

Development and Monitoring of Material Flow System of Automatic Workshop Based on CAN Field Bus

【作者】 蔡庆华

【导师】 李蓓智;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅速发展和全球经济一体化时代的到来,作为发展国民经济的主要大支柱之一的制造业正面临着严峻的挑战,和发展机遇。 制造企业的产品质量,加工效率,生产周期和制造成本等引起了广大学者和企业家的高度重视。这样,对制造工业的自动化程度提出了更高的要求,而无线通讯和工业网络技术能提高制造工业的发展,两者的结合更是使工业自动化成为可能,不仅如此,工业网络CAN总线还为联网机器提供了一个高效率、低费用的解决方案。 本文以制造车间的自动化为背景,开展车间物流输送与监控系统的关键技术研究,研发自动导引车(AGV),开发基于现场总线技术的自动化车间中央监控系统,并进行相关的工程应用验证。 本文着重概述了整个研发过程及相关内容。主要包括:CAN现场总线技术、自动导引车的设计与制作和中央控制系统的设计与实现三大部分。 文章首先介绍了CAN总线的一些基本概念;其次是基于光学控制带AGV的实现,作为一个光、机、电计算机等多项技术融合的系统,AGV的设计涉及诸多关键技术。在文中,对相关的关键技术进行了深入的探讨,并根据本系统的实际情况给出了最经济的实现方法。其机械底盘结构采用四轮式,运动方式为两轮驱动,差速转弯,控制系统主要是利用基于规则的控制方法,在允许误差的条件下实现了对AGV有效控制;然后对车间相关站点的信息采集系统进行设计,主要是以AGV进行监控的CAN智能节点为对象,详细说明了其软件、硬件的设计与实现;最后文章对中央控制系统软件的总体设计,详细设计进行阐述,中央控制系统主要由三大功能模块组成:调度管理模块,数据传输处理模块,工作站点监控模块。 对于相类似制造企业的产品开发,本文进行了一些有益的探索,针对现有系统的不足和如何改造现有一些产品的控制系统,使之符合系统的发展趋势,提出了自己的观点和建议。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of technology and the coming age of economic globalization, the manufacturing industry, which is the mainstay of the national econmic development, not only is facing a rigorous challenge but also a development opportunity.The quality of the product, efficiency of processing, manufacture period and cost of the enterprise have attracted the highly recognition of scholars and entrepreneurs. Therefore, which makes higher demands on the level of automatization. The wireless communications and the industrial networks are two powerful technologies for the rapidly growing manufacturing industry. The combination of them is the key to productivity v/ith the lowest possible enough to be widely utilized to industrial automation. In addition, the development of industrial network CAN is able to offer a robust and low cost solution to machinery networking.This paper takes the workshop automatizing as a background, engages in the research of transportation of material flow and primary key technology of monitoring system and AGV (Automatic Guided vehicle) and the technology of central automatic workshop monitoring system based on CAN Field Bus and perform correlative validation of application in engineering.Firstly, this thesis discusses some fundamental concepts of CAN bus. Secondly, it describes the implementation of AGV based on optical control belt, as a system mixed with many technologies including optics, mechanics, electricity and computer, it involves many key technologies. These technologies are discussed deeply in this paper, and according to practical condition of the system, the most economic implement methods are proposed. The structure of underpan of AGV is a style of four wheels, which is driven by two wheels and swerved by the difference velocities between them, its control system mainly adopts the control method based on rules; efficient control to AGV is implemented within the range of allowable error. Then design of information collection system related to workshop is given. Taken the intelligent CAN nodes to monitor AGV as object, the design and implementation of software and hardware were realized. Finally the whole plan of software for Central Control System is presented in details, which is made up of 3 functional-modules, including scheduling and managing module, data transporting and processing module, and work station monitoring module.As for similar developing of products, in other manufacturing enterprises, this thesis proposes some valuable exploration, the author puts forward some viewpoint and suggestion on this system and how to transform the control system of existing production and according to develop tendencies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP278
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】334