

【作者】 方小翠

【导师】 鲁东明;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 虚拟现实技术的不断发展,其应用领域也渗透到教育、商业、金融、海洋、农业、娱乐、房地产等领域。特别是随着Internet的发展,基于Web的虚拟现实技术的应用也不断涌现。然而这些新的应用面临两大瓶颈问题:一是与用户交互的虚拟场景的建模和设计问题,特别是在建筑行业设计中这个问题更为突出;二是大规模虚拟场景的网络传输受目前带宽的限制。这两问题的存在极大的限制了虚拟现实技术的应用推广。 造型、布局、色彩是虚拟场景设计的三大基本要素。场景的色彩设计方案直接影响到整个场景的整体效果,但色彩设计往往需要很高的艺术修养,因此本文针对虚拟场景的色彩设计提出了一套辅助设计方案。通过分析虚拟场景设计原则、场景设计的材质约束、三维场景中的色彩表示等问题,提出了约束条件下的色彩协调算法、多个角度的色彩协调算法、基于CASE的色彩协调算法。 针对大规模虚拟场景网络传输问题,基于新的Web三维标准X3D和支持流式传输的MPEG-4标准,本文提出了结合模型分割技术与流式传输技术的解决方案。结合模型分割技术,将虚拟场景分割成小规模的子场景,这样即有利于降低网络延迟,同时通过组合子场景的不同传输顺序,打破流式传输的固定路线传输,在一定程度上满足用户挑选路径浏览的需求。 最后,本文通过将这两个技术应用到房地产行业中,设计开发了“支持新型房地产经营服务模式的虚拟房产系统”,对这两个技术进行了验证。

【Abstract】 While VR (Virtual Reality) technology is rapidly developing, its application areas extend to education, commerce, entertainment, ocean, finance, agriculture, real estate, etc. The applications of web based VR emerge with the development of the Internet. But these new applications confront two major problems. One is the difficulty in the process of modeling and designing of virtual scenes. The other is the restriction posed by transferring the large-scale scenes over the network. These two problems seriously limit the application and popularization of VR technology.There are three basic elements in scene design, which are sculpture, layout and colorway. The colorway scheme of the scene directly influences the overall effects of the whole scene, but it requires high art accomplishment. Therefore, this paper proposes a set of computer-aided designing schemes for the colorway of the virtual scenes. Color harmony algorithm under restrictions, color harmony algorithm of multiply views and color harmony algorithm based on CASE are brought forward by analyzing the principle of virtual scene designing, material restriction, and color expression in 3D environment.Aiming at network transferring problem of large-scale virtual scene, this paper put forward a solution combining the model dividing technique and stream transferring technique based on the web 3D standard X3D and MPEG-4 supporting stream transferring. But the time sequences of streaming transfer could only allow the virtual environment to be transferred in a fixed sequence. Using the model dividing technique, the virtual scene is divided into small-scale sub-scenes. Meanwhile, by combining the different transferring sequence of sub-scenes, this could not only reduce the network delay, but allow the combination of sub scenes in any sequences so that users can choose their own path to follow.Finally, we adapt these two technologies into real estate, and develop a virtual real estate system faces to new real estate management.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】273