

Research on the Status of Women in Han Dynasty and the Causes of the Changing

【作者】 李庆华

【导师】 周黎民;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 专门史, 2003, 硕士

【副题名】According to the Historical Records and the History of Han

【摘要】 儒学是在西汉得到迅速发展的,而中国古代妇女的地位又与儒家所倡导的伦理纲常紧密联系在一起。因此研究这个时期的妇女地位对了解我国古代妇女地位的变化和封建伦理纲常对女性行为的影响有着重要意义。国内学者也就汉代妇女地位以及形成原因进行了研究,但美中不足的是对汉代女性地位的变化及其原因涉及不多。 本文以《史记》、《汉书》中的女性为研究对象,分三个部分阐述了汉代妇女地位。第一部论述了汉代妇女的家庭和社会地位,认为相对于深受伦理纲常影响的其它朝代的女性而言,汉代妇女的地位较高。第二部分阐述汉代妇女地位的变化。认为西汉中后期之后,社会对女性改嫁的态度趋于严厉,妇女丧失了婚姻中的主动权,而女性对朝政的参与无论是在意识、程度还是在参与方式上都有所下降,这表明了汉代女性地位的降低。第三部分分析了汉代妇女地位的形成原因。认为汉代妇女之所以有较高的地位,原因在于:首先,妇女的劳动在经济生活中占有较大的比重;其次,豁达宏大的社会风气为女性提供了自由活动的空间;最后,先秦遗风的影响是西汉妇女地位较高的自然理由。然而随着儒学在社会的传播,礼教的逐渐形成以及朝廷对女性贞节的重视,西汉中后期之后女性地位开始下降。

【Abstract】 Confucianism was developed rapidly in the West Han Dynasty, and the status of the women was connected closely with the ethical principals advocated by Confucianism. The study about the status of females in this period has a very important meaning on the aspect of understanding the declining of women status and the influence of feudal ethical codes on the behavior of females. Scholars have already studied the status of women and the variety of position in Han Dynasty, but still have no enough analysis about the changes and causes.The paper bases on the female figures in Historical Records and History of Han, tries to explain the status of females in Han Dynasty in three parts. The first one is about the position of females in family and society, and points out that they enjoyed a much higher social position compared with the females who suffered heavily from the feudal moral principles and ethics in other dynasties. The second part refers to the changing of the status. My opinion is that in the middle and later part of West Han Dynasty the society had a more and more harsh attitude towards the remarriage of women. The females not only lost the leverage in marriage but also showed the declining tendency in taking part into the politics, no matter the sense or the degree and the accessory. These proved the degrading of the status of females. The last section studies about the causes. The women in Han Dynasty enjoyed a higher status mainly because firstly the labor of the women occupied a comparatively important section in economic, and secondly theoptimistic and free social customs and spirits provided a large space for the women, and lastly the historic influences of the pre-Qin Dynasty was the natural reason for the phenomena. With the spreading of the Confucianism in all levels of society, the forming of feudal ethical codes and the concerning of the purity of women by the imperial government, the status of women declined after the middle and later periods of the West Han Dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】K234
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】2855