fabric dimension was found to have some relation to height of wale and course space of the dry and wet relaxation conditions or the dimension of yarn, but having nothing with other factors. One linear relation exists between fabric tightness factor K or loop length factor l/l2 and the total density on the completed relaxation condition. Through study on wet relaxation after heat setting, which is found to be a necessary method to improve fabric dimensional stability.In the fourth chapter not only for soybean fabric but also cotton fabric one linear relation was found to exist between height of wale and course space during study on fabric stretching property. And it was verified by means of the linear regression method. But the slope is changed with the numerical value on the balance condition. When the deviation which exits from the stretching condition to the balance condition is obtained, then the fabric shrink trend can be predicted.The fifth chapter briefly introduces the knit technology of elastic soybean knitted fabric, and study on elasticity is emphasized. During research elasticity of elastic soybean knitted fabric is found to be better than one of elastic cotton fabric; The elasticity in course direction is better than one in wale direction for double directional elastic fabric; the more percentage elastic yarn occupies, the better elasticity is about the same construction fabric; the larger dimension of non elastic yarn is, the worse elasticity is on the same condition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS186
  • 【下载频次】276