

【作者】 朱玲

【导师】 许为民;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 作为系统化研究生德育工作体系的重要组成部分,研究生德育管理体制是研究生德育教育顺利实施的组织保障和制度保障,科学合理的管理体制将有助于德育目标和任务的顺利完成。 我国传统的研究生德育管理体制是以科层体系建构的。在当前研究生德育环境变化和研究生德育观念从重“德知”向重“德能”转变的条件下,传统体制正面临着诸如体制运转不灵、信息不对称、人才培养的“模具化”倾向、相关部门不协调、德育资源利用不科学等体制僵化的危机。传统科层建构的研究生德育管理体制迫切需要调整与优化。 本文在分析、比较、综合网络组织和科层组织两种理论的基础上,构建了包括核心网络层、辅助支持层和领导协调层在内的三层立体网络结构的研究生德育管理体制优化模式。核心网络层是研究生德育活动的具体运作落实层,它是以网络组织形式建构的组织层面,是体制优化的重点。核心网络层建构对象具体包括研究生科研组织、研究生党支部和研究生社团组织。领导协调层和辅助支持层则是以传统科层组织形式建构的,分别由校—院两级的研究生德育工作委员会和领导小组以及党政管理部门构成。领导协调层和辅助支持层指导和保障核心网络层的建构和运行。其作用的发挥主要体现在两个方面:一是微观指导作用,即在核心网络层的构建过程中,辅助支持层和领导协调层所给予的指导、服务与协调作用。二是宏观保障作用,宏观保障作用是通过领导协调层和辅助支持层的自身建设体现的,包括领导体制建设、管理理念转变、管理队伍建设以及信息沟通机制建设等方面,它在宏观上为核心网络层的顺利运行提供了保障。

【Abstract】 As the important part of the postgraduates’ moral education, the management system of the postgraduates’ moral education can ensure the postgraduates’ moral education put in practice successfully on the organization and the system. The scientific and rational management system will promote the completion the objective and the tasks of the moral education.The organization basis of the traditional management system is the bureaucracy. Under the new circumstance of the postgraduates’ moral education and the change of the idea of postgraduates’ moral education, the traditional management system is encountering the difficulties, such as the failure operation of the management system, the asymmetry of the information, the standard incline of the talents cultivation, the disharmony of the relative departments, the unscientific of the resource using. It is necessary to optimize the traditional management system.Under analyzing, comparing and synthesizing the bureaucracy organization and the network organization, the article brings forward the three-layered solid network structure of the management system’s optimization mode of the postgraduates’ moral education, which includes the core network layer, the assistant sustaining layer and the leading layer. The core network is composed of the scientific research organization, the Communist Party branch of postgraduates and postgraduates’ associations, which are established on the basis of the network organizations. The other two layers are constituted of leading and management departments of the university and the college. They direct and ensure the construction and operation of the core network. First, in the microcosmic aspect, they offer direction and service during the construction of the core network. Second, in the macroscopic aspect, the leading and management departments’ self-construction such as the construction of leading system, the change of the management idea, the building of the management team and the perfection of the communication channel will ensure the operation of the core network effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G643
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】315