

The Jurisprudential Analysis of the Rules of Protecting Third Party’s Interests in Real Right Alternation

【作者】 张旭昕

【导师】 高鸿钧;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以物权变动中第三人利益保护的理性基础为研究基点和线索,从物权变动中保护第三人利益的角度,对善意取得制度、公示公信原则和物权行为理论等几种主要的第三人利益保护机制进行了分析检讨,并在对比其制度价值的基础上提出了我国民事立法中保护第三人利益的基本模式和规则。物权变动中的第三人利益保护问题是市场经济条件下一个非常重要的问题,也是物权法研究的基本范畴之一。我国物权法保护第三人利益的传统做法是采用善意取得制度,但由于善意取得制度采用主观的善意标准,其在司法实践中存在着自身不可克服的缺陷,难以充分保护第三人的利益。公示公信原则的确立可以弥补善意取得制度的不足,为善意的确定提供便于客观查知的标准。物权行为理论为公示公信原则的确立提供了理论依据,并在保护第三人利益方面较善意取得制度具有明显的优越性。通过对三种主要的第三人保护机制的法理分析,本文指出,三种制度各有其优势和不足,各有其发挥作用的特定领域,单纯依赖任何一种制度都无法实现对第三人利益的妥善保护,在我国的民事立法中,应当建立一种以物权行为的独立性和无因性理论为核心的第三人利益保护机制,以物权合意及公示完成作为物权变动的判断标准,弥补单纯采纳公示公信原则的不足,并吸收善意取得制度的合理内核,用客观推断的办法来证明第三人主观上的善意或者恶意,以推定之善意为原则,以原权利人举证之恶意为例外,在物权变动制度中建立起三种制度协力共存的第三人利益保护机制。本文主体部分共分为四章。第一章介绍了本文的选题意义、国内针对物权变动中第三人保护问题的研究现状、论文的研究方法和结构安排。第二章对物权变动及第三人进行了类型化的分析以确定本文研究的范围,并在此基础上探讨了第三人保护的理性基础,从而为下文的论述提供了研究基点和线索。第三章从第三人利益保护的角度对三种制度各自的作用机理、优势劣势进行了详细的分析检讨。第四章为结论,在前面几章探讨的基础上为我国民事立法中的第三人利益保护机制提出了一种可能的构建模式。

【Abstract】 Based on the rational cognition of protecting the third party’s interests in real right alternation, this paper examines such theories as the bona fide acquisition, demonstrative principle of real right and abstractness of real right act in terms of the protection of the third party’s interests in the alternation process. Based on this examination, this paper advances a fundamental pattern and specific rules on the protection of the third party in China’s civil legislation.The protection of the third party’s interests in real right alternation is a very important issue in market economy as well as one of the basic categories in the field of jus rerem. China’s traditional practice to protect the third party’s interests is bona fide acquisition, but this method cannot fulfill its responsibility in practice because it uses a subjective standard to measure the third party’s bona fide.The establishment of the demonstrative principle of real right can fill this hole left by bona fide acquisition by providing an objective standard, which is fairly comprehensible. The theory of juristic act of real right provides theoretical foundation for the demonstrative principle of real right, and has apparent advantages over bona fide acquisition in the protection of third party’s interests.After analyzing these three theories, the author points out that each theory has its advantages and disadvantages and can be most effective in certain occasions. One method, by itself, is not enough to protect the third party’s interests. Therefore, in China’s civil legislation, the system to protect the third party’s interests should be based on the theory of juristic act of real right and bona fide acquisition. As to the definition of the alternation of real right, the standard should be the conclusion of the contract of real right and accomplishment of public summons and this standard can supply the gap left by the principle of public summons. As to the definition of the third party’s subjective bona fide, the advantage of the bona fide acquisition should be absorbed and the approach of objective construction should be adopted. Thus, the principle is that the third party is assumed to have bona fide unless the original owner of real right proves malice on the third party’s side. All these measures can help to establish, in the alternation of real right, a third-party-protecting system where the three methods complement each other.<WP=5>The main body of this paper includes four chapters. Chapter 1 explains the significance of the research subject. Based on a typology analysis of the real right alternation and the third party to define the scope of the discussion, Chapter 2 approaches the rational cognition of protecting the third party’s interests. Thereby it provides the starting point and thread for the following discussion. Chapter 3 analyses the mechanism, advantages and disadvantages thoroughly of the three methods in terms of protecting the third party’s interests. Based on the analysis of the former chapters, Chapter 4 advances a fundamental pattern and specific rules on the protection of the third party in China’s civil legislation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】D913
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】478