

【作者】 何伟

【导师】 吴志宏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2002, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着我国基础教育领域改革的不断深入,为了从整体上提高学校的办学效益,人们越来越重视如何充分调动广大教师工作积极性的问题。因此开展对学校教育管理工作中激励行为的研究就成了大家日益关注的课题。 本论文旨在借鉴美国心理学家赫兹伯格(Frederick herzberg)在20世纪50年代后期创立的激励保健双因素理论(motivation——hygiene theory)对当前中学教师工作满意感作一实证研究。 整篇论文主要分两大部分:文献探讨和实证研究。 文献探讨部分着重讨论了工作满意感的含义和前人对工作满意感的研究成果;双因素理论的介绍以及评价;国内外对双因素理论在教育管理领域中应用研究的状况。 在本文中,工作满意感是指工作者源自工作的一种愉快而且是正面的情绪反应。这种情绪反应,主要是个人已经获得或经历过的工作经验的结果,或是对已从事工作的心理评价。美国心理学家赫兹伯格就是一位对工作满意感进行研究的重要人物。 实证研究部分首先开展了中学教师工作满意感的个案问卷调查。问卷调查范围是上海市内两所不同类型中学的全体教师和行政领导(不含职工)共195人。发放问卷195份,回收182份,回收率为93.3%,去除无用废卷17份,可用卷为165份,可用率90.7%。在对调查所得的数据进行统计分析之后,选择若干名具有代表性的教师进行访谈,并对访谈结果做了综述。表述如下:1.目前中学管理更注重保健因素的改善;2.工资收入、监督、晋升和教育政策是令中学教师感到不满意的四大因素;3.时下中学教师对若干激励因素的作用存在困惑;4.人际关系因素的改善对教师有明显的激励作用。 然后综合统计分析结果和访谈综述,得出研究结论:1.教师的总体工作满意感基本上在中度左右。使教师最感满意的因素为其与同事之间的关系,使教师最感不满意的因素为其工资收入;2.使教师感到满意的因素较之赫兹伯格的划分是大为增加了;3.使教师感到不满意的因素较之赫兹伯格的划分是大为减少了;4.教师的满意感既受到激励因素又受到保健因素的影响。教师的不满意感主要受到保健因素的影响。因此赫兹伯格的双因素理论未能得到充分支持;5.使公办高级中学的教师感到满意的因素要明显多于民办初级中学的教师;6.使男性中学教师感到满意的因素要明显多于女性教师;7.中学青年教师的工作满意感相对较低,同时中学教师的工作满意感有随年龄增长而增加的趋势;8.中学教师职称的晋升对提高其工作满意感是比较有帮助的;9.中学行政管理人员与一般教师的工作满意感大体趋同;10.拥有不同学历的教师其工作满意感总体上讲差别不大,但使得大专学历的教师感到满意的因素要略多于本科及本科以上学历的教师;11.己婚教师和未婚教师的工作满意感基本相当。 最终在上述结论的基础上提出若干建议:1.合理改善教师经济待遇,提高教师福利水平;2.建立融洽的学校人际关系,培养和谐的学校组织气氛;3.发挥教师特长,鼓励教师继续学习和进修,注重教师工作成就感的满足;4.充分保障教师积极参与学校的民主管理。

【Abstract】 Along with the continuous progress of reforms in the field of elementary and high school education, the issue as to how to activate the initiative of teachers in order to elevate the overall quality of school management catches more and more attention. As a result, to conduct researches on the stimulus in school education management has become a hot topic.The thesis, by using the reference of Motivation-Hygiene Theory formed in the late 1950’s by Frederick Herzberg, an American psychologist, perform empirical research on job satisfaction of the contemporary high school teachers.The thesis mainly comprises of two categories-The literature and the empirical research. The literature research focus on the definition of job satisfaction and the research results of the precedent researchers; the introduction and evaluation of Motivation-Hygiene Theory; the status of application of the theory in education management within the country and abroad.In the thesis, job satisfaction refers to a kind of pleasant and positive emotional reaction derived from work, which is mostly the outcome of individual experiences or psychological evaluation of the work done. Frederick Herzberg played an important role in the research of this field.The empirical research begins with the questionnaire on job satisfaction of individuals. The research scope is set to be totally 195 teachers and administration executives (excluding the supporting staff) of two different types of high schools in Shanghai. 182 answer sheets were received which accounts for 93.3% of the total sent out, with 17 invalid sheets. There were 165 sheets were take as valid in result, which accounts for 90.7% of the total. With the statistics analysis of the data obtained, several teachers with representative characteristics were selected for interview. The summary of the interview goes as follows:1.The high schools put more efforts on the improvement of hygiene factors at present.2.Salary, supervision, promotion and education policy have been the 4 main factors which high school teachers feel unsatisfied.3.High school teachers are uncertain about certain motivators at current stage.4.The improvement of inter-personal relationship provides profound stimulation to teachers.Then the analysis was summarized and the conclusion drawn is stated hereafter:1. The overall degree of satisfaction falls into the medium level. The most satisfied factor is the relationship among the colleagues with the least satisfied is the salary.2. Those favorable factors, compared with the division by Mr. Herzberg greatly increased.3. Those negative factors are much less man those of the division made by Mr. Herzberg.4. The job satisfaction of teachers is influenced by both the stimulus and hygiene factors. The dissatisfaction of them is mainly resulted from the hygiene factors. Therefore, the theory of Mr. Herzberg was not fully supported.5. The public senior high school teachers are much more satisfied than the private junior high school teachers.6. The male teachers are more satisfied than the females.7. The young teachers are comparatively less satisfied than the elder. It shows the tendency that the job satisfaction grows with the age.8. Promotion in position and title is of great availability to job satisfaction.9. There is an agreement to a great extent in the view of job satisfaction among the executives and the ordinary teachers.10. Teachers with different levels of degrees vary not much in job satisfaction on the whole, but the teachers of college degrees are more satisfied than those with bachelor or even higher degrees.11 .Married and single teachers share almost same view on the issue.Based on the conclusion hereinabove, several pieces of suggestion are raised:1. To better the offerings and welfare packages to teachers within the reasonable level.2. To establish placatory interpersonal relationship and create harmonious atmosphere in schools.3. To encourage teachers to bring their strong points into

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】629