

Countermeasure Research on the Chinese Express Service Development

【作者】 程军

【导师】 詹斌; 张培林;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 进入90年代以来,随着我国经济发展水平快速提高,社会经济活动日益频繁,人们对货物送达的时间要求越来越高。不仅传统的文件、包裹,而且越来越多的高价值、小批量、个性化的货物,如电子产品、医药用品、通讯器材、印刷品、家用电器、服装以至食品、鲜花等等,都成为快递的托寄物内容。 中国经济持续稳定发展以及潜力巨大的国内快递需求,使四大国际快递公司非常看好中国未来的快递市场。四大快递公司进入中国速递市场,其目标不是短期盈利,而是更看重长期回报。因此,各公司均将扩大市场占有率作为近期发展的主要目标。 而现代快递业经过近三十年的发展,现已成为一项利润丰厚、市场规模及潜力巨大的产业。随着中国加入世界贸易组织,为抢占中国巨大的快递市场,国际的快递公司纷纷把触角伸到中国。国内从事快递业务的经营者除了中国邮政、民航快递、中铁快运等大的快递公司外,还有众多的中小快递公司。当前,由中国邮政一家独霸天下的格局已被打破,我国快递业出现了国营、民营、外资多经济主体、多运输方式相互竞争的市场状况。近年来,我国快递货物运量以年均20%左右的速度增长,正规的专业快递公司仅百家,如果将开展城市配送服务的小公司、挂靠或非法经营的一些快递公司包括在内,全国开展快速货运业务的单位难以估计。如何在激烈的竞争中谋求长足发展,是政府主管部门和企业关注的焦点。 本文立足于寻求我国快递业发展对策,调查分析了中外快递公司在中国的发展现状,以及中国快递市场的供需情况,并针对我国快递业目前存在的问题,从快递业的内外部环境两个方面着手,提出了我国快递业发展的对策与措施。

【Abstract】 After 90’s, with the rapid evaluation of economy development level, social economic activity became more frequently. People had more requests for the time of cargo delivery. Not only the traditional document and parcel, but also more high valued and small batch and individuation cargo became the content of express service, such as electronic products, communication equipment, presswork, costume, food and fresh flowers, etc.According to the continue and stabilize development of Chinese economy and the enormous potential request of express, the international express corporations thought that it is very important to occupy Chinese express market in the future. Coming into Chinese express market, their targets are not to earn money in the short period, but for the return in the long time. Their main aims in the close period are enlarging the market occupancy.After thirty years development, modern express service has been an industry with rich profit and enormous market scale and potential. Along with china entry WTO, international express corporations came into Chinese to occupy the express market of Chinese. There are a great number of express operators in Chain. The famous corporations are China Post, Chain Air Express, Chain Railway Express, etc. The volume of express freight has increased twenty percent per year in recent years. The actual number of express corporations is very difficult to be estimated for the complicated situation in Chinese express market. It is truth that Chinese express has been developed rapidly. But for the defects of express market in our country, how to research those problems and find countermeasure and the ways of reformation in order to compete with the world leading express companies, is an important subject to norm and develop express service.This paper was established in seeking development countermeasure of express service in our country, researching and analyzing Chinese and foreign express corporations’ current situation, analyzing the supply and demand situation of Chinese express market, aimed at the extent problem of Chinese express presently, put forward the countermeasure to develop Chinese express.

【关键词】 快递业对策研究
【Key words】 Express serviceCountermeasureResearch
  • 【分类号】F259.2
  • 【被引频次】35
  • 【下载频次】5700