The Researches on the Mortgage System
【作者】 宋威;
【导师】 彭熙海;
【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法学, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 按揭制度是发端于英美法的一种物的担保形式,具有悠久的发展历史,目前也是英美法系中适用最为普通的一种担保形式。该项制度自20世纪90年代初从香港地区引入中国大陆,现已成为我国大陆房地产金融市场广为流行的一种融资购房方式。但国内许多人对该制度不甚了解,导致理论和实践的混乱。为此,本文作者通过对按揭制度基本原理的研究,揭示其法律机理;通过对我国大陆按揭现状和法律特征的探讨,提出了完善我国按揭制度及其立法上安排的建议和意见。
【Abstract】 Mortgage system is a real security form which originated from Common Law. It has a long development history, and now it is the most common security device in Common Law system.This system was imported from Hong Kong to the mainland of China in the early of the 1990’s, which has become a popular financing purchased building method of the real estate market. Many people in the homeland are incomprehension of this system, which causes the confusion of the theories and the practice to that system. For this, through the research on the basic principle of mort gage system and the present situation in the mainland and the discussion on the characteristics of the law, my article announced the jural mechanism and put forward that the mortgage system should be perfected and the suggestions and the attitude on the arrangement of the legislation.
【Key words】 mortgage; conveyance security; mortgages in the mainland of China; legislation;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
- 【分类号】D913
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】257