

The Study of the Treatment Method of Alkali-minimization Printing and Dyeing Wastewater

【作者】 刘艺

【导师】 陈季华;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 自80年代以来,我国印染行业逐渐开始使用碱减量工艺处理涤纶坯布,这几年,该工艺得到了普遍使用,于是就产生了一股新的废水即碱减量废水。本文以江苏省盛泽镇碱减量印染废水为对象,深入调查了碱减量印染废水的来源、水质、水量等。在比较国内外碱减量印染废水处理技术的基础上,提出了较为合理、成熟的处理工艺。先是对碱减量废水走资源化的道路——酸析法回收废水中的TA(对苯二甲酸),酸析处理后的碱减量废水(仍含有少量特征污染物TA),再和其它印染废水混合进行兼氧(两级水解酸化)—生物接触氧化法处理。 经调查表明印染行业排放的碱减量废水是一股水量少、浓度高、碱性大、污染十分严重的有机废水,该废水的水量仅占印染综合废水水量的5%~1O%,但CODcr却占50%以上。碱减量废水COD为2~10万mg/l、pH>12,其产生的CODcr80%来自涤纶水解产物对苯二甲酸TA。该废水可生化性差,难以直接生化和物化处理,与其它印染废水混合后致使废水污染严重,处理难度加大。 研究结果表明,碱减量废水加酸至pH为3~4时,90%以上的TA析出,将析出的粗TA回收,经加工处理可以作为电缆、聚酯等的原料。回收的TA(干物料)每10kg可以获利3元,这样不但变废为宝,从废水中提取了有经济价值的TA,而且废水的浓度得到大幅度的降低,酸析后的碱减量废水COD在8000mg/L以下(按TA回收率70%计算)。 酸析处理的碱减量废水与印染行业其它废水混合后,进行两级水解酸化—生物接触氧化法处理。当配制的进水CODcr 790~850mg/L、BOD5400~450mg/L、TA260~290mg/L、色度400倍左右及pH9.0~10.5,且在好氧段DO为4~6mg/L、水解酸化池总停留时间HRT=18h、好氧段HRT=9h的较优条件下运行,系统出水CODcr=40.8~76.8mg/L、BOD5=10.9~20mg/L、pH=7.0~8.0mg/L、色度=8~32倍、TA=10.3~18.7mg/L。系统的CODcr、BOD5、TA、色度的总去除率分别为93.5%、96%、96%和92.5%,最终出水均能达到《纺织染整工业水污染排放标准》(GB4287-92)新扩改一级排放标准。同时,二沉池排出的污泥全部回流至水解酸化池,使污泥消灭在系统内部,实现了污泥零排放。污泥减溶化的过程对系统最终出水没有明显的影响,同时还减少了污泥的处置成本。 实验的结果证实了,废水中的特征污染物对苯二甲酸TA是可生化的。在缺氧条件下TA很难被降解,只有少量的TA被污泥吸附;在好氧条件下,只要保证溶液中有充足的氧,TA是容易被降解的。 本文最后对含TA印染废水的生化动力学进行研究。利用微生物在对数增殖期,其增衰与浓度关系式,推导出合适的动力学关系式。通过实验,得到一系列生化反应动力学参数:单位微生物最大基质利用率KTA=1.87,KCOD=1.08;微生物利用有机物进行合成代谢的能力Y=0.1413:泥龄tS.min=13.73;内源衰减系数Kd=0.0798。进行动力学研究的目的,就是要为废水处理、设计和管理,提供必要的参数。从而,提高废水的处理效果。

【Abstract】 In our counrty,printing and dyeing industry are emplying alkali-minimization technics to deal with crude terylene from 80’.Now that technics has emplied more,so bings the new type wastewater: alkali-minimization wastewater.In this paper,the resource and the water qulity and the quantity of alkali-minimization from shengze townjiangsu province were investigated. Compared with the treatment methods of alkali-minimization printing and dyeing industrial wastewater,a treatment method was brought.The first step was the resouce called TA(terephthalic acid) could be reclaimd by acidation.Then the wastewater contained TA from acidatiqn and printing-dyeing wastewater were mixed to be further treated by anaerobic-biological contact oxidation method.The result of investigation shows alkali-minimization wastewater of printing- dyeing industry was so little,which had much higher organic concentration and basicity and contaminated badly. The water quality and COD of alkali-minimization wastewater account for 5-10% and 50% above respectively in the whole printing-dyeing wastewater,whose COD is 20000~ 100000 mg/L and pH is 12 upword.Alkali-minimization wastewater is hard treated directly by bio-degraded or phsical degraded,if which mixed with printing-dyeing wastewater will aggravate the environment and will be treated more difficultly.When adding acid to alkali-minimization by pH3~4,ninty pecent at least of TA will separate out the water.The crude TA reclaimd could be the raw material of cable and polyester and so on.Per ten kilogram crude dry TA could gain 3 yuan.So the wastewater can turn into treasure,and after acidation the COD of the wastewater descended greatly to 8000mg/L lower if the reclaim of TA is only 70%.When the alkali-minimization wastewater of acidation-pretreatment blended with printing and dyeing wastewater,the system of hydrolysis-acidification and aerobic biological contact oxidatioin with influent COD790~850mg/K BOD5400~450, TA260-290mg/K colour400(dilution ratio) and pH9~10.5,had a removal efficiency of COD, BOD5, TA, colour 93.5%, 96%, 96% and 92.5% respectively,, In the end,the effluent quality meets the requirement of discharge standard for wastewater. Simultaneously,the excess activated sludge that drained from the sediment pool returned thehydrolysis-acidification pool could be degraded and has no effect on the wastewate treatmental system,so the treatment cost of sludge could also be lower.Results showed, the characteristic pollutant TA could be bio-degraded.TA can hard be degraded by hydrolysis-acidification treatment,and easily be degraded by aerobic bio-treatment if the solution has enough oxigen.The result about the study of kinetics is that the parameters are KTA 1.87% KCOD 1.08% Y0.1413 and ts, min13.73 and KdO.0798 repectively.By studying the kinetics parameters can direct the art design and management of the wastewater treatment,and make for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】X791
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】520