

The Graphics of Consumers’ Internal Value and Its Appliance in Décor Industry

【作者】 冯云

【导师】 顾庆良; 李廷;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 国际贸易, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 经济全球化的发展使跨国经营成为普遍现象。成功的跨国公司在中国实施品牌策略,都建立在充分理解中国本土文化特征、消费心理和情感需要的基础上。本文是对消费者价值分布和基于消费者价值的品牌定位的研究,旨在通过借鉴著名国际市场研究公司罗兰·贝格战略咨询公司所开发出的“消费者价值分布图解法”,并基于对中国上海204份随机抽取的样本所进行的问卷调查,深入分析中国家居市场消费者的价值元素分布、消费者需求的变化趋势、细分市场的消费者特征,并探讨国际著名家居品牌------宜家家居------在中国的品牌定位以及其品牌定位与其目标消费者价值分布的联系。通过理论模型(消费者价值分布图解法)、市场调研、案头研究、案例分析等方法,作者发现: 上海消费者对家居软装潢比较重视 他们在选购家居产品是最注重的前三个主要因素分别是“质量”、“设计品味和风格”和“价格”。大型家居类商场或购物中心如“宜家”是他们选购家居类产品的主要场所,“产品丰富”、“产品质量好”和“价格合理”是此类购物场所吸引了大多消费者的最主要原因。 不同细分市场下消费者拥有特点显著的价值需求 低收入家庭比较倾向于理性消费,而高收入的家庭对个性化区域的价值元素需求强度特别高,同时,对理性价值元素如“全面成本”等价值元素的需求又呈现较高的正向需求。年轻的消费者较为偏好“简约”和“刺激/乐趣”,随着年龄的增大,高年龄组的消费者对传统价值区域的价值元素正向需求明显增强,并对“美誉”和“新潮”等个性价值元素负向需求增大。同时,比较家居市场的现有主要消费群和未来潜在消费群可以发现,现有主要的消费群比较偏好“明智购物”、“定制化”,而未来的潜在家居消费群则比较偏好感性的价值元素如“新潮”、“美誉”,对“服务”和“全面成本”等表现出一定的负向需求。 消费者类型与年龄和性别的关系最为明显 通过聚类,可以把家居消费者分为“高档享受型”、“传统消费型”和“新潮时尚型”三类。联立分析可以看出,消费者属于哪类与性别和年龄有较大的联系,高档消费型以中等年龄组、女性居多,传统消费型年龄偏大并以男性居多,新潮型年龄普遍偏低、女性较多。但消费者类型与其家庭收入并无很大关联。 宜家家居的品牌定位战略中融入了对中国家居消费者价值需求的准确把握 宜家家居在中国的目标消费者定位于年轻、有格调并收入不高的消费群。这样的产品定位体现出宜家家居对消费者价值需求的准确把握·因为这样的定位,使宜家家居设计时尚、购物乐趣强等优势很好的吻合了该消费群的价值需求中最突出的正向需求的特点,同时又使其在服务、价格方面的劣势于消费者此方面的负向需求中的到了淡化和弥补。这是其在中国获得较大成功的重要因素。同时,从宣家家居的未来发展策略中可以看出,为了进一步扩大消费群、推广品牌内涵,宜家家居也正是从其与现有消费者之外的其他家居消费者的价值需求出发,从价格、服务等方面来进一步树立更强的优势和品牌定位。 总之,通过分析和应用,证实“消费者价值分布图解法”在家居市场可以很好的用于分析消费者价值分布、细分市场的消费者价值需求差异,并依此建立对消费者需求的准确分析和趋势的把握,分析某个品牌定位是否消费者的内在价值需求,以构建富有生命力的品牌品位。

【Abstract】 Along with the development of globalizing of economy, more and more multinational companies enter into the market of China. Most of the success ones build their brands based on deep understanding of Chinese culture, Chinese customer internal value, and customer demand.To analyze the distribution of Chinese decor industry customers’ internal value index and to find the method of brand positioning based on customer internal value, the author apply the "Graphics of Consumers’ Internal Value"-an new method on analyzing the customer internal value-to Chinese decor industry. Based on an customer survey and much desk research and the case analysis, the author deeply explain the consuming habit of decor industry customers, analyze the distribution of decor industry customer internal value index and the characteristic of customer internal value in subdivided decor industry market, and analyze the strong points and weak points in brand positioning of famous decor brand "IKEA". The author find:Shanghai customers pay considerable attention to home decorTo shanghai customers, the most important index of decor products is quality, design style and price. The shopping place with various products high quality products and reasonable price will highly attract the Shanghai customers.The characteristics of customer internal value in subdivided markets of decor industry are obviously differentThe customer groups with different levels of home income, show obviously different characteristics of internal value. The same situation also happens in different customer groups with different age etc..The decor industry customers can be divided into three groups based on their internal valueBased on their internal value, decor industry customers can be divided into three groups: Enjoyment oriented group, traditional oriented group, fashion oriented group.The brand positioning of IKEA is combined with deep understanding of Chinese decor industry customers’ internal valueThe target Chinese customer group of IKEA now is focused on the young, having style and not rich customers. The strong points of IKEA such as design style can greatly cater for the proneeds of these target customer group’s internal value, and the weak points of IKEA is just the anti-needs of these target customers’ internal value. And the future strategy of IKEA to expand their range of customers is also based on the decor industry customer internal value.As an conclusion, the application of "Graphics of Consumers’ Internal Value" to Chinese decor industry can successfully explain the decor industry customers’ internal value, and this method can be successfully apply to make successful brand positioning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F713.5
  • 【下载频次】857