

Research and Development of the Third Party Logistics Information Platform under Collaborative Commerce Environment

【作者】 刘璟

【导师】 薛胜军;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 协同商务——作为电子商务发展的下一目标,有着不同的内涵。众所周知,物流是商业活动的重要一环,现阶段已出现了大量的支持物流企业联盟和第三方物流的商品化软件,包括运输管理、客户关系管理、仓储管理等,几乎物流企业运作的各个信息单元都有相应的信息处理系统。协同物流商务是一种新的软件和服务策略,它将上述信息单元集成在一起,并且利用Internet技术将物流企业的市场、服务、客户等统一在了一个全球知识网中。 论文在充分分析协同物流商务商业模型的基础上,结合实际项目“湖北省交通物流信息平台建设”,并借鉴国内外第三方物流企业发展的成功经验,搭建了湖北省交通物流信息平台。通过构建协同物流商务信息平台,融合已有的资源,从而改变当前物流系统信息匮乏,信息整合性差的状态,使物流系统发挥最大的协同效益。 首先,对协同商务环境下的现代物流进行了综述,对现今物流软件的发展背景进行了分析,阐述了本课题的目的和意义。第二章对协同物流商务信息平台进行了较为详尽的分析,包括其商业模型、体系结构、以及功能模块等。第三章对协同物流商务信息平台的开发模式及平台进行了探讨,比较了基于J2EE和.NET的开发技术。第四章对数据仓库和数据挖掘技术在智能决策支持系统中的应用、工作流技术、XML技术等关键技术在物流信息平台开发中的应用进行了分析和研究。第五章对课题的数据库系统进行了设计,并回顾了不同的基于Web的数据库连接和访问技术,重点对ADO.NET技术及其代码实现进行了研究。第六章将各种技术应用于湖北省交通物流信息平台的开发中,首先介绍了ASR.NET的基本原理,随后实现了仓库管理的各种功能,并重点研究了DDS在库位智能推荐中的应用:分析了多维数据模型,并用代码实现。最后给出了信息平台的安全与维护设计。第七章,本文总结部分,分析了论文的不足及将来的研究内容,为今后的工作确定了目标。

【Abstract】 As the next development target of E-commerce, Collaborative Commerce has different contents. As is well known, logistics is key of commerce. Now, there are many software system, which support logistics enterprise alliance and third logistics enterprise, including Transportation Management, Customer Relation Management , Warehouse Management, and so on. Almost all department of logistics enterprise have its corresponding information system. Collaborative Logistics Commerce is a new strategy of software and service. It integrates all kinds of independence systems, and using Internet, it can unify the market, customer, and service into a global knowledge net.Based on the analysis of commerce model for Collaborative Logistics Commerce, and referring the project- "Development of HuBei Transportation Logistics Information Platform" , this paper presents the system structure of the CLCIP,describes the key techniques for the design and development. By much logistics information we can integrate resources, set up CLCIP to provide sustentation for the development of the logistics industry, change the situation that the information resources are single and scarce in current logistics system and get the maximum benefits from the logistics system.Firstly, as an introduction, thesis summarizes the modern logistics, development and current situation of the development of CLCIP, and then explains the purpose and meaning of this thesis. The second chapter analyzes business model of Collaborative Logistics Commerce system, proposes the architecture of CLCIP. With that, thesis describes layer and the key function module of CLCIP. The third chapter describes the solution of developing CLCIP, analyzes the development model, and presents two development Framework, which are MVC based on J2EE and ASP.NET under Microsoft .NET Framework. The forth chapter analyzes the key techniques for the design and development of CLCIP, for example, data warehouse and data mining techniques under IDDS, workflow technique, and XML technique. The fifth chapter designs the databases system, and reviews some ways for connecting and accessing web-based database, especially, researches the ADO.NET technique and gives the realization of code.The sixth chapter applies all kinds of techniques in the development of HuBei Transportation Logistics Information Platform, explicates the principle of ASP.NET and realization of warehouse management functions, especially, researches the DDS technique in recommendation of ware location and gives the realization of code. Finally, thesis researches the application integration of CLCIP, analyzes the necessary factor of integration, and presents the model of integrating CLCIP with other systems. In the section of summary, the disadvantages of the thesis are presented, which form the objectives for the future research and works.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】2
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