

The Research on the Government Policy and Management of Real Estate in HongKong and Mainland of China

【作者】 李朝晖

【导师】 邓泽宏;

【作者基本信息】 武汉科技大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 内地房地产业经过20多年特别是“九五”时期的迅速发展,已成为国民经济的新增长点、启动内需的消费热点,对拉动国民经济快速增长、加快城市建设、改善人民生活环境、增加就业和社会稳定等方面都产生了巨大的作用。但是,房地产业的发展依靠市场的自发调节是不够的,政府必需对房地产市场进行有效的干预,以弥补市场的缺陷,并通过制定有效的房地产业发展政策,在帮助居民改善居住条件的同时,促进经济增长和经济结构的调整。本文运用历史分析、综合研究与比较分析相结合的方法,客观地研究香港特区房地产业政府管理体制的演变及房地产业政府政策的形成及其效果,结合内地改革开放以来20多年的发展实践,对内地房地产业政府管理体制的完善及宏观调控政策的创新提供一些新的思路。 本文主体分为五大部分: 第一章主要阐述房地产业政府管理的内容,对房地产业实行政府管理的必要性及意义。房地产业是一个公共行业,各级政府机关介入房地产活动的各个方面,并对房地产业进行宏观管理,研究房地产业政府政策及管理,首先必须对管理的内容、必要性及原则有正确的认识。 第二章对香港房地产业的发展及政府管理体制的演变作了分析。香港房地产政府政策的制定是与房地产各个发展阶段的历史背景相关的。所以,研究香港房地产业发展的历史沿革,有助于我们了解其政府政策形成的背景及变化过程。同时本章还对香港房地产法律制度的主要内容及特点进行总结和分析,以期对内地房地产业政府立法有所启示。最后着重研究了香港房地产政府管理体制的演变,包括机构的重组、更新及政府职能的转变,对于内地有重要借鉴意义。 第三章通过对内地房地产业的发展及政府管理体制的分析,可以发现内地房地产业几经沉浮,荣衰更替,这在很大程度上受政府对市场经济的认识、体制上的僵化及政策的滞后所影响。房地产业作为一个关联性很强的产业,其发展尤其需要体制、法律、政策等方面的支持。因此,要进一步深化改革,加快政府职能的转变。 第四章是在前面章节研究的基础上,着重针对香港特区政府土地管理政策、房地产金融政策、住房保障政策、物业管理政策等几个尤其需要借鉴的方面,结合大陆房地产业发展的实际进行比较分析,得出一些有益的启示。在土地管理政策方面,本章分析了香港的土地批租政策及土地供应机制,结合内地土地制度改革的实践提出当前大陆应进一步明晰土地产权、规范政府的土地出让行为,加强国家对土地市场的垄断经营等;在住房保障政策方面,比较分析了香港公共房屋政策发展的具体情况,并借鉴其经验,重新审视和定位经济适用住房政策在内地特殊历史阶段中的作用;在房地产金融政策方面,本章从香港住房抵押贷款证券化、住房抵押贷款与保险联合运营及香港政府参与住房抵押贷款担保三个方面进行了研究,结合内地的实际,提出尽快调整住房信贷结构、适时地实现房地产金融证券化及建立符合内地国情的住房融资体系;在物业管理政策方面,借鉴香港经验,提出加强物业管理的法制建设以及政府应加大力度参与和推动物业管理的发展。 第五章通过对香港和内地房地产业发展与管理的比较分析,总结了内地房地产业政府管理中存在的一些主要问题,同时针对性地提出了加强内地房地产业政府宏观管理的若干政策建议。

【Abstract】 Over 20 years, particularly in the 9th Five Year Plan, the real estate industry in Mainland has grown up rapidly and become the new growth of National Economy, the consumer measures of activating the property market. The property industry in Mainland gave a greateffect on pulling growth of National Economy, fast process of urbanization, improving people’s living environment, increasing employment and stable society etc. But the development of property industry isn’t enough to depend on the role of regulation through the market itself, the government must give effective interference in property industry to remedy the defect of market and formulate effective property industry development policies to improve the housing conditions of residents while promote the growth of economy and adjust the structure of economy. This thesis, combining the methods of history analyses and comprehensive research together with the compared analyses and in line with the practical development in the past 20 years since acting upon Chinese open and reform policies, studied the development of HongKong property industry government management system and government policies, so it put forward with detailed new viewpoints on improving the government management system of the property industry in Mainland and renewing the policies of macroeconomics adjustment.The whole thesis can be divided into 5 parts:In Chapter 1, it commented on the content, necessary and meaning of the property industry government management. The real estate is a public estate, every government interferes all aspects of the real estate and carries macroeconomics management. We study the government policies and management of the real estate, first, we must have a correct knowledge on the content, necessary and meaning of the property industry government management.In Chapter 2, the author analyzed the development of HongKong property industry government management system. The formation of HongKong property industry government policies is connected with historical back-ground the real estate every developed period. So we study the development of HongKong real estate industry, it will help us to understand the back-ground developed process of HongKong government policies. At the same time, this chapter summarized and analyzed the chief content and trait of HongKong property industry law system, maybe it will give some enlightenment to Mainland’s property industry government legislation. Finally, this chapter studied the development of HongKong property industry government management system, including rebuilding the organization and changing the government function, it will give important enlightenment to Mainland.The Chapter 3 analyzed the development of Mainland’s property industry government management system. We can find that Mainland’s property industry sometimes developed rapidly, sometimes degenerated in certain period. It was influenced by the knowledge of market economy of government, rigid system and backward policies to a great extent. The property industry needs the supports of system, law and policy particularly because the property industry is connected with many estates. So we must deepen the reform further and change the government function rapidly.In Chapter 4, on the basis of researches and practices through comparison in the above-mentioned chapters, the author combined Mainland’s real situation of property development and analyzed some important aspects in HongKong, for example: the policies of government land management; the policies of the property industry finance; the policies of house-guaranteed and the policies of house management. We can obtain some beneficial enlightenment from it. On the policies of government land management, this thesis analyzed HongKong’s land-hire policy and land supplies system, combined the practice of the reform of Mainland’s land system and raised some useful suggestions for the development of Mainland’s property industry: clearing the property right of land, regulating the government behavior of land

【关键词】 香港房地产业政府管理政策
【Key words】 HongKongProperty industryGovernment managementPolicy
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1015