

Studies on the Synthetic Prevention Techniques for Orientobilharziasis of Cattle and Sheep in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 王春仁

【导师】 宋铭忻; 潘兴广;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 东毕吸虫病(Orientobilharziasis)是由东毕属吸虫(Orientobilharzia sp.)寄生于牛、羊等动物的门静脉和肠系膜静脉引起的一种血吸虫病,主要分布于亚洲和欧洲,我国有23个省(市)自治区发生此病。关于东毕吸虫病的流行情况,印度、伊朗及我国的吉林、四川、陕西等地曾有报道,但不同的地理位置,其流行情况不同,因此本研究对黑龙江省牛、羊东毕吸虫病的流行情况进行了调查。结果表明,按照传统分类法,黑龙江省有三种东毕吸虫,即土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫(O.turkestanica)、土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫结节变种(O.turkestanica var.tuberculata)和程氏东毕吸虫(O.cheni);中间宿主有耳萝卜螺(Radix auricularia)、卵萝卜螺(R.ovata)和小土窝螺(Galba pervia)三种;该病为黑龙江省牛、羊的主要寄生虫病,其平均感染率分别为43.97%(714/1624)和61.98%(1503/2425),齐齐哈尔地区感染最为严重,牛、羊的平均感染率分别达到62.73%(345/550)和76.93%(1017/1322)。大庆、绥化、哈尔滨、北安地区感染率也较高,佳木斯、黑河、鸡西地区属零星发生,牡丹江地区未检出。本试验对在黑龙江省牛、羊体内检出的在光镜下鉴定为土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫结节变种和程氏东毕吸虫的二种虫体进行了体表扫描电镜观察,同时与唐崇惕所作土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫体表扫描电镜结果进行了比较和分析,初步认定程氏东毕吸虫与土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫结节变种为同一种,与土耳其斯坦东毕吸虫可能是同物异名或为其亚种或地域株。 东毕吸虫病防制的关键在于早期特异性诊断和有效治疗药物的研制。本研究建立了牛、羊东毕吸虫病早期特异性诊断方法——斑点金渗滤试验(DIGFA)。结果表明,该法具有操作简单、敏感性高,特异性强及检出时间早等优点。与剖检法相比,阳性符合率为98.53%(67/68),阴性符合率为97.78%(44/45),与肝片吸虫阳性血清有2.86%(1/35)的交叉反应,与鹿前后盘吸虫、胰阔盘吸虫阳性血清未产生交叉反应;该法与ELISA一样都可在人工感染后第7天检出抗体。试验结果经X~2检验,DIGFA与沉淀法和孵化法比较,差异显著(P<0.01),与ELISA相比差异不显著(P>0.05);在治疗药物研制方面,本研究以吡喹酮为主要原料,经复方配合,研制出7.5%复方吡喹酮注射液。采用15mg/kg体重的剂量对绵羊进行驱虫试验,东毕吸虫的虫卵转阴率和虫卵减少率分别为85%和95.69%,与口服40mg/kg体重用药的疗效相似,节约药量62.5%,同时该药对绵羊体内的消化道线虫、莫尼茨绦虫也有很强的驱除作用,是一种高效、广谱、低毒的驱虫药。 本研究通过对黑龙江省牛、羊东毕吸虫病的流行情况、东毕吸虫虫种的分类地位、诊断方法及治疗药物的研究,基本摸清了黑龙江省牛、羊东毕吸虫的种类、感染率、感染强度、地理分布特征以及中间宿主螺的种类、消长规律和三种东毕吸虫之间的分类关系;建立了良好的诊断方法、研制了有效的治疗药物。这对控制黑龙江省东毕吸虫病,有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 sOrientobilhaiziasis was one of the schistosomiasis, Oriertiobilharzia spp. parasitize in portal and mesenteric veins of cattle, sheep and other animals. It mostly distributed in Asia and Europe, and distributed in 23 provinces (regions) of China. The epidemic of Orientobilharziasis was reported by India, Iran, Jilin, Sichuan and Shanxi province of China. Because of the difference of geography it had different epidemic situation, the epidemic of the Orientobilharziasis of cattle and sheep in Heilongjiang province was investigated. According to traditional taxonomy that Heilongjiang had three species of Orientobilharzia: O.turkestanica, O.turkestanica vai.tuberculata and O.cheni. Their intermediate hosts were R auricularia, R. ovata and Gpervia. Orientobilharziasis was one of the main parasites of cattle and sheep which widely distributed in 27 county (city) of 34 county (city) of Heilongjiang province, the average infection rate of cattle and sheep was 43.97%(714/1624) and 61.98%( 1503/2425), respectively. Qiqihar was the most serious regions, it had a level of 62.7%(345/550) and 76.93%(1017/1322) in cattle and sheep respectively. Daqing, Suihua, Harbin and Beian districts’ infection rates were also higher; it was also scattered in Jiamusi, Heihe, Jixi, but it had not been found in Mudanjiang then, the integumental surface of O.cheni and O. turkestanica var.tuberculata by the scanning electron microscope was also observed after they were identified by light microscope in the bodies of cattle and sheep. Meanwhile the results of the integumental surface was compared with mat of O.turkestanica by Tang Chongti under electron microscope and analyzed them. By means of observing, comparing and analyzing, It showed that both of O. cheni and O. titrkestanica var.tuberculata were the same species, they might only be of different name with O. turkestanica or subspecies or geographical strain, primarily.The key of Synthetic Prevention techniques for Orientobilharziasis was early diagnosis and the development of high efficacy medicine. The research adopted the advanced immune diagnostic in the world-Dot Immune Gold Filter Assay (DaIGFA), which had been applied to diagnosing the early Orientobilharziasis. The result showed that it had many advantages, suchas easy manipulation, high sensitivity, intensive specificity and early determination and so on. Compared with autopsy, the positive rate was 98.53%(67/68) and the negative rate is 97.78%(44/45). The cross reaction with Fasciola hepatica was 2.86%(l/35). It had no cross reaction with Eurytrema pancreaticurn and Paramphistomurn cervi. DIGFA could examine antibody on the seventh day like ELISA after artificial infection. Compared with precipitating method and incubating method. DIGFA had a significant difference (p<0.01), but had no significant difference (p>0.05) with ELISA by x2 test. In the aspect of curing medicine of Orientobilharziasis 7.5% compound praziquentel injection was developed with the main raw material-praziquentel. The injection was given to sheep at a dose of 15mg/kg; the rate of Orientobilharzia ’s eggs turning into the negative and the reducing rate are 85% and 95.69% respectively. The result was similar to taking orally medicine at a dose of 40mg/kg. It saved 62.5% medicine. Meanwhile, this drug also had a good effect on gasteointestinal nematodes and Moniezia to sheep, so it was a high efficacy, broad-spectrum and low toxic anthelmintic medicine.This study accomplished in many aspects in detail: including epidemic, the taxonomic status, diagnostic method and curing medicine of Orientobilharziasis in Heilongjiang. It had almost been known the species, infection rate, infection intensity, distribution in geography and its species of intermediate hosts’ regulation of decrease and increase, and the relation of 3 species of Orientobilharzia. They had also established a good diagnostic method and developed an effective drug. It had an important significance to control the Orientobilharziasis in Heilongjiang..

  • 【分类号】S855.9
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