

Technical Study of Steel Structure Residential Building

【作者】 杜爽

【导师】 庄惟敏;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 二十世纪九十年代末期,我国钢铁产量大幅增长,为建筑业用钢提供了充足的原材料储备,一种新型的居住建筑体系——钢结构体系住宅开始在我国得到越来越广泛的重视与开发研究。到目前,对该体系的研究已进入全面启动阶段,一方面各地建筑业积极参与这一新体系的研究和实践,并有了一批钢结构住宅试点和示范的建设经验和科技成果;另一方面,在建设实践中也发现了大量亟待解决的技术性问题。本论文以钢结构住宅作为研究对象,运用分类和对比的研究方法对该体系进行全面的技术性研究。本论文首先回顾了国内外钢结构住宅的发展历史,分地区介绍了国外相关体系构成和技术措施,分析总结了国内的研究建设成果,并归纳我国目前实际的工程案例,为其后的分析提供依据,也可以作为相关研究的资料和成果。第三章从国民经济和可持续发展的宏观角度分析探讨了钢结构住宅在我国发展的可行性和必要性。作为全文重点的第四章,以钢结构住宅的各项技术问题为研究对象,遵循建筑物的逻辑建造程序,逐条、分类地进行技术措施分析和总结。涉及平面空间组成、结构选型、墙体材料及构造节点、保温节能措施、防火防腐以及设备管线排布等几乎设计建造的全流程内容,并首次提出专门针对钢结构住宅各技术层面的有关健康住宅的设计理念和技术要点。第五章结合前文的技术要点尝试从经济性、功能性、环保性和资源利用等方面搭建出一个关于钢结构住宅综合评价的大框架。文中引用了数个工程实例真实有效的技术参数,力图全面公正地反映钢结构住宅与混凝土结构住宅之间的差异与优劣,并根据评价的结果提出钢结构住宅今后的发展方向。最后在文章的结语部分,对我国钢结构住宅的研究进行总结和展望,并提出有利于今后推广应用的相应对策。

【Abstract】 Since the last 1990’s, the output of steel in China raised quickly. That makes it possible to build house with steel. A new style of rseihential building -steel structure residential building, attracted more and more attention in building industry. Nowadays, the study of this structure style has coming to a new stage. On the one hand, local building industry departments participate in the study and project construction positively, and also have some construction experiences and research achievements; On the other hand, a lot of questions which in badly need to be solved have been discovered.The thesis makes steel structure residential building as the object, study technical questions with analogy and classification method. Starting with the review of the developing history about steel structure residential building, some correlated systems and technical measure of foreign countries are introduced. Real projects and achievements in China are classified and summed up, which offer arguments for thereafter demonstration as well as accumulates the materials for relevant research. In chapter 3, the feasible and necessary of developing steel structure residential building in China is analyzed from macrostructure such as national economy and sustainable design.As the main body of this thesis, making technical problems of steel structure residential building as the target, through the logical building construction programs, chapter 4 analyses and summarizes the technical steps one by one. It contains almost the whole substance of building construction, such as material and structure, heat preservation, fireproof, antiseptic and building installation. As a new conception- health house, which is specially aimed at technical study of steel structure residential building, is putted forward in the thesis. Combined with the technical main point, chapter 5 tastes to build a multiple appraise about the steel structure residential building from the field such as economic, function, environmental protection and using of resources. Some true data are used in this appraise, which can reflect the truth of the differences between steel structure residential building and concrete structure residential building. The development directions are also raised on the basis of the appraise result.In the end, some suggestions against the developments of steel structure residential building of our country are put forward, accompany with some summaries and expectations for the future study on this area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
  • 【分类号】TU391
  • 【被引频次】22
  • 【下载频次】1538