

【作者】 李宁生

【导师】 耿文秀;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 弱势群体是指在社会性资源分配过程中,具有经济利益的贫困性,生活质量的低层次性和承受力上的脆弱性的特殊社会群体。贫困性是弱势群体的本质属性。在弱势群体中,妇女占有绝大部分的比例。弱势妇女群体是一个处境极为困难,承受力极为脆弱,极需社会各界支持与帮助的群体。社会支持是指在社会互动过程中,个体从其他个人、群体、社会组织或政府机构中获得的物质、情感、信息、归属感等方面的支持。社会支持对增强人们的社会适应性,提高人们的生活质量,调节人们的情绪状态,促进人们的身心健康等方面具有重要的作用。 本论文以上海城市弱势妇女群体为对象,采用问卷调查的形式,对该群体的社会支持进行分析研究,旨在揭示出该群体现有社会支持系统的特点以及影响该群体获得社会支持的主要因素。结果发现:1、弱势妇女群体维持着传统的非正式社会支持系统,尤其以家庭支持为核心,她们从正式的社会支持系统获得的社会支持相当有限;2、弱势妇女群体获得的社会支持中,情感性支持多于工具性支持,她们获得的信息支持最少;3、社会支持系统不完善是上海城市弱势妇女群体较少获得社会支持的主要原因,而弱势妇女群体自身的个性特征也是影响她们的社会支持的重要因素:自尊水平高,社交性强,情绪状态稳定的人更易于从其社会支持系统中获得各种社会支持;4、社会支持与弱势妇女群体的情绪状态具有显著的相关:获得较多社会支持的人,其正性情绪较多,负性情绪较少,总的幸福度也更高;5、与普通妇女群体相比,弱势妇女群体的自尊水平显著较低,情绪稳定性显著较差,她们所获得的各项社会支持也明显少于普通妇女群体。 根据研究结果,我们提出了一个有助于改善弱势妇女群体生活状况的理想社会支持模式:家庭支持是基础,是获取各种社会支持的出发点和归宿;社区支持是支柱,是整个支持系统的核心部分,它发挥着最强大的作用;市场资源和职业支持是承重梁,承载着新生活的希望,是摆脱困境的重要途径;亲戚、邻居、朋友、同事等是护航者,发挥着保驾护航的作用;社会保障是这个支持系统的最后一张安全网,它的健全完善将能为广大弱势妇女群体起着遮风避雨的作用。建议社区在为弱势妇女群体提供教育援助、就业援助和心理健康服务方面发挥更大的作用,使社区服务得到更大的发展。

【Abstract】 Disadvantaged population represents diverse groups of individuals who are experiencing economically poor and living in a low quality of life, their coping abilities are very weak. Poverty is the essential attribute of disadvantaged population. Most of the disadvantaged individuals are women, and their living conditions are so difficult that they are in need of helps and supports from the society. Social support includes emotional supports, informational supports, belonging supports and material aids that people receive from other individuals, social organizations or governments in the course of social interaction. Social support is critical for individuals to enhance their social adaptation, promote their quality of life, adjust their emotions and maintain their mental health.The participants in this study were 928 urban disadvantaged women in Shanghai. The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics and the influencing factors of the social supports of this group. Disadvantaged women were found to maintain traditional informal social support networks, and they received more supports from their families and other people than from formal social support networks. Among the supports they received, affective supports were more than material supports, they received little informational supports from their social networks. The deficiency of social supports was the underlying causes that leads the disadvantaged women to be in vulnerable conditions, but their personalities were also important contributing factors: people who have higher self-esteem, are more sociable and have more stable emotions can receive more social supports from their social networks. There was significant positive correlation between social supports and emotions: people who received more social supports from their networks, had more positive emotions, less negative emotions, and their general happiness were higher. Compared with normal women populations, disadvantaged women had lower self-esteem, their emotions were less stable, and they received less social supports from their social networks.According to the results of this study, an ideal social support model that helps disadvantaged women to improve their quality of life was suggested: familial supports are the foundation of receiving other social supports; community supports are in the core of the support system, and play the most strong functions in helping individuals to break away from plight; market resources and occupational supports are the path that leads to a new life; relatives, neighbors, friends and colleagues are the promoters of their interests, who form the basis of an individual’s social support over the life course; social security is the last support network that helps disadvantaged women to meet their basic needs in life. Educational supports, occupational supports and mental health services are critical for disadvantaged women to improve their lives, and can facilitate the development of community services.

  • 【分类号】D442
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】577