

Developing a Software of Fabric’s Appearance Simulation on Basis of Real Yarn

【作者】 贺显伟

【导师】 汪军;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 纺织产品是否适销对路,纺织品的设计是否符合消费心理是一重要的原因。现在纺织品的更新换代越来越快,要求产品的开发周期也越来越短,因此提高设计效率,建立起适应市场需求的快速反应机制是非常重要的。 传统的打样速度慢、效率低,而织物CAD系统的研发应用在一定程度上缓解了这一矛盾。但是,现在的一般织物CAD系统模拟的织物与真实织物仍有很大差距。本文研究了基于实际纱线的织物外观仿真系统,采用由CCD光学系统采集的纱线外观信息,建立织物计算机外观模拟的基本模型以及组织结构实现的模型,进而研究织物的几何结构模型对仿真的影响,并建立光照模型对织物模拟图像进行灰度处理,还对织物中的纱线进行捻度处理,以初步建立织物仿真系统。 本课题主要的研究内容有: (1)通过对织物经组织点、纬组织点中经、纬纱线的结构位置分析,建立关于经纬组织点的图像生成模型。 (2)研究机织平纹、斜纹(二上一下、二上二下)、缎纹(五枚三飞)等的织物组织结构,建立在计算机上模拟相应组织结构图像的数学模型。 (3)研究织物几何结构对外观仿真的影响,确定本系统选用的模型。 (4)建立合适的光照模型,对织物外观图像进行灰度处理,使图像具有较好的立体感。 (5)建立关于织物外观图像中纱线捻度处理的模型,使图像中纱线具有真实感,从而使织物外观仿真具有更好的真实感。 (6)采用VC++软件,设计开发具有特色、使用方便的软件。 经过不懈的努力,论文研究工作得到如下结论: (1)通过对织物中经纬组织点的结构分析,建立的关于经、纬组织点的图像生成模型是有效的,它解决了织物模拟的最基本问题,为织物外观仿真奠定了基础。 (2)织物组织设计中关于平纹、斜纹(二上一下、二上二下)、缎纹(五摘要枚三飞)等的数学模型能在织物外观仿真图像中正确反映相关织物组织。(3)采用的简化的圆形凡何结构模型对经纬纱密度不是很高(<70根/厘米)的织物,起图像模拟有很好的效果。(4)建立的织物灰度处理光照模型,模拟在现实环境中的视觉条件,图像经过处理后有较好立体感。(5)建立的织物中纱线捻度处理模型,能较好的表现织物中纱线的捻度效果,从而使图像具有更好的真实感。(6)整个软件经过调试试用,具有较好的实用性。 总的来说,本课题研制的基于实际纱线的织物外观仿真软件对一般的常用织物仿真具有很好的效果。 限于时间关系,关于织物几何结构模型还未能深入研究,因此,本软件对密度很高的织一物的仿真仍有困难,有待今后作进一步研究。

【Abstract】 The best selling of textiles depends to a large extent on the design of textiles thatis able to satisfy the customers’ psychology in terms of both esthetics and quality. Nowdays, the period for the substitution of new products for old ones is getting increasingly shorter, which in turn demands that the period for the research and development of new products should also be shortened. Hence it is of vital importance for textiles dealers to establish a quick-response system capable of meeting the requirements from market as well as improving their design efficiency.Conventional design is characteristic of low efficiency. The application of CAD system release the conflict to a certain degree. But there is a great difference between the fabric simulated from the present CAD system and the true fabric. In this paper, we study how to develop a computer aided design system for fabric appearance simulation on the basis of data obtained from CCD optical system. This CAD system is based on establishing fabric appearance simulation model in the computer and fabric structure model, studying the fabric structure’s impact on fabric appearance simulation, establishing a light model used for the gray treatment and treating with yarn’s twist.The main content of the paper includes:(1) Establishing a model of warp and weft unit imagination on the basis of the analysis of the position of warp and weft in the fabric;(2) Making a study of the math model which makes the fabric structure design of plain, twill(1/2, 2/2), stain(5/3) come true in the computer;(3) Studying the influence of fabric geometry structure on fabric simulation and choosing a better model for the CAD system;(4) Establishing a suitable light model used for the gray treatment with fabric which makes the fabric exhibit a third dimension;(5) Establishing a twist treatment model capable of making the yarns in the image have a sense of true, so as to get a better fabric appearance simulation;(6) Developing the concerning VC++6.0.This paper draws some conclusions as follows through hard work:(1) The model of warp and weft unit imagination ,which is established through analysis of the position of warp and weft in the fabric, prove to be effective. It solves the most basic problem and provides a basis for fabric appearance simulation.(2) Math model for the fabric structure design of plain, twill(1/2, 2/2), stain(5/3) can reflect correctly related fabric structure in the computer(3) Better effects can be obtained by applying the predigest circular Cross-section geometry of fabrics to those whose warp and weft density is not very high(<70 piece/cm)(4)The simulated image has a realistic third dimension after the gray treatment using light model that can simulate the real vision condition.(5)The twist treatment model can show the twist effect in the yarns of the fabric and thereby providing a better fabric appearance image(6)The application of the software indicates its good practicability after being debuggedIn one word , this system for fabric appearance simulation has a good outcome for common fabrics.A more through study of the geometry structure, however, has not yet been conducted due to the limited time, thus making it difficult for the system to simulate fabrics with higher density and accordingly producing a necessity of further research on this issue in the future.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS101
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】259