

Research into Design Theory of Beam Bridges with High-piers and Long-spans

【作者】 李丽平

【导师】 何雄君;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国高速公路建设的蓬勃发展,桥梁建设进入了前所未有的高潮时期。在一些特殊地形,高桥墩成为不可避免。高墩大跨梁桥以其独特的优势被广泛应用,近年来得到了较快的发展。 桥墩在结构上应有足够的强度和稳定性,以保证桥梁的安全、耐久和正常使用。许多事实表明:桥梁下部结构的设计和施工质量好坏,往往是整座桥梁质量的关键所在;桥梁事故的发生,又往往是由于桥梁墩台受到损坏(失稳、变形过大)所致。对于高墩大跨梁桥,由于其日益广泛地采用高强材料和薄壁结构,因而稳定问题也就更显重要。为了适应高墩大跨梁桥的发展,必须对已有研究进一步深化完善。因而,鉴于高墩大跨梁桥在工程中应用的广泛性,那么对其进行稳定分析以及如何结合梁桥的实际情况,妥善解决设计中的各种具体问题,做出一个既满足梁桥使用功能,结构安全可靠,同时又方便施工的设计就具有重要的现实意义,并为今后在实际工作中遇到类似情况时提供一种有意义的、经验性的指导。 本文第1章首先论述了论文的课题来源和研究意义,回顾和重点探讨了国内外高墩的发展现状,并且论述了论文研究的目的及提出了论文研究的主要工作。第2章阐述了高墩大跨梁桥设计的基本理论。第3章对高墩梁桥的非线性问题进行了论述,并介绍了用有限元法分析高墩非线性的原理。第4章是本文研究的核心部分,介绍高墩大跨梁桥的两类稳定问题,论述了第一类稳定问题和第二类稳定问题,并提出其求解方法,将非线性影响引入稳定问题。第5章根据理论计算结果,本文利用大型桥梁设计分析系统BRDH对丹江口二桥进行了设计理论研究及稳定分析。第6章是文章的结束语,对论文进行了总结,并且指出了论文的不足之处以及将来进一步的工作。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of highways in our country, bridge construction has come in the upsurge period which is unknown before. In some special terrain, the high pier bridges become indispensable. Beam bridges with high-piers and long-spans are widely used for their advantages, and then have being developed rapidly.With the high and strong materials and the thin wall structure used widely, the stability problem of the beam bridges with high-piers and long-spans becomes more and more important. In order to adapt to the high development of the beam bridges with high-piers and long-spans, we should make deeper researches into the older theories. Owing to the extensive applications of the beam bridges with high-piers and long-spans in engineering, so it has the important and realistic significance to make the buckling analysis and present a design that is satisfying to the using function and dependable safety construction and at the same time convenient to construction of the beam bridges consulting to the following factors, such as the actual circumstance of the beam bridges and every kinds of problems met when the design is presented. It offers an experienced instruction to whom will encounter the same circumstance during the practical work in the future.In the first chapter, it expands the origin and significance of the research problem, reviews and pays more attendance to the high piers home and abroad, and expands the purpose and in the end presents the main work of the paper. In the second chapter, it elaborates the basic design principles of the beam bridges with high-piers and long-spans. In the third chapter, it discusses nonlinear analysis of the beam bridges with high-piers and introduces the principles of nonlinear analysis of the high-piers using the finite element method. In the forth chapter, which is the kernel of this paper and embodies innovation of the paper’s work, it introduces the two kinds stability problems, discusses the first stability problem and the second stability problem, puts forward the solving method, andleads nonlinear influence into the stability problems. In the fifth chapter, according to the computing results, it gives an example of the engineering application-Danjiangkou Er Qiao and makes analysis of the design and stability problems of the bridge using the large bridge design analysis system BRDH. In the last chapter, several valuable conclusions are summarized; some shortage and the future research orientation are also put forward at the same time.

  • 【分类号】U442.5
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】455