

Study of Heilongjiang Province’s Countermeasures to the Soybean Export after China’s Entry into WTO

【作者】 桓继强

【导师】 李昌宇; 王占哲;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业推广, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大豆出口在我省农产品出口中占有重要的地位。但是随着我国经济的持续发展,国民生活水平的提高,国内大豆需求量不断上升。我省作为农业大省,农产品出口在我省出口创汇中有着突出重要的地位。特别是现行国家外汇政策下,单独就一个垦区的农场,一个农产品深加工企业而言,农业现代化机械的更新,农业深加工所需的现代化技术的引进都需要大量的外汇,而扩大大豆的出口则是增加创汇的重要来源之一。我省的种植的大豆全部为非转基因大豆,其中还有部分有机大豆。我国是没有受到转基因大豆污染的国家,拥有世界上最大的非转基因大豆生产区。美国、巴西、阿根廷主要种转基因大豆、而转基因食品在目前大多数国家又遭到质疑和抵制,因此,目前非转基因大豆在国际上有明显的竞争优势。我国加入WTO以后我国承诺对大豆进口实行单一关税管理,进口大豆数量已经超过了国产大豆数量。国家在资金上支持大豆种植,通过推广种植高油高蛋白品种,彻底提高我国大豆的内在质量。对大豆经营企业给与政策上的以及资金的保证,稳定大豆收购价格,以合理的价格打开国际市场。随时了解国际大豆市场行情和各国食品安全管理制度,按照国际贸易规则签订执行合同。最终决定大豆能否出口最关键的问题是价格。出口价格受国内市场的影响,同时出口价格又参与国际大豆价格竞争。通过期货市场套期保值功能,实现先卖豆后种地,逐步推广通过套期保值实现订单栽培。扩大大豆栽培面积,通过多种途径逐步提升我省大豆国际竞争能力,为扩大大豆出口创造条件。最终实现农民的增产增收。全文共分四个部分:1.我省大豆出口贸易现状及其在我省国际贸易中的地位2.我省大豆出口竞争的价格机制分析3.我省大豆出口贸易的相关法规及贸易争端4.我省大豆国际竞争力的提升

【Abstract】 The export of the soybean played an important role in Heilongjiang’s agricultural production. As the sustained development of our national economy and the promotion of the people’s living standard, the domestic demand for the soybean rose quickly .Heilongjiang was a big province in agriculture ,the export of agricultural product was the most important in the province’s export & earning foreign exchange. Especially with our nation’s policy of foreign exchange ,to a farm or an agriculture processing factory, the renovation of the agricultural machine and the importing of the foreign advanced agricultural technology needed considerable amount of foreign exchange, also, enlarging the soybean’s export was helpful to earn more foreign exchange. All of the soybeans planted in Heilongjiang province were non-GMO bean. CHINA hasn’t been polluted by non-GMO soybean ,and there were the most biggest producing region of non-GMO soybeans in our country. Nowadays, in America and some other countries, GMO soybean was the chief variety, but among most of countries in the world, GMO food has aroused questioned and been resisted. So the non-GMO soybean had very obvious advantages in international market.After CHINA entered WTO , our country undertook to carry out the management of single tariff, the quantity of the importing soybean exceeded the quantity of our national soybean . Government invested lots of money to support the planting of the soybean. By popularizing the high -oiled and high-vitamin variety, the quality of our soybeans were improved. To the soybean managing factories, the supporting policies and the gurantee of the funds were given to stabilize the soybean’s purchasing price, and then opened the international market by reasonable price . it was necessary to acknowledge the soybean’s international market price and other country’s food safety managing system, and then could help us to conclude the contract according to the international trade rules. The key factor affecting the soybean’s export was the price. The exporting price was influenced by international market, at same time ,it participated in the price competition of the soybean in the international market With the participation of the nature market ,our country could sell soybean first, then plant soybean. Gradually it would realize that planting soybeans with order in hand. Our country should promote the international competitiveness of our province’s soybean by enlarging the planting area of the soybean and improving the quality of the soybean, then create the conditions for the soybean export. In this way, it was helpful to farmers to increase the production and the income. The paper includes four parts:1 Heilongjiangs’s export trade of soybean & ifs position in Heilongjiang’s international trade2 Analysis of the price mechanism in the competition of Heilongjiang’s soybean export.3 Relevant laws & regulations and the trade contention in Heilongjiang’s soybean export.4 Promotion of the international competitiveness of Heilongjiang’s soybean..

  • 【分类号】F752.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】308