

Research on the Legal Regulation of the Unjust Comparative Advertisement

【作者】 黎石秋

【导师】 陈乃新;

【作者基本信息】 湘潭大学 , 法律, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在市场竞争日益激烈的今天,广告越来越多地被产品的生产者、经营者以及服务的提供作为与竞争对手进行竞争的手段。比较广告作为一种有效的广告表现手法,更是被广泛采用。一则好的比较广告所能取得的轰动效应,是其它类型广告所不能比拟的,因此,企业出于自身经济利益的考虑,经常滥用比较广告,进行不正当竞争,构成不正当比较广告。不正当比较广告是指广告主、广告经营者和广告发布者违背诚实信用原则,采用令人误解、诋毁对方或其他不正当竞争行为所给予竞争对手的不公平评价。它的不正当性主要体现在两个方面:(1)通过比较诋毁竞争对手,损害竞争对手的商业信誉或产品声誉,削弱其与乙方的消费选择,损害消费者的利益。要对不正当比较广告实施规制,关键在于如何判定一则比较广告是否属于不正当比较广告。对此,国内外通行的做法有两种,一是严格规定受法律保护的比较广告,即正当比较广告满足的条件,不满足该条件的则为不正当比较广告。如《国际商品广告行为准则》规定:以设计含有对比内容的广告中,不得使对其内容发生误导作用,含有对比内容的广告应遵循公平竞争原则,对比内容应以具体事实为基础,而不应以不正当手段选择对比点。另一则是规定了不正当比较广告法律构成的一般要件。实践中,司法实务界采用的是两者结合的判断标准。正当比较广告的构成要件为:(1)行为人的诚实信用。也就是说,在比较广告中,一方面,诚实信用原则要求行为人尊重被比较方的合法利益,诚实、客观地陈述事实,不得不道德地损人利己;另一方面,诚实信用原则也要求行为人尊重比较广告接受者——消费者的合法权益,消费者有权获取客观、真实和全面的产品或服务信息。(2)具有可比性。指的是比较广告中所涉及的产品或服务应当是相同或类似的产品或服务,属于同一竞争领域;以及比较广告中加以比较的方面也应具有可比性。(3)具有真实性。真实性要求比较<WP=3>广告不得含有虚假不实的成分,所陈述的事实必须有数据、研究或统计结果支持,且这些用于支持陈述的数据、研究或统计结果应该是具有相应认定或调查权限的国家专门机构作出的。(4)具有全面、公正性。指的是比较广告中比较的内容必须全面、公正,不得在比较广告中作不当陈述,引人误解从而贬低或毁损被比较方的商誉。不正当比较广告的法律构成要件是:(1)不正当比较广告行为主体应是广告主、广告经营者和广告发布者;(2)行为主体实施不正当比较广告时,在主观上一般具有故意;(3)不正当比较广告行为侵犯的客体应是竞争者的商业信誉或商品声誉;(4)不正当比较广告行为的客观方面表现为对他人的商品或服务进行了贬低的评价。就笔者看来,不正当比较广告规制的法理基础是因为不正当比较广告损害了有关竞争者的名誉、商誉,由此构成不正当竞争。[1]当然,这也涉及到公民言论自由权与名誉权的权利冲突问题,法律的规制就在于两种冲突的权利在法律上如何配置。[2]在国外,不正当比较广告规制的立法模式有完全禁止主义与允许兼限制主义两种。而在我国则以后者为模式取向。通常,不正当比较广告规制主要体现在《广告法》、《反不正当竞争法》、《商标法》等三个方面。就《广告法》来说,我国广告法对比较广告的规定分布于3个不同的法律层次上.效力最高的《广告法》中除针对所有广告的“真实、合法”要求外,仅有3条规定直接规制比较广告:第7条“广告不得使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语”;第12条“广告不得贬低其他生产经营者的商品或服务”;第14条对药品、医疗器械广告不得有与其他药品、医疗器械的功效和安全性比较内容的规定;第47条对贬低他人的法律责任的规定,并未有全面而有针对性的规定.在行政法规的层次上,国务院于1987年发布了《广告管理条例》,其第8条规定:“广告有下列内容之一的,不得刊播,设置,张贴……(六)贬低同类产品的。”规定得最全面的是国家工商局发布的部门规章,其于1993年颁布的《广告审查标准》(试行)有8条专列一章对比较广告作了较为详细的规定,并对药品、农药、医疗器械、医疗、化妆品等广告的对比性内容分别作了禁止性规定,<WP=4>另外还有一系列针对特种商品广告的规章,规定了对药品、医疗器械、农药、兽药、保健食品、化妆品和医疗广告的限制.在我国,不正当比较广告规制立法滞后并有缺失,需要完善。这需从如下几方面努力:(1)要明确比较广告的合法性判断标准。也即正当比较广告具备以下两个条件:其一,比较广告所涉及的商品或服务应相同或相类似,存在竞争关系,所以比较的内容必须是在相关或相似的特点、性能、质量、成分之间进行。其二,比较广告的内容必须是以事实为基础,有科学的依据和证明,其所使用的数据或调查结果,必须有依据,并提供专门检测机构的证明。但仅以上两条,笔者认为并不充分,还应遵守两大基本原则:①真实客观原则;②正当比较原则。(2)明确比较广告参与者的义务;(3)对比较广告的全面监管要进行明确的法律规定,加强监督检查;(4)要建立和完善不正当比较广告规制的法律责任制度,包括民事责任、行政责任、刑事责任和经济法责任等基本制度。

【Abstract】 With the competition being increasingly vigorous in the market, advertisement has become more and more popular, and been used as the competitive means by the producer, manager and servicer who are proceeding with their rivals. comparative advertisement used as a kind of validly advetising technique, has already been adopted extensively in the world: A good comparative advertisement can obtain a sensational effect, which has priority to other types of advertisements. Therefore, owing to their consideration of economic benefits, the enterprises usually abuses comparative advertisement and is comprised of the unjust comparative advertisement.The unjust comparative advertisement is often defined as an unfair evaluation that the advertisor, advertising executor or announcer who is proceeding with their rivals abuses the undue behavior of competition of misunderstanding person, slandering the other parties. Its undue expression can be seen from the main two aspects: (1) Slandering the rivals, injuring the rival’s business reputation or product reputation, weakening its second party’s consumption choice and injuring the consumer’s benefits. Regulation to the unjust comparative advertisement is key to how to judge the unjust comparative advertisement in the all types of comparative advertisement. To this, there are two methods, domestic and international, to judge the unjust comparative advertisement. The first is the comparative advertisement strictly provided and protected, ie, the condition of the just comparative advertisement, the advertisement which can not satisfy this conditions is the unjust comparative advertise; such as 《The Behavior Standard of International merchandise》has provided: In the advertisement including comparative contents, can not make misleading function take place in advertising design. The<WP=6>advertisement induding comparative contents should follow the fair competition principle, and it should regard concrete fact as the foundation, but should not choice false means as the contrast point. Another is the general the condition unjust comparative advertisement has constituted. Inside practice, the judicial field makes adoption of both combinative judgement standards. The legal conditions of the just comparative advertisement is: (1)the behavior person’s honest reputation. ie, in the comparative advertisement, on one hand, the honest reputation principle request the behavior person respect the others’ legal benefits, and honestly, objectively illustrate the fact, can not obtain profit at the expense of others; on the other hand, the honest reputation principle also requests behavior person respect comparative advertisement to accept——consumer’s legal benefits. Consumer has power to obtain objective, real and complete information of product and service. (2) have comparative conditions. Product or service involving in the comparative advertisement should be the same or similar product or service, which belongs to the same competitive realm; and also have the same comparative conditions. (3) have reliability. The reliability requests the comparative advertisement not imply the deceitful and untrue composition, and the fact illustrated must has the support from the data, research and the result of statistics, and these used in the comparative advertisement should be made by the governmental special insitition with certain legal of determination or investigation. (4)have the completition and fairness. point of its is that the comparative contents in the comparative advertisement should be complete and fair, and can not make undue statement or misunderstanding so as to belittle or damage other competitive ravials’ reputation in the comparative advertisement. The legal items of constitution in the unjust comparative advertisement are: (1)the behavior subject of the unjust comparative advertisement should be the<WP=7>advertisor, the advertising manager or the advertising announcer;(2)the behavior subject has the subjective intention in executing the just comparative advertisement; (3) the

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湘潭大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D922.294
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】452