

【作者】 陈卫民

【导师】 丁振荣; 杨祥龙;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的迅速发展,多相流动体系在国民经济和人类生活的地位日益重要,而多相流动体系中又以两相流动体系最为普遍。 本文从实际工程需要出发,查阅并继承了前人研究的理论成果,运用两相流动基本分析方法,进一步对油品含水测量进行深入研究,结合当前成熟的计算机技术,成功研制出将油品含水率测量系统。实验结果表明,本文介绍的研究成果是有较大现实意义的。 本文的主要内容包括: 1、介绍了油品含水率测量手段的历史、现状,阐述了油品含水率测量意义。 2、介绍了两相流的基本概念、两相流的基本方程及解析模型基本方程。 3、深入研究了油、水两相流动因所处的流动条件不一而具有多种流动结构,即流型。由于油、水粘度差异比较大。不同的油水流动结构具有不同的流变特征,油、水两相流型也就成了影响压降的重要因素。根据管内油、水两相流流型特征,建立了新的油、水两相管流流型的转换准则。它包括:分层流型的稳定性准则、分散流型和混合流型的转换边界及反相界线。 4、研究了油、水混合物介电常数随油、水体积百分比的变化规律,以及变介电常数式电容传感器设计原理及机械设计。 5、详细介绍了油品含水率测量系统硬件、软件以及上位机设计过程。并给出实验室测试结果,误差分析。 6、介绍了本测量系统在实际应用场合高速轧机润滑系统中的应用,包括设备安装,测试。 7、总结了本测量系统的不足,为进一步研究者提供相关建议。 结果表明,油品含水率测量系统性能稳定可靠,精度能满足工程要求。具有广泛的工程应用前景。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of science and technology, multi-phase fluid systems play more and more important roles in the national economy and people’s lives and the two-phase fluid systems are most popular in those multi-phase fluid systems.To meet the requirements of engineering and after reviewing the previous results, the author deeply researches measurement of water ratio in oil-water two phases system based on the principles to analyze two phases fluid. With present mature computer technology a system to measure water ratio in oil-water two phases is successfully developed and the procedure is worth introducing here according to the data from relative experiments.Following are included in this thesis:1. A brief introduction to the history, presentation and significance of measurement of water ratio in oil-water two phases system2. A review of concepts, basic equitation and analytic models of two phases fluid.3. To have studied structures of oil-water two phases system- flow patterns according to different fluid conditions. For distinguished difference of viscosity between oil and water, their fluid structure featured different flowing characters. According to different flow patterns, a new transferring rule for oil-water two phases system flowing model in pipes is built in including the stability rule for stratified flow patterns and transferring border and anti-phase border for deconcentrating patterns and mixture patterns.4. To have researched the dielectric constant changing rule of oil-water mixture when the ratio of oil-water changing and the design principle and mechanical design of capacitor sensor with dielectric constant changing.5. To give the design procedure including hardware, software and supervision system with test results and error analysis.6. To show an application case in the lubrication part of a high-speed steel rolling system including installation and testing.7. To summary deficiencies of this measurement system and suggestion to improve it.The results show that this measurement system is steady and reliable and its precision can meet the requirement of engineering application. It has real application worth in industry.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TH83
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】359