

Research on Organ Structure of Financial Supervision of Our Country

【作者】 李峻

【导师】 李华明; 李伍荣;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 区域经济学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪70年代麦金农(R.J.Mckinnon)和肖(E.S.Shaw)系统地提出金融压制和金融深化理论后,金融自由化和全球化浪潮高涨,金融体系中的混业经营得到了迅速的发展,给传统的分业监管体制带来了严峻的挑战。区域性和世界性的金融危机频繁爆发,使越来越多的人开始对分业监管组织结构在混业经营的金融环境中是否有效性提出质疑。针对这种情况,北欧的一些国家在20世纪80年代率先实践了综合的监管组织结构,并取得成功,由此,综合监管组织结构开始被人们重视,并被一些国家模仿实践。其中,英国由分业监管组织结构向综合监管组织结构的成功改革备受世界瞩目。 我国从改革开放以来,金融业获得了迅速的发展,金融体系逐步健全,金融机构的市场取向增强,已经产生了混业经营的需要。对此,政府当局应该采取什么样的态度和监管政策,以及设置一个什么样的监管机构才能监管效率,这对我国的金融发展有重要意义。本文首先介绍了国外关于金融监管组织结构的理论和实践经验。在此前提下,针对我国目前处于重大历史转折时期这一特点,结合我国目前的金融发展与金融监管现状,详细分析了我国在加入WTO后的政策取向,指出我国在不久的将来实施金融混业经营政策的必然性,并分析在混业经营的条件下,改革我国现行的分业监管组织结构,建立我国综合监管组织结构以及分离货币政策与金融监管两项职能的必要性。并在此基础上,提出了两种具体方案以供参考。

【Abstract】 Since the theory of financial repression and financial deepening was proposed in 1970s by R.J. Mckinnon and E.S.Shaw formally, the tide of financial liberalization and globalization has developed swiftly. The fast growth of diversification in finance system has challenged the tradition of separated regulation agencies. The frequent occurring of regional and global financial crisis made more and more people begin to question the efficiency of the model of separated supervision structure in the circumstance of financial diversification. To resolve this problem, some of the north-Europe countries practiced the organ structure of integrated supervision successfully. Since then, the organ structure of integrated supervision was noticed and practiced by other countries. Among them, the successful reform in Britain from the structure of separated supervision to integrated supervision attracted the world’s eyeball.Since reform and opening in China, the swiftly developing of financial industry, the gradually improving of finance system and the strengthening marketing orientation of financial institutions, has given rise to the demand for diversification. For that, what attitudes and supervision policy should the authority adopt, and how to device the supervision institution can raise the financial supervision efficiency in the circumstance of diversification, which has an important meaning for financial security and efficiency. The article introduced the theory and experiences about the organ structure of finance supervision in foreign countries firstly. Then, as to the present situation of financial developing and supervision, the article analyzed Chinese policy trend after China become amember of WTO. The article also pointed out that it is inevitable to implement policy of financial diversification, and analyzed the necessity to reform present supervision structure and build integrated supervision structure under the condition of currency policy and financial supervision of center bank. Based on the above, the article brought forward two detail proposition for referring to.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】573