

【作者】 郑炯

【导师】 周震和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 高中作文教学是整个中学作文教学的最后环节,其深度、难度和综合程度都远大于初中作文教学,对学生的表达能力、综合思维能力提出了较高的要求。因而高中作文教学应该以全方位地培养和提高学生的综合能力为终极目标。 然而,许多高中学生在回答不喜欢的学科这一问题时,都回答是“语文”。如果问学语文最怕什么,则大多数回答“写作文”,可谓题未出而叹息,临文卷而汗颜。确实,在能够找到的有关写作教学的资料中,几乎所有的研究者都认为目前国内高中生写作水平普遍不高,而作文教学“少慢差费”,效率低下,现状堪忧,急须改革。 对于高中学生来说,写作对象、任务、要求与过去相比有了较大的变化,如议论文越来越占据写作范畴的重要位置,记叙文、说明文向着复杂方向发展,“思想”的作用越来越显著,对抽象逻辑思维的要求也骤然加强。在陌生而复杂的任务面前,刚刚进入高中的学生思维水平和表达能力都难以适应,习作中必然出现许多困难。而现实情况也确实不容乐观,作为整个语文教学中一个较为薄弱的环节,写作教学中存在着许多亟待解决的问题。 在本课题研究的前期所进行的问卷调查以及与部分师生的交谈中,高中阶段的写作教学至少存在这样几个不容忽视的问题:教学过程中学生的主体地位得不到尊重,写作兴趣淡薄;写作教学亦难免“应试教育”影响,虚情假话充斥学生作文;读写脱节,学生作文难以运用课堂上学到的写作知识和技巧;教学方法单调落后,陈陈相因;教师教学观念落后,学生作文个性和创造力缺失,等等。针对这些问题,在学习和借鉴前人关于写作教学的研究成果的基础上,根据教学大纲有关高中阶段学生写作能力要求的论述,本文希望能够提出一些解决的对策和方法,例如如何使写作训练与学生的生活实践结合起来,如何使阅读教学与写作教学结合起来,如何改进和丰富写作教学的方法手段,如何才能在教学中培养和发展学生的个性和创造力等等。 其实,策略也好,方法也好,都是外在的东西,要使它们真正起到应有的作用,首先要解决教师的观念问题。只有尊重学生在教学中的主体地位,培育和保护学生的写作兴趣,策略和方法才会有用武之地,写作效率的提高才会成为可能。

【Abstract】 As the last section in middle school composition teaching, teaching writing in senior high school is far more difficult and complicated than that in junior high school. It requires students’ more advanced ability of expression and comprehension. So teaching writing in senior high school should focus on training and improving students’ comprehensive writing skills and abilities.However, when asked "What’s the subject you don’t like?" quite a lot of senior high students answer "Chinese", and if "What are you least good at when learning Chinese?" the answer should probably be "writing" That is, to be afraid or nervous has become student common sense even without looking at the topics or before their writing. Indeed, in the data we can collect about composition teaching, almost every researcher considers the writing level of senior high students poor in our country presently. So the reform of composition teaching becomes an urgent necessity in order to change its low efficiency and present shortcomings.As to senior high students, their writing topics, assignments and requirements have changed a lot. For instances, comment takes a more, important role in writing, and meanwhile, narration and exposition become much more complicated. In writing, students are required to show more about their own opinions. So it is with their ability of abstract imaginations and logical thinking. Therefore, when facing so unfamiliar and complicated writing assignments, students first beginning their senior high school study will find it difficult to fill the needs of thinking and expression ability it is certain that there must be many difficulties when they write their compositions. What is even worse, we can find no way to be optimistic, because now as a weaker section in teaching Chinese, there are many problems needing solving in teaching writing.At the beginning of the research on this project, the questionnaire and many dialogues with students and teachers show that there are at least several problems we can’t ignore. For example, in the course of teaching, teachers show no respect to students principle part in learning and as a result, students shows lack of interest in writing. Composition teaching is influenced by the idea that studying is for passing examination, so falsehood flood in students’ composition. Reading and writing separate apart, so it is difficult for them to use the knowledge and skills they have learned writing in class. When they write compositions. The teaching methods of writing are monotonous, ort of date, and lack of improvement. Teachers stick to old methodology. Students’ compositions show little individuality or creativity. To solve all these problems, we should study and draw lessons from the former researching achievements and refer to the section in the teaching out line on the requirement of students writing skills in senior high school. Based on all these, this essay focuses on finding and offering some countermeasures and methods to solve the problems mentioned above. For example, how to match writing exercises with student real life, how to combine reading with writing, how to improve and enrich methods of writing teaching, how to develop students’ individuality and creativity during the teaching, and so on.As a matter of fact, both tactics and methods are external forms, and aids in teaching. And they will never take their roles unless teachers change their ideas first. That is, only when teachers respect the dominate position of students in the course of teaching, and stir up and keep students interested in writing, can different tactics and methods have great help to students, and is it possible for students to improve their writing efficiency.

  • 【分类号】G633.34
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1087