

On the Organization of Academic Resources of Internet

【作者】 卞丽

【导师】 刁维汉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 情报学, 2001, 硕士


【摘要】 基于校园网、CERNET、CHINANET和Internet的“网络资源学科导航系统”是以学科为单元,通过对某一学科领域或与该学科相关的各种网络学术资源的挖掘、搜集、评价、分类、著录,并对其进行简要的内容揭示,建立网络资源分类组织体系及动态链接的指引库和高效的检索系统,发布在图书馆的网页上,为用户提供导引和检索线索的导航系统。网络资源学科导航系统是本文的研究主题,全文共分三章。 本文在第1章分析了网络资源学科导航系统建设的背景和意义:随着网络学术信息资源的飞速增长,作为Web主流检索工具的搜索引擎难以高效、准确、全面地完成专业信息资源的检索请求;传统编目技术也无力承担海量网络学术资源编目的需求;图书馆所建的“网海导航”多数为对网站(页)的链接,缺乏对资源内容必要的揭示与评价;国内对网络学术资源标准化的研究也相对滞后于国外。CALIS组织立项建设网络资源学科导航库正是在这种背景下产生的,网络学科导航系统的建成将使网络学术资源以学科为单元,由分散变为集中,由无序到有序,方便各学科读者查询相关学科的网络资源,让各学科领域的教学和科研人员快速了解本学科领域前沿研究动向,发展趋势和最新动态,节省用户搜索网络资源的时间和网络通讯费用,方便科教人员之间的学术交流,同时起到信息评价与过滤的作用,目前依托高校图书馆相对发达的网络设施、先进的信息技术和丰富的网络信息资源建立起的高校图书馆网络资源学科导航系统,是高校图书馆现代信息服务和学科咨询服务的深层次开发产品和研究成果,是高校图书馆网络资源开发和虚拟馆藏建设的重要组成部分,对于整个宏观网络信息系统而言,提高了网络信息的有序化程度。这是学科导航系统建设的意义所在。 中国高等教育文献保障体系(CALIS)本着整体效益与合作协调原则,组织立项由“211工程”的高校共建“重点学科导航库”,计划涵盖400多个国家级重点学科。CALIS重点学科网络资源导航项目的实施推动了全国高校网络资源组织工作的深入开展,已成为当前国内高校图书馆工作的重要组成部分。学科导航库建设质量的高低会对读者高效利用网络学术资源产生巨大影响。本文在第2章对国内上网的高校图书馆网络学科导航库建设情况和香港、澳门、台湾地区及国外的一些知名大学虚拟图书馆建设情况,从学科专业分布、分类体系结构、网页设计、检索功能、导航库的更新与维护、软件应用、内容揭示程度、信息记录数量等方面,进行了详细的网上调查,并对调查结果做出了细致的分析,调查结果表明:截止到2001年6月4日,在国内上网的602所高校中共有59家图书馆已建成网络资源学科导航库,总体上是依据我国高校学科及专业设置和文献资源分类特点进行建设的,形成了自己的特色和结构体系。通过对港台地区40多所高校图书馆网络学术资源组织情况及国外虚拟图书馆的优秀典范如:加州大学河滨分校图书馆信息矿藏、图书馆员因特网索引的调研,认为国内以清华大学为代表的高校图书馆学科导航库建设水平略高于港台地区,但就网络学科导航系统的整体建设水平而言,我们还处于起步阶段,国外优秀典范的先进技术和方法为今后国内网络学科导航建设提供了可借鉴的经验。 国内高校图书馆网络资源学科导航系统建设情况及存在的问题如下:CAL工S成员馆是当前我国网络学科导航系统建设的主体;建成学科导航库数量CALls成员馆多,非成员馆少;重点高校建设水平普遍高于一般院校;导航库学科覆盖面广,但学科分布不均衡,自然科学多、社会科学少;重复建设多,协作建设少,浪费现象较重;有的学科导航库专业划分过于细致,一个专业研究方向也作为一个导航库进行建设;导航库资源划分方法呈多样化;信息揭示深度方面,多数还局限于与资源网站的简单链接,对资源网站主页信息的深层次开发不够;己建成学科导航库有半数链接网站信息记录不足200个(CALIS中心规定的最低标准);已建成学科导航库的稳定性与更新速度不够;网页设计多数文出了学术性风格,但忽视了对帮助功能的设计,即用户界面友好度不够;在检索功能上,大多数导航库都存在着严重不足的现象,这与其所选择的检索软件平台有直接关系。 针对上述问题本文在第3章提出了完善学科导航库建设应采取的对策和建议,这其中包含了笔者对网络学科导航系统研究的创建部分: 1.要加强宏观调控,搞好组织协调,促成多馆合作共建共享,促成十大互联网早日实现互通,图书馆界联合共建,汲取OCLC的成功经验,以学科群为学科导航库建设单元。 2.在学科导航库建设中各单位应有共同遵循的原则、标准及可采用的方法和注意事项,如确定资源选择标准,选择资源定位,选择具有全文检索及多媒体检索功能的软件作为导航库的支持平台,确定资源组织原则包括共享性、发展性、层次性、全面性、网络资源连续性、稳定性、特色化与可持续发展、中外文并重、信息的时效性与累积性并重原则等等; 3.关于学科导航库的整合、完善与提高应进一步完善学科导航库的检索功能:以LIS中心应加大建设投入,并扩大支助范围,规定统一界面,统一引擎,

【Abstract】 For Campus Network, CERNET, CHINANET and Internet as "Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources" takes subjects as units. Through tapping, collecting, evaluating, classifying and cataloguing all kinds of net academic resources for some subject or correlative scope to open out the content briefly, it can establish classifying and organizing system, DLL and effective retrieval system, and then publish them at the website of the library and provide navigating system of induct and retrieval clew for users. "Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources" is the topic of the paper. The paper includes 3 chapters.The first chapter of this paper analyses the background and meaning of the establishment of Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources. With the rapid increase of network academic information resource, Search Engine as the Web primary retrieval tool can’ t meet the retrieval request of specialty information resources; Traditional cataloging techniques can’ t meet the needs of magnanimous network academic resources; Most of the "navigation of networks" established by libraries are the simple link of websites. It lacks the necessary revelation and evaluation of resources content. The research to the standardization of network academic resources of our country is not so developed as other countries. For all of these, the idea of establishing Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources of our country comes into being. The establishment of Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources makes network information resources take subjects as units, from dispersion to concentration, from out-of-order to orderly. It is very convenient for readers to inquire network information resources. It enables teachers and researchers of all especially of special fields to keep abreast of new research trends of their domain, developing tendency and the recent developments at home and abroad. It saves the users time and cost. Make it convenient for researchers to have academic exchanges. Meanwhile it can evaluate and filter the information.Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources of university libraries is based on the developed network establishment, advanced information technology and rich network information resources. It is deep-seated development and research products of college libraries’ modern information and subjects consultation services. To the whole macro network information system, Disciplines Navigation can improve the degree of order of network information.On the principle of whole benefit and cooperate, CALIS organized the item and universities of "211 project" collectively established "Emphasized Disciplines Navigation System for Network Resources" . It is to include more than 400 emphasized subjects of state-level. Particularly every library develops its own key Discipline navigation database, and put it out on the Web sites of the library, shared by other institutes users. The enforcement of CALIS "EmphasesDisciplines Navigation System for Network Resources" project gives impulse to the deep development of nationwide institutes network resources organization. The quality of Disciplines Navigation Database will have great effect on the readers’ use of network academic resources. It is necessary to investigate, analyze and study the design, establishing principle and establishing condition of Disciplines Navigation Database. The second chapter of this treatise carries out detailed via network investigation on the distributing of subjects, the framework of classifying system, the design of homepage, the function of retrieval, the update and maintenance, application, the degree of opening out content and the number of information records etc of the establishing status of Disciplines Navigation Database for Network Resources via institutes’ libraries at home, Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan. The result of the investigation is also analyzed in detail. It shows that up to June 4th, 2001 59 libraries of 602 institutes linking Internet at home have or partly have

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