

Research on the specially legal problems of the Solely state-owned company ——to investigate the launching of object in view of the three fundamentally legal characteristic of the solely state-owned company

【作者】 刘细红

【导师】 陈乃新;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 在我国,国有独资公司是目前国有企业的一种重要组织形式,是国有企业进行公司化变革后的一种制度创新,在国有经济中发挥着举足轻重的作用。研究国有独资公司是一个不可逾越和无法回避的问题。囿于国有独资企业研究是一个极其艰深的课题,所牵涉的法律问题也方方面面,因此,笔者选取了国有独资公司的三个基本法律性质(投资资本国有性、法人治理结构上的特殊性、投资主体的特定性与唯一性)为视角,由此衍生出对与此有关的国有独资公司的密切关联的三大特殊法律问题:(1)国有独资公司适用范围、(2)国有独资公司法人治理结构、(3)国有独资公司出资人。在国有独资公司三个基本法律特性中,其中,投资资本的国有性决定了国有独资公司适用范围的特殊法律问题;法人治理结构上的特殊性决定了国有独资公司法人治理结构的特殊法律问题;投资主体的特定性、唯一性决定了国有独资公司出资人的特殊法律问题。关于国有独资公司适用范围的特殊法律问题,文章从国有独资公司应然适应范围与国有独资公司的实然存在范围的特殊规制为切入点,研讨了国有独资公司适用范围中特殊法律问题的立法完善。关于国有独资公司的法人治理结构特殊法律问题。首先分析了国有独资公司治理结构的基本内容,其次分析了其治理结构存在的缺陷。接着提出了完善国有独资公司治理结构的立法。关于国有独资公司出资人特殊法律问题。本文选取实践中国有资产经营公司组建存在的问题这一方面,提出了完善国有独资公司出资人的建议。

【Abstract】 Now in our country the solely state-owned company is an important organized form of the state-owned business, it is one of the system changes involved in the reform of the company and plays prominent role of developing economic function. This came to a conclusion that studying the solely state-owned company is a invoidible problem. Owning to study the solely state-owned company is a extremely difficult and complexed problem. It has been believed that all the aspects has not been researched. The author are only apt for the three fundamentally legal characteristic of the solely state-owned company ( the investment of the state-owned characteristic; the special management of the legal person’s construction; the particular and unique investment ) to research three special legal problems related to its:(1)the application of bounds of the solely state-owned company;(2)the management of the legal person’s construction of the solely state-owned company;(3)the subscriber of the solely state-owned company. Among the three basic legal characteristic of the solely state-owned company, the investment of the state-owned characteristic comes to a decision to the specially legal problems related to the application of bounds; the managemental characteristic of the legal person’s construction of the solely state-owned company; and the particular and unique investment comes to a decision to the specially legal problems related to the subscriber of the solely state-owned enterprise. About the special legal problems related to the application of bounds of the solely state-owned company, my article probes the legislative perfection in the specially legal problems related to the application of the solely state-owned company and the "ought to be" application of the solely state-owned company and the "to be" application of the solely state-owned company. <WP=16>About the special legal problems related to the management of the legal person’s construction, firstly I have analysed the legal regulations of the running organization of the national exclusive investing company and then the problems in the running company, at last bring forward the legislation to perfect the management of the legal person’s construction. About the special legal problems related to the subscriber of the solely state-owned company, my issue select this small aspect of question that exists in the perfect the national exclusive investing company, and put forth the suggestions to complete the investor system of the national exclusive investing company.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】360