

Report on the Reform of the System of Institutions of Higher Learning

【作者】 贾少华

【导师】 吴志宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育管理, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以作者所在高职学院的体制改革实践活动为研究对象,在观察、访谈和调查的基础上,就高校体制改革所涉及的内容作了详尽的叙述,并就目前条件下高校改制的有利方面和面临的困难作了分析。在此基础上提出了民办高校赖以生存的主要内部运行机制,即投资保障机制、管理合力机制和发展调控机制。文章最为大量的篇幅在于阐述民办高校要想走上可持续发展的道路,必须处理好的几个关系,即投资的营利性与教育的公益性、企业的经济效益与高校人才精神、决策的自主性与权力的受制约性、办事的效率与行事的规范、教师工作任期的临时性与教育实施的连续性、专业建设的市场化与办学特色化、改革构想的先进性与改革实施的合理性等八方面的关系。文章最后还就如何使改制得以顺利进行并使民办高校健康发展问题作了思考分析并提出了建议,认为改制要循序渐进、董事会的构建必须合理、举办者的办学责任必须明确,同时民办体制还必须有法律的保障。

【Abstract】 Based on the observations, interviews and investigations into the reform of the system in the vocational college where the author works, a detailed description of the content concerning the system reform of institutions of higher learning is given, and the advantages and the confronted difficulties in the restructuring of the system of institutions of higher learning under present circumstances are analyzed in the paper. The internal operating mechanisms such as investment guarantee, management cooperation and development control on which colleges run by the non-governmental sectors depend for existence are put forth. In order to maintain sustainable development for the non-governmental colleges, the author puts forward that eight relationships must be well dealt with: profit for investment and non-profit education, enterprises’ economic benefits and outstanding personnel from colleges and universities, self-determination for policy-making and restrictions for the power, working efficiency and codes of conduct, temporary working periods for teachers and continuum of educational implementation, specialty setting on the market basis and characteristics for running colleges, advanced ideas of the reform and rationality for the implementation of the reform. At the end of the essay it is considered and analyzed how the reform of the system will be successfully carried out and the sound development for the non-governmental institutions. The reform of the system in due order, rational formation of the board of directors, explicit responsibilities for college-runners and the non-governmental system protected by laws are put forward in the paper.

  • 【分类号】G640
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】459