

Research of the Complex Industry Process Control System Based on Multi-Agent Theory and Realization on PROFIBUS

【作者】 陈玲

【导师】 丁纪凯;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的飞速发展,工业过程控制领域正孕育着深刻的变革。控制要求的不断提高,控制程度的愈加复杂使长久以来在生产中运用的单一的经典控制理论和技术已经不能满足系统的需求,现代化工业过程控制系统迫切地需要高级理论的支撑。与理论发展相对滞后形成对比的是,自动化技术工具的蓬勃发展,在经历气动仪表控制、集中式数字控制系统到集散式控制系统后形成了新一代的网络集成式全分布的现场总线控制系统。本文研究的就是如何将工业控制领域中任务的需要、理论的开拓与技术工具和手段的进展结合起来,三者共同促进工业过程控制系统的发展。 Multi-Agent理论是分布式人工智能领域的重要分支之一。因为具有较强的自主性、分布性、协调性、拓展性及逼真的表现复杂系统、解决可分解的复杂问题的能力,该理论一直是近年来的研究热点。本文从复杂工业过程控制生产发展的需要出发,将Multi-Agent理论引入传统的工业过程控制领域,提出了建立基于Multi-Agent理论的复杂工业过程控制系统的命题,并根据现场总线系统的特点对系统在现场总线上实现进行了探讨。 首先通过对现代化工业过程控制系统特点的分析,对Multi-Agent理论和现场总线的简单介绍,指出进行本课题的必要性和可行性。进一步介绍广义Multi-Agent理论的基础上探讨工业过程控制领域通用的基于Multi-Agent的复杂工业控制系统的架构,定义了符合工业过程控制系统特点的个体Agent模型和个体Agent的行为规则。构建了两种不同的Agent群体社会体系结构:分散式体系结构和混合式体系结构。根据不同的群体体系结构提出了不同的协作机制:联合行动求解机制和协调仲裁管理机制。接着从技术特点到结构特点对现场总线系统和基于Multi-Agent的工业过程控制系统进行了细致的比较分析,指出两者从思想方法到解决问题的模式有惊人的相似性,进一步论证了前者是后者的天然实现平台。制定了实现平台的选型原则并选取基于Multi一Agent的复杂工业过程控制系统及其在pR〔)FIBuS上实现的研究PROFIBUS总线作为本文研究的系统的实现平台。选择具有代表性的温度一液位多变量控制对象具体构建了基于Multi一Agellt的多变量控制系统。提出了新型的系统控制需求,根据需求对Ag饥:进行了功能的划分和定义,并对系统中主要功能的Agent进行了算法的选取和仿真研究。最后给出了在pRoFBus上实现该基于MUlti一翰。t理论的多变量控制系统的软、硬件总体方案和主要Agent的实现方法。 本文的研究理论与生产需求相结合,具有较强的理论与实践意义。将相关领域的先进理论引入工业过程控制领域,为自动控制理论的发展开辟了一条新路,也为复杂工业控制理论找到了一个新的出发点。陈玲(控制理论与控制工程) 指导教授:丁纪凯

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of information technology, a deep change has taken placed in the industry process control field. The simple control theory used in this field for years can’t meet the new requirement of the system any more due to the higher control target, and a more advanced theory need to be found to support the system with higher complexity, hi contrast with the slow progress of the control theory, the automatic control tool experienced the evolution of pneumatic meter control, centralize data control system and distributed control system has made a great achievement, that is the new net integrated and distributed control system-field bus control system. The purpose of this research is to find a way in which the control requirements can be combined with the progress of the control theory and control tools in order to promote the development of industry process control system.The theory of Multi- Agent, which has been quickly developed in recent years, Hs one of the most important branches of the DAI. Because of its abilities of adaptively, Autonomy and cooperation, the theory has superiority in process of solving complex problems and simulating complex system, hi this paper, a complex industry process control system based on Multi-Agent theory has been proposed and its realization on the field bus system also has been mentioned.At beginning of the paper, the necessaries and possibilities of the research were discussed based on the analysis of the characteristic of modern industry process control system. Then the frame of the complex industry process control system based on Multi-Agent theory for a broad senesce was designed. The single Agent model and the behavior rule for it were defined. Two different Agent colony structure, the distracted and hybrid structure, then were given in the essay.A compare was made between the complex industry process control system based on Multi-Agent theory and FCS from the technical characteristic to architectural characteristic in detail and the conclusion that FCS can act as the a generic system platform to realize the complex system was drawn based on thecompare. A strategy on how to meet various field buses’ challenge was also given. A cording to the strategy,, PROFIBUS was chosen to be the realization platform in tliis research.As a representational case of the complex industry control system, a multi-variable system whose controlled objects were the temperature and level of the water was built up based on Multi-Agent theory. The system was divided into several different Agents with different control functions to accomplish the new control assignments. The arithmetic simulation research of major Agent was done after function was divided. At the last, both of the hardware and software plan how to realize the multi-variable system on PROFIBUS was given.The essay combines the theory research and practice together. Brought advanced theory from other related field into industry process control field, the paper pointed out a new way for the research of automatic control theory.ChenLing(Control Theory and Control Engineering)Supervised by Ding Jikai

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP273
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】252