

The Study of Revenue Management in Airlines Pricing

【作者】 谭斌

【导师】 张宗益;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 进入90年代以来,世界范围内航空公司之间的竞争充满硝烟,并极富有戏剧性。各国航空公司经营者、投资人在努力寻求国际、国内战略伙伴的同时,还积极探寻提高自身营运效率、改进经营绩效的途径,以提高自身竞争能力。航空运输企业动辄投资以数亿美元计,需要大量的现金流量以保证企业正常营运,投资、经营的风险巨大。巨大的现金流仿佛便是航空运输企业的血液,如何有效提高企业的供血能力,已日益成为萦绕航空运输企业经营者的一块心病。 近20年来的全球航空业发展历程告诉我们,民用航空业放开管制已是大势所趋、全球企业间战略联盟方兴未艾、各大航空企业集团的航线网络正不断优化、航空公司之间的代码共享使得航空公司得以绕开各国政府的航权管制利用对方剩余资源低成本进入目标市场,崭新的收益管理技术则为各大航空公司迅速发展提供了巨大而稳定的现金流量支持,同时为股东们带来了巨额的回报。因此,收益管理技术的成功应用业已成为各大航空公司为提高营运收益能力和竞争能力重要的法宝之一。 与巨额的投入相比,航空公司的变动成本相对较低,使得其边际成本相对于其固定成本很小,而正是这种航空公司成本相对稳定性的特征决定了航空公司的收入最大化决策将实现其利润最大化目标。本文通过对民用航空市场结构及其发展特点进行分析,结合不同市场结构的定价策略选择,从引起民航亏损的原因,包括制度环境、经济环境、政治环境等多方面进行分析,并比较国内外航空公司近年来经营管理的发展历程,在抛开一些制度层面的因素后,梳理出中国民航价格管理方面的问题,并结合国外航空运输企业在价格管理方面的先进思想及做法,提出基于收益管理的定价策略是国内航空公司提升航空公司竞争能力、抵御国外航空巨头正面竞争的利器;在国内民用航空市场风云急下、国内乃至全球航空运输企业普遍亏损的背景下,笔者试图通过市场环境及其结构分析得出航空公司可以并如何利用收益管理技术提高航空公司销售收入,扩大航空公司现金流量,从而提升航空公司竞争能力的探讨,并通过收益管理技术的实证应用分析,提出了国內航空公司在应用这一先进技术时应该注意的一些实际问题,期望所有关心中国民航事业的国人加入我们的讨论中,并愿这些讨论能带来一些有益的启示。

【Abstract】 In 90’s, there filled of competition in the aviation market form civil to international. Most managers of those airlines giant had to think hard for a good strategy partner in worldwide, and hoped to find a good measure for the better operational affectivity, and improve their market management to upgrade the competitive ability of themselves. While, the requirement for thousands millions currency for their daily operation had risk them for this blood.The loosing control by their governments in today’s globalization is a globe trend, and the alliance among those airlines, airline net optimize, code share technology could let them enter into their target market with lower cost through their partner’s surplus resource without broken the government control, then the great repay to their shareholders.To most of aero corporate, they could make furthest profits via the maximized revenue for the cost stability. According to the classic economy theory of market structure and pricing strategy, the writer has do some analysis about the Chinese aero market structure, including regulation circumstance, politic & economy circumstance, etc., and listed several problem in civil aero market competition, then raised that the proposal for Chinese aero corporate to these problems of the pricing management in the background of bad biz, which based on the revenue management concept, and be used by foreign aero giant and benefit them much from 70’s. In this case, they could improve financial condition for more current, and upgrade competitive ability, which would help them for much market share. And then, the writer have referred two model for the revenue management from foreign aero corporate and made some demonstration though those data from Chongqing aero market for the model, after this, he brought forward several items for the limitation about this model, and hoped that all this works would do some helping to those people who care about the civil aero industry, and want more discuss for this issues.

【关键词】 航空公司价格收益管理
【Key words】 AirlinesPriceand Revenue Management
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F562
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】951