

【作者】 毛显瑞

【导师】 汪莹;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 识字教学的重要性不容置疑。学生自学能力的形成和提高以至促进学生主动发展,其关键在于学生阅读能力的形成和提高,而这又是以学生快速、大量识字为前提的。反过来也可以说,识字教学的最终目的不是识字而是阅读。长期以来,我国传统的小学识字教学在目的把握上存在偏差,导致在教学中出现一些严重的问题:①识字量少(达不到阅读的要求);②机械识记(死记硬背,易忘,负担重);③精细识记(识字过程分析讲解居多,整体认读难,在阅读过程中无法做到“识字自动化”);④评价片面(单纯以能写会默为评价标准),等等。因而造成了小学识字教学“少慢差费”的状况,对整个小学语文教学带来了很大的负面影响。 为改变这种状况,广大教师和研究者进行了不懈的努力与尝试。从20世纪60年代的集中识字教学模式、分散识字教学模式;80年代的注音识字教学模式、字族文识字教学模式;到90年代的韵语识字教学模式、“四结合”识字教学模式,创造了各种各样、形形色色的识字教学模式,实践证明,它们都是卓有成效的。 教学模式,即在一定教学理论的指导下,围绕教学活动中的某一主题,形成的相对稳定、系统化和理论化的教学范型。它具有完整性、针对性、优效性和可操作性的特点。它能为教学实践者提供达到教学目标的条件和程序,能预见教学效果,能改进教学进程中的方式方法,突破旧有的教学框框,从而提高教学效率。 本文试图从模式的角度对典型的识字教学模式进行全面、系统的分析、比较,观照各种模式的理论基础和理论假设、操作序列、教学策略,评价其理论意义和实践意义,长处与局限,以期趋同某些认识,以此来更好地发挥它们的功能,并试图展望小学识字教学模式的未来发展。

【Abstract】 There is no doubt about the importance of word-learning teaching. The development and improvement of students’ reading ability, which is based on students’ fast and mass word-learning, is the key to the development and improvement of students, self-taught ability and to helping students to develop of their own accord. In other words, the purpose of word-learning teaching is not to learn words but read. For a long time, the deviation, lying in grasping the purpose of traditional primary school word-learning teaching in china, has led to several serious problems in the teaching: (1)a few words (2)mechanical memorizing (3) memorizing in detail (4) one sided assessment , etc. Consequently, all this results in the situation of small quantity, slow speed, bad effect and time consuming" in primary school word-learning teaching, which affects the whole word-learning, which affects the whole Chinese teaching negatively.In order to improve this situation, a lot of teachers and researchers’ made a lot of experiments. From Centralized word-learning teaching model and Decentralized word-learning teaching model in the 1960’s; Phonetic word-learning teaching model and Zizuwen word-learning teaching model in the 1980’s to Rhyme word-learning teaching model and "Four combination" word-learning teaching model in the 1990’s, they created many kinds of teaching models, which have been proved highly effective.In this article, the writer intends to analysis and contrast the typical teaching models thoroughly and systematically from the viewpoint of model. Observing the theory base, theoretical hypothesis, operation process, teaching tactics, the writer makes comments on theoretical significance and practical importance, their strong points and limits. Therefore, play can be given to the functions. Besides, the writer attempts to look at the development of the primary word-learning teaching models.

  • 【分类号】G623.2
  • 【被引频次】16
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