

Investigation of the Cotton Fabric Pretreatment Processes Using Enzyme

【作者】 冯碧波

【导师】 蔡再生; 许海育;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 纺织化学与染整工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文概述了棉织物生物酶前处理加工的意义,以及酶制剂和各种工艺的现状和发展,酶的作用原理和影响酶活性的各种因素,棉纤维及其共生物的结构和化学组成。在此基础上,详细探讨了6种棉织物生物酶前处理工艺。通过测试处理后织物的退浆率、白度、毛效、拉伸强力,综合评价各种工艺的优缺点,再对影响工艺的因素进行修正,最后筛选出适合实际生产的生物酶前处理工艺。 利用生物酶对棉织物进行水浴退、煮、漂是本文研究的重点之一。研究表明:百胜净棉酶可以和双氧水同浴处理,该煮漂液同浴处理织物时,酶活性没有损失,处理后织物的强力较好。 其工艺流程:第一步 配制退浆工作液→入布→振荡保温(60℃,45min)→95℃热水洗→60℃温水洗→冷水洗→烘至恒重,第二步配制煮漂工作液→入布→振荡保温(95℃,60min)→95℃热水洗→60℃温水洗→冷水洗→烘至恒重。其工艺配方:淀粉酶B浓度为0.8g/L,百胜净棉酶浓度为1.5g/L,双氧水用量为8ml/L。 利用生物酶对棉织物进行退、煮、漂汽蒸连续前处理是染整工作者一直关注的,也是本文研究的重点之一。研究表明:选用L40耐高温淀粉酶、百胜净棉酶和双氧水进行退、煮、漂汽蒸处理棉织物,可以实现生物酶前处理短流程工艺。 其工艺流程:配制工作液→室温浸轧(两浸两轧,轧余率100%左右)→100℃汽蒸,40min→水洗→烘干。其工艺配方:L40酶浓度为2g/L,百胜净棉酶为2g/L,双氧水用量为8ml/L。 采用不饱和蒸汽对棉织物进行生物酶前处理是一种新的尝试。该工艺可以实现退浆和煮练过程的中温连续处理,为中温生物酶连续前处理工艺的开发打下了良好的基础。 另外,还对传统前处理工艺和生物酶前处理工艺处理后织物的染色性能进行了比较。采用C.I.直接蓝1,C.1.直接红80,C.I.直接黄26,分别染浅、中、深三种深度,测试染色后织物的上染率和K/S值,结果发现生物酶前处理工艺和传统前处理工艺处理后织物的染色性能有所差异,这种差异和染料种类以及浓度有关。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, cotton fabric pretreatment technologies by using a series of enzymes were reviewed. The present situation and development of enzymes and their using technologies were also studied. The principles of the enzyme, the factors of the enzyme activation were discussed. The structure and chemistry composition of the cotton were involved. The suitable cotton fabric pretreatment technologies were obtained by means of measuring some fabric properties such as capillarity, whiteness, and strength.The cotton pretreatment technology of enzymes in bath is one of the key points in the paper. Baisheng enzyme and hydrogen peroxide could be conducted in one bath. Pretreated in this way, the fabric strength is better without the loss of enzyme activation.The technological process: first, preparing the de-sizing solution →putting a cloth sample →shake at constant temperature of 60℃ for 45min →washing →drying; second, preparing the scouring and bleaching solution →putting a cloth sample→ shaking at constant temperature of 95℃ for 60min →washing →drying. The technological recipe: amylase A 0.8g/L and pectinase A 1.5g/L hydrogen peroxide 8g/mL.The cotton pretreatment technology of enzymes by steaming in one step is the aim of dying and finishing exporters. De-sizing, boiling and bleaching of cotton by using L40, Baisheng enzyme, hydrogen peroxide could be conducted in one step by steaming, which is the key point in this paper.The technological process: preparing the bath →two dipping androlling of pick-up 100%→ 100℃ steaming, 40 min,→washing →drying. The technological recipe: amylase A 0.8g/L and pectinase A Ig/L hydrogen peroxide 8g/mLThe cotton pretreatment technology of enzymes by unsaturated steaming is a new try. Cotton fabric pretreatment can be done in succession process using mid-temperature enzyme. The result has laid a good foundation of the development of the continuous process.The dying properties of fabrics pretreated by the traditional and the above discussed technologies were compared with the help of C. I. direct blue 1,C. I. direct red 80,C. I. Direct yellow 26 in shallow, medium, dark concentrations. The dye-uptake and K/S values are tested.

【关键词】 棉织物前处理淀粉酶果胶酶
【Key words】 cotton fabricpre-treatmentenzymeamylasepectinase
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TS195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】504