

The Research on the Relationship and the Evaluation System of the Cooperation between China’s FMCG Manufacturers and the Retailers

【作者】 刘阿梅

【导师】 顾庆良; 贺卫;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO,零售业和快速消费品(FMCG)行业正面临着更为深刻的变革。FMCG制造商和零售商之间的联系比以往任何时候都更加紧密,两者间的联系与合作将比以往任何时候更为重要。一方面,FMCG制造商越来越需要与零售商进行密切的合作,了解市场需求,动态地安排生产和营销;另一方面,零售商也越来越需要与FMCG制造商进行紧密地联系,以获得更低的采购成本和更快的订单响应。 然而在实际工作中,却经常发生FMCG制造商和零售商配合失灵甚至相互冲突的现象,严重影响了双方的业务。大量的研究和调查表明,FMCG制造商和零售商关心的问题不尽相同,对同一问题的观点也常常不一致。因此,客观地研究了解FMCG制造商和零售商合作时彼此的需求,对于找出供需双方关心的关键问题及矛盾焦点是非常重要的。 在此背景下,中国连锁行业协会在2002年下半年对中国相关的FMCG制造商和零售商进行了实际调查,了解FMCG制造商和零售商目前的合作状况,笔者在参与此课题研究中掌握了本论文研究所需的一些一手资料。 论文研究过程中采取案头研究与实证研究相结合的方式获得研究所需资料与数据。通过问卷调查的方式获得原始数据,随后采取了层次分析法对数据进行分析,分析过程中还用到均数分析法、方差分析法、相关分析法以及线性回归分析法。 研究结果表明,FMCG制造商和零售商的关注焦点既有相似性,也存在一定的差异性。目前FMCG制造商和零售商均较为关注对方是否“具有高度的敬业精神和职业道德”。同时,FMCG制造商对零售商是否做到“信用良好,不拖欠货款,付款结算准确无误”以及“积极配合供应商的促销活动”相当关注,而零售商则对FMCG制造商的“订单能够及时、足额、准确地交付”相当关注。中国FMCG制造商与零售商关系与合作评价体系研究 同时,论文中还介绍了一套操作简便,实用性较强的确定评价体系的方法,方便相关企业根据本企业实际情况建立最适合本企业的评价体系,还可为其他行业确定评价体系提供借鉴。 在以上研究的基础上,论文对FMCG制造商和零售商在合作中的评价体系进行研究,确定了一套FMCG制造商与零售商合作评价体系。FMCG制造商与零售商合作评价体系主要是用来衡量双方在合作过程中对各因素的重视程度,然后通过企业在各因素上的达成情况,考察企业在合作中的表现。可以用来了解合作伙伴对本企业在合作的表现的评价,也可以用来考察对方在合作过程的表现,还可以用来自查,即自己检查在合作过程中的表现。制造商对零售商以及零售商对制造商的评价体系均包含三大指标,三大指标下又由若干小指标构成,采用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,最终得到双方的评价体系,并且通过实证数据的检验,证明该评价体系具有代表性,能够作为FMCG制造商与零售商合作时的一般评价体系。该合作评价体系具有简单易行的特点,在实际操作中具有较强的可操作性。

【Abstract】 With china’s entry to WTO, the retail trade and the consumer goods industry are undergoing deep changes. The fast moving consumer goods(FMCG) manufacturers and retailers have closer contact and their contacts and cooperation will be of greater importance than ever. On one hand, FMCG manufacturers will need closer cooperation with the retailers to know the needs of the market and arrange production and marketing dynamically. On the other hand, the retailers need closer contacts with the FMCG manufacturers to gain lower sourcing cost and faster order.In practice, however, there is always conflict between the two parties, which influence their business. Considerable research and surveys indicate that what the FMCG manufacturers and the retailers care is not always the same and they also hold different opinions on the same question. Therefore, it is of great importance to objectively research the needs of the two parties and the key points that the both parties care.In this background, The Association of Chinese Chain-Store Industry conducted an investigation among the FMCG manufacturers and retailers in the late year in 2002 to find out the present cooperation situation between them. I had participated in this project and have possessed some first-hand data for this thesis.In the course of the research, materials and data are gained through the combination of theory study and experiments. The original data are obtained by questionnaires and the statistics are analyzed by AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process).The research indicates that the concerns of the FMCGFMCGmanufacturers and the retailers have differences and similarities. Nowadays both the parties are concerned whether the other party possesses high level of honesty and occupational ethics. Meanwhile, the FMCG manufacturers pay a lot of attention to whether the retailers have high credit standing, never default payments for goods, settle accounts with accuracy and actively assort the promotion of the suppliers whereas the retailers are interested in the FMCG manufacturers’ delivery of orders punctually, adequately and accurately.Meanwhile, in the thesis an accurate evaluation system, which is easy to operate and pragmatic, is introduced to the relevant enterprises to establish their own evaluation system according their real situations and to other industries to use for reference.On the basis of the above research, the thesis has arrived at an evaluation system on the cooperation between the FMCG manufacturers and the retailers after the analysis of their cooperation practice. Here the evaluation system is used to judge the importance level attached to the different elements in the course of cooperation and to review the behavior of the other party. It can also be employed for self-inspection, i.e., to inspect the behavior of the enterprise itself during the cooperation. The manufacturer’s evaluation system on the retailer and the retailer’s on the manufacturer both contain three indexes, each of which contains several sub-indexes and whose weighted averages are arrived at through AHP. Eventually the evaluation systems for the both parties have been accomplished, have fulfilled the validation of experiments, have proved its representation and can be used as a common evaluation system for the cooperation between the FMCG manufacturers and the retailers, with the feature of easy operation and pragmatic maneuverability in practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F724.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】321