

Parameters Test and Combination Experiment Systems of 128×128 Pyroelectric Infrared Focal Plane Arrays

【作者】 薛联

【导师】 袁祥辉;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 仪器科学与技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 非制冷红外热成像器件因其成本低,重量轻而在军事和民用领域具有广阔的应用前景,研制、开发和生产具有完全自主知识产权的非制冷红外热成像器件,有利于促进我国红外热成像产业的发展,增强我国的国防实力。与其它非制冷红外热成像器件相比,热释电红外焦平面阵列具有响应快、功耗低、不需恒温、较易加工等特点。本文针对128×128热释电红外焦平面阵列开发过程中的读出电路与器件的参数测试和联调成像实验要求,利用虚拟仪器通过软件编程来实现不同仪器功能的特点,高效率、低成本地完成了开发中的参数测试和联调成像实验。主要工作包括:1. 为准确评价新研制的128×128热释电红外焦平面阵列读出电路的性能,改进了基于虚拟仪器的红外焦平面阵列读出电路的参数测试系统的软件和硬件,对读出电路的主要特性参数进行了测试,测试结果为读出电路的改进设计提供了重要依据,也为研制更大规模的器件奠定了基础。2. 研究了热释电器件的联调成像实验系统,开发了实验必须的虚拟仪器系统软件。由于热释电器件必须通过一定频率的斩波调制使输入辐射发生变化才能正常工作,实验中通过驱动信号源、斩波装置和成像镜头的调整,使成像系统各部分协调工作,最终实现成像。应用这一系统,在国内首次获得了128×128热释电红外热像。热像能直观地显示器件的性能,能够看到热像是新器件研制成功的重要标志。3. 开发了的基于虚拟仪器的红外焦平面阵列的参数测试系统的软件。软件的用户界面友好,测试操作简捷,并已成功用于一种制冷型红外焦平面成像器件的测试。本文的研究工作为红外焦平面器件的研制和开发提供了一种低成本、高效率、方便灵活的测试方法和实验验证手段。

【Abstract】 Low cost lightweight uncooled infrared thermal imaging sensors (UIRTIS) are widely used both in military and civilian applications.It is significant to exploit own uncooled infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPA) in our country. Compare with other UIRTIS, the pyroelectric IRFPA has the specialties such as quickly responsibility , low power consumption, no constant temperature keeping, and easily to be manufactured ,etc.It is necessary to test the parameters of the imaging sensors and the readout integrated circuit (ROIC) , and evaluate the imaging performance of imaging sensors in the process of developing a new 128×128 pyroelectric IRFPA. Based on the virtual instrument (VI) technology , the indispensable parameters testing system and the combination imaging experiment system have been developed. The main works of this paper are:As the hardware and software of the original IRFPA ROIC parameters testing system have been upgraded to achieve the main parameters and accurately evaluate the performance of the new 128×128 ROIC of pyroelectric IRFPA, several ROIC chips have been measured. The testing results are helpful to improve the performance of ROIC and study more pixels IRFPA in the future.The combination experiment system of the pyroelectric imaging sensors and the essential VI software system have been developed. In the process of combination experiment , the driving signal source , the chopper fixture and the infrared compound lens have been adjusted to make the imaging experimental system continually operate at optimum performance and achieve the pyroelectric infrared thermal imaging. The imaging performance of the sensor can be shown directly by thermal imaging, and the exploiting of the new uncooled infrared thermal imaging sensor has proved to be successful by the image.Based on VI, the IRFPA parameters testing software system with friendly interface and simply operation program has been developed by the author, and has been successfully used to measure one type cooled IRFPA. This paper has presented a low cast, efficacious experimental facility and parameters testing method for developing the IRFPA sensor.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TH74
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】345