

【作者】 丁璐

【导师】 邢以群;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年来,随着市场竞争的不断加剧,工商企业越来越重视成本的节约和客户服务质量的改善,作为物流专业化集中表现的“第三方物流”随之应运而生。据统计,2001年我国第三方物流市场年总支出达到19,000亿人民币,市场潜力非常广阔。然而令人遗憾的是,我国现有大部分第三方物流供应商只能提供基础性的服务,如运输配送等,盈利途径非常单一。加入WTO后,国内的物流市场将在未来的2年内逐步对外开放,我国第三方物流供应商不久将直接面对国外跨国公司的严峻挑战,因此拓展新的盈利途径,提供更高层次的物流服务就成了当务之急。到目前为止,国内外部分专家学者已零散地提出了一些盈利途径,但尚未形成一个完整的体系,也很少对盈利途径的影响因素进行过研究。为此,本文结合我国的实际情况,力求对该问题作一系统深入的探讨。 本文首先概括和总结了现有第三方物流企业的盈利途径,然后根据资源基础理论和核心能力理论提炼出22个影响企业选择盈利途径的因素,并建立了理论关系模型。接着用SPSS统计软件对二者的相关关系进行了分析,得出四条回归方程,它们为企业正确选择适合自身特点的盈利途径提供了参考。此外,本文还研究了不同性质和规模的第三方物流企业在选择盈利途径上的差异,得出了其中规律性的联系,揭示了我国第三方物流市场盈利途径发展的现状。本文所有的研究都建立在问卷调查所得数据的基础上,而且为了使结果更具可操作性,在调查开始时充分征求了物流专家学者及实际操作人员的建议,并在调查的全过程采取了适当的控制措施以确保数据的准确性。 本文的创新点主要有:第一,系统地总结了目前我国第三方物流企业可行的盈利途径,并指出了盈利途径发展的一般性路径;第二,对盈利途径影响因素进行了结构化分类,经统计分析后得出实施各种盈利途径所需要具备的条件;第三,分析了企业性质、企业规模以及两者的交互作用对于盈利途径选择所产生的影响,揭示了目前我国第三方物流企业盈利途径选择的现状及规律。

【Abstract】 With the market competition getting violent recent years, both industrial and commercial enterprises put more and more emphasis on the cost reduction and customer service quality improvement. Under this background, occurs the "Third Party Logistics" as the phenomenon of logistics specialization. According to the statistics data, the total expense of Chinese TPL market in 2001 reached 1,900 billion PMB, which reveals the large potential of this market. Unfortunately, most of Chinese TPL suppliers can only provide foundational services with very simple profit model, such as transportation and distribution. After Chinese entrance to the WTO, domestic logistics market will be gradually opened to the outside within 2 years and our TPL suppliers will have to confront the severe challenges from multinational companies soon. Therefore, it is urgent to develop new profit model and provide higher-level logistics service. However, up to now, researchers of home and abroad have only brought forward a few profit models respectively, rather than an integrated system. Furthermore, there is still not many research made on the influential factors of the profit model. Considering the actual situation of our country, this dissertation strives to make a systematic and in-depth research on this problem.In the beginning of the dissertation, we generalized the existent profit models of TPL enterprises. Using the Resource-Based Theory and Core Competency Theory for reference, we also drew out 22 factors that have impacts on the enterprises profit model selection and set up an interacting theory model. Then, we analyzed their correlation by using SPSS and educed four regression equations, which can help enterprises to choose the appropriate profit model. Besides, this dissertation also made research on the difference of profit model selection among different types and scale of TPL enterprises and found out the intrinsic relations, which discovered the current situation of the profit model development in Chinese TPL market. All the research in this dissertation was based on the data of questionnaire investigation. To make the result more operable, we asked many logistics scholars and practitioners for advises from the beginning. In order to insure the veracity of data, we undertook several proper control measures during the whole investigation process.The innovational points of this dissertation are as follows. Firstly, we systematically summarized four feasible profit avenues of the current TPL enterprises, and pointed out the general development path of these profit models. Secondly, we made a structural classification on the influential factors, and put forward the required conditions for implementing each profit model through statistic analysis. Thirdly, we analyzed the impacts on the profit model selection respectively from different enterprise type, scale and their interaction, which showed the current situations and rules of TPL enterprises profit model selection in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】635