

Design and Implementation of Water-Depth Monitoring System of Geotextiles-laying Boats

【作者】 邢航

【导师】 刘清;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 长江流域两岸的滩地多属淤沙的分层结构,不耐冲刷,在一些水流顶冲、深泓逼岸的河段,崩岸险情常有发生,给江岸堤防工程、两岸工农业及人民生命财产带来严重的威胁。为了保护堤岸和治理航道,目前国际上流行的方法是在江底铺设一种软体排,软体排是一种特殊的土工织物,在其上绑定一些重物后,将其沉入江底,可以起到护堤和治理航道的作用。铺排船就是一种专门用来铺设这种软体排的工程船舶。 本课题依据长江航道铺排船自动控制系统,完成铺排船集控台上水深计算机监视系统的开发,研究水下地形的模拟和再现。通过水深监视系统,操作人员可以掌握铺排过程中水下地形的变化情况,对可能影响铺排效果的地段作出前期的预测和处理,提高铺排的质量,并且记录铺排过程中的各种数据,作为检验铺排质量和施工效果的依据。系统有着友好的人机界面,使铺排指导工作更加直观化。 水深计算机监控系统采集来自GPS、多通道测深仪(16通道)以及PLC网络的数据,将这些数据进行处理后,显示待铺设软体排的小区域内的三维水下地形,三维地形的开发采用目前国际上流行的三维图形接口OpenGL。 本论文共分五章:第一章介绍论文的研究背景以及研究内容和意义;第二章介绍水下地形数据采集网络的总体设计方案,即通过串口和PLC网络两种方式采集数据,重点介绍了PLC网络的组网方式,最后给出了系统的硬件选型;第三章介绍了数据采集系统的软件设计,首先给出了PLC与上位PC机之间数据通信的软件实现方法,然后运用面向对象思想和多线程技术实现了一个串口通信类,给出了通过该串口通信类实现串口通信的软件设计方法,最后给出了数据处理和存储的实现方法;第四章是本文的重点,首先介绍了三维图形开发工具OpenGL,然后分析了三维地形曲面的构造方法,最后给出了采用OpenGL开发可视化系统的方法,实现了真实感水下地形的动态显示;第五章是对本文的总结。 本系统的全部软件是在VC6.0平台上开发,并已全部调试通过,运行效果良好。

【Abstract】 The Yangtze River Valley is very prone to accidents of bank collapse because the river banks have slowly been washed away by the waves and tides. In order to protect the banks and control the water channel,erosion control mattresses are placed at the bottom of the river. These mattresses are made of a special type of geotextile fabric. Geotextiles-laying boats are specifically used for placing the mattresses at the bottom of the river.This thesis develops Computer Monitoring System of Water Depth of the automatic control system for the geotextiles-laying boats used for the Yangtze River. This system can be used to monitor the change in the underwater ground profiles during the geotextiles-laying process. All the data related to the process is recorded by the system. The system can predict and analyze the ground sections that have potential impact on the geotextiles-laying, and improve the quality of the geotextiles-laying. This system has a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to follow the working instructions.The water-depth computer monitoring system collects data from GPS, Multi-Frequency Fathometer (16 frequencies) and PLC network. Based on the analysis of these data, a three-dimensional underwater ground profile is presented for the scheduled area of geotextiles-laying, The development tool of the three-dimensional underwater ground profile is OpenGL.This thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter One explains the research background and the scope of study. Chapter Two describes the design of the data collection system for the underwater ground profiles, which uses a PLC network. This chapter emphasizes the architecture of PLC network and presents the hardware design for the system. Chapter Three describes the software design for the data collection system and data communications using multi-threaded design. Chapter Four is the key chapter of this thesis. It introduces the tool used for developing three-dimensional contours, OpenGL and different methods for contour development. The underwater ground profiles can be shown in motion with the OpenGL visualization system, providing a virtual-reality experience. Chapter Five concludes the thesis with a summary.All the software of this system was developed with the VC6.0 platform, and had been successfully tested.

【关键词】 PLC网络数据采集OpenGL可视化
【Key words】 PLC networkdata collectionOpenGLvisualization
  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【下载频次】121