

【作者】 蒋凯

【导师】 朱桂林;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 软件专业, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 参数测量领域先后经历了模拟仪器、数字仪器和智能仪器的充分发展,20世纪90年代,随着参数测量的应用范围不断扩大,控制要求的不断提高,原有的测量技术已不能满足日益增长的参数测量需求,在同时期信息技术高速发展的带动下,测量技术得到了飞速发展,该领域进入了虚拟仪器阶段。 虚拟仪器技术是计算机技术和传统的仪器仪表技术相结合的产物。它利用计算机系统的强大功能结合相应的软件,大大突破了传统仪器在数据处理、显示、传送、存储方面的限制,给仪器仪表领域带来了革命性的变化,注入了新的活力和生机。 本文将在第一章介绍虚拟仪器的产生与发展历程,国内外的研究现状,总结出虚拟仪器的特点及应用场合。在第二章中引入了网络技术的分层思想,构建了虚拟仪器的分层体系结构,并对此结构模型与COM技术结合实现远程控制功能进行理论分析与模型构建。虚拟仪器体系结构由硬件体系结构与软件体系结构两大部分组成,第三章、第四章分别着重分析、介绍了这两大体系结构,而软件才是虚拟仪器的“核心”。软件体系结构可以分为四层,第一层为连接层,也就是通讯协议,是软件与硬件沟通的桥梁。第二层为数据层,包含数据的采集与控制量的输出。第三层为模块层,保存数据模块、浏览前数据模块、显示当前值模块、曲线图表模块、放大缩小模块等等。第四层为界面层,编程人员可以根据用户需求,挑选合适的模块组建适合自身功能需要的系统。 虚拟仪器中的软件与通用软件之间最大区别就在于它是以数据处理、仪器设备状态控制为核心工作内容的。它包裹数据的采集、处理、存储、发送、共享以及最为关键的设备状态控制功能。第五章介绍一些工程中广泛应用的虚拟仪器算法。 作者攻读硕士学位期间,参与了多个项目的开发。其中全自动生化分析仪与高温高压极端环境模拟平台项目都是以自主构建的虚拟仪器体系结构模型为核心,制定项目开发方案的,第六章与第七章将分别介绍这两个开发实例,分析项目开发关键技术、难点,提出解决方案并介绍实现方法。 本文在第八章工作的总结和对未来工作的展望。

【Abstract】 In the parameter measurement area, great technical progress has been made in analog instrument, digital instrument and intelligent instrument. After 1990’s, with extending of applied range of parameter measurement and improving of the control request, the original measurement technique couldn’t meet the increasing needs during the parameter measurement. The flying development of the information technology also brought fast progress to the measurement technique. The virtual instrument century came into being in the parameter measurement area.Virtual instrument technology is an outgrowth of the combination of computer technique and traditional instruments and meters technique. With powerful computer system and corresponding software, it broke through traditional limits in data processing, data displaying, data transferring and data storage. This tremendous change brought by virtual instrument technology injected new life into instruments and meters field.The first chapter of this thesis introduced the emergence and development of virtual instrument, including some present research and its characteristic and applied field. Layered theory in network technique was introduced into the research in chapter II, on which a new layered architecture in virtual instrument was built. By integrating this structural model with COM technique, further researches including theoretical analysis and model design on long-range control have been carried out. Architecture of virtual instrument was built up with two big parts-hardware architecture and software architecture, which were mainly introduced in Chapter III and Chapter IV. As the kernel of virtual instrument architecture, software architecture could be divided into four layers. The first one is linker layer i.e. ccmmunication protocol, which is the bridge between software and hardware. The second is data layer, including data acquisition and controlled quantity output. Module layer is the third one, which consists of data storage module, original data scanning module, currency displaying module, curve module, amplifying and narrowing module and etc. The last one is interface layer, where programmers could choose appropriate module groups to build their own systems based on their own needs.One of the remarkable differences between software in virtual instrument and current software was that the kernel of the former one was data processing and instrument state control. Its functions included data acquisition, data processing, data storage, data transmit, data sharing and the most important instrument state control. Chapter V introduced some virtual instrument algorithms of extensive use in projects.During graduated study, the author participated in many development projects, in which ’fully automatic biochemical analytic instrument’ and ’analog control equipment under extreme temperature and extreme pressure project’ were both built on the virtual instrument architecture established by the author. Instructions for these two projects were in chapter VI and VII, such as analyzing the key technique and difficulty in the development and solutions to the problems.The summary for this study and the author’s prospect were discussed in the last chapter of this thesis.

【关键词】 虚拟仪器模型算法
【Key words】 virtual instrumentmodelalgorithm
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】142