

Research on Effective Teaching Theory

【作者】 肖刚

【导师】 熊川武;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2001, 硕士

【摘要】 如何提高教学的有效性作为人们对教学的追求,长久以来一直受到众多学者的关注,但其成为一种极具代表性的教学理论却是在20世纪80年代。在这种教学理论的指导下,出现了许多的教学模式,如程序教学模式、掌握学习模式等。本论文以有效性教学理论为研究对象,分为研究的分析、主要实践环节的归纳和最新动态及未来发展方向的展望三个部分。 第一部分笔者对有效性教学理论的相关概念、研究内容和研究模式三个方面进行理论上的探讨。有效性反映的是预期结果的实现程度。通常所指的有效性教学是特指教师通过各种教学活动,使学生获得最佳学习效果的教学过程,其研究切入点是教师教学行为,但落脚点却是学生,以学生的表现作为评判的依据。“有效性教学”研究实际上早于“学校效能”研究,二者直到20世纪60年代才逐渐相互结合。在研究内容上,有效性教学一般从内容、过程、结果三个维度展开,在研究中形成了表层分析、心理学分析和教育学(教学艺术)分析三种主要的研究模式。 在第二部分中,笔者重点对效能型教师的教学行为展开研究。虽然有效性教学中涉及学校层面的因素,但其研究重点仍放在课堂上,在本人可查到的有“effective teaching”词条的英文教育词典中,无一例外的都将其等同于“teacher effectiveness”,因此笔者对有效性教学的实践环节的分析皆以效能型教师的教学行为为中心,不涉及学生。概括的说,效能型教师的行为包括关键行为(清晰流畅的表达、教学手段多样化、以任务为导向、维持学生对学习过程的投入、保证学生的成功度)和辅助行为(利用学生的观念和参与、精心组织、恰当提问、展开探询、传递自身的影响)两大类。教师的这些行为成为运用各种教学策略的基础。由于篇幅的限制,在这一部分里笔者并没有将有效性教学的所有实践方面都一一表述出来,只求已论述的几个方面能够对读者理解有效性教学有所帮助。 第三部分是对有效性教学的最新动态的探索及发展方向的分析。在有效性教学理论成型和发展的同时,另一种同样极具代表性的教学理论——反思性教学(reflective teaching)理论也在兴起与发展。这样,在有效性教学理论的最新发展中,可以发现它对反思性教学合理方面的借鉴愈来愈多。在此基础上,笔者认为有效性教学理论需进一步拓展视野,主要包括效能观、学习观和教师观三个方面,这样的有效性教学才是完整的。 以上三个部分构成了一个较为系统的有效性教学研究体系,希望通过本论文的研究能够澄清有效性教学的理论,并为增强其实践的系统性提供些许借鉴。

【Abstract】 As a pursuit on teaching, scholars have been concerned on how to improve effectiveness of teaching all the time. But it was in 1980’s that effective teaching came to be a representative teaching theory. In the direction of this teaching theory, many new teaching models have come into being, such as programmed instruction model, mastery of learning model and so on. The research objection of this paper is the theory of effective teaching which consists of three parts ?the research analysis , the induction of main practice and the new developments and the trends in the future about effective teaching.In part one, I discuss the theoretically related concepts, contents of research and modes of research. Effective is about the extent of expected results. Effective teaching usually essentially refers to the teaching procedures that bring about the desired optimal to students through some instructional activities by teacher. Its starting point is teacher’s teaching behavior. But the ending point is pupil. That’s to say that it is evaluated according as the performance of student. In fact, the research on "effective teaching" was earlier than the one on "school effectiveness". They were detached between each other until 1960’s. As to the content of research, effective teaching is carried out from three dimensions ?context variables, process variables and product variables. In considering the "how" of effective teaching, three models have emerged which reflect contemporary thinking about effective teaching. They are surface level of analysis, psychological level analysis and pedagogical (craft of teaching) analysis.In part two, I emphatically discuss the behavior of effectiveness teaching. Though the factor of school level is involved, its emphasis is still on classroom. Moreover they all regard "effective teaching" as "teacher effectiveness" in the English educational dictionary in that I can find the item of "effective teaching ". So the analysis of practice of effective teaching are all focused on the effective teacher behavior, instead of pupil. In a word, effective teacher behavior consists of key behavior (lesson clarity, instructional variety, teacher task orientation and student’s success) and helping behavior (using student ideas and contribution, careful-organizing, proper questioning, probing and teacher’s own influence). These behaviors are the bases of using teaching strategies.In part three, I inquiry the new developments of effective teaching and analysis the direction in the future. While effective teaching come into being and continue to develop, another representative teaching theory - reflective teaching theory - is rising and developing. Then we can see that effective teaching more and more benefit from the rational aspects of reflective teaching. On this base, I think that effective teaching theory need to expand the vision fields further more, mainly including the views of effectiveness, learning and teacher, in this way effective teaching is really complete and perfect.The above three parts form a systemic system of effective teaching research.

  • 【分类号】G424.4
  • 【被引频次】80
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