

Course Setting of Five-fear-tum Primary School Education Speciality

【作者】 赖晓琴

【导师】 宋易麟;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 2001年起,我省师范教育结构进行了调整。同年秋季,调整保留的12所中等师范开始了培养专科学历小学教师的试行工作。目前我省已有五年制培养高师专科学历小学教师的试行课程方案,但对具体专业尚无明确规范。课程在人才培养、专业建设和学校教育中居于核心地位,五年制小学教育专业(文科)课程设置要适应素质教育、课堂改革和小学语文教育的需求,处理好“教什么”和“怎么教”、“博和“精”、实践和理论几组矛盾,体现出高等教育体系中文科专业课程体系的共性、师范教育体系中文科专业课程体系的个性以及小学教育专业(文科)的特性。

【Abstract】 Content:Since 2001.the structure of the teachers’ education has been adjusted in our province.From this autumn on ,the kept 12 normal sthools began the work to train the teachers with college record for the primary schools. Recently,the trial course plan aimed at training the tive-fear-turn primary schools’ teachers with college record has been put forward,but it didn’t ofter the specific courses.Courses stand the leading position in training qualified personels, constructing specialities and school education The course setting must need the requirement for quality education, course reform, and the Chinese education in the primary schools. Also it must handle well the contradiction between"what to teach" and "how to teach", "extensive" and "intensive", "praltice" and "theory",etc. The most important, it must embody the generality of the course system in the advanced education the individuality of the specialities of arts, and the characteristic of the primary schools’ edblcation speciality (Arts).

  • 【分类号】G620-4
  • 【被引频次】2
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