

Log Evaluation of Hydrocardon Bearing Shaly Sands in the Middle of Sha 3 Member of Block Xia-52 of Linnan Oilfield

【作者】 李丽

【导师】 赵彦超;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 泥质砂岩油层一般是指泥质含量较高的一类油层。泥质砂岩油层测井解释和测井评价的研究一般从两个方面出发,一是泥质砂岩油层经常出现低电阻率现象,因此分析其低阻成因是进行测井解释和测井评价的基础工作;二是泥质砂岩油层导电机理复杂, 导电模型难建立。虽然迄今为止含水饱和度解释模型已超过30种,由此衍生的模型也有近百个,但仍未很好地解决所有泥质砂岩油层含水饱和度解释模型建立这一问题。因此,泥质砂岩油层的测井解释和测井评价一直是国内外研究的难点。泥质砂岩油层的含水饱和度解释理论与分析方法是由纯砂岩的模式演化过来的,更确切地说,是衍生自阿尔奇公式的解释模型,是这一经验与公式的扩展与延伸。实际应用较多的泥质砂岩油层含水饱和度解释模型有双孔隙度解释模型、Waxman-Smiths模型、双水模型、三水模型。结合本区泥质砂岩油层特征,分析低阻成因,选取适用于本区泥质砂岩油层的含水饱和度解释模型是进行本次测井解释和测井评价工作的重点。临南油田夏52块沙三中油藏是一个经历了多年开发历史的区块。前人研究表明,该区块构造完整,上下构造具有良好的继承性,储层为三角洲前缘的粉-细砂岩,地层水矿化度为30000~60000 ppm。该层段具有两种类型的油层,即纯砂岩油层和泥质砂岩油层。目前投入开发的油层主要是前类油层,后一类油层的分布面积较大,但由于电阻率较低,过去在测井解释中多将这类油层解释为水层,故多年来未投入开发。另外泥质砂岩油层大多低渗透,易污染,因而产能低或不出油,但有一定的潜力。因此,通过使用新的测井解释和评价方法找到未动用的泥质砂岩油层,增加地质储量,稳定产量,对临南油田有着极其重要的意义。临南油田夏52块沙三中泥质砂岩油层以粉砂岩、泥质粉砂岩为主,泥质含量高,以“惰性泥质”高岭石为主,分选、磨圆中等或中等-差。泥质砂岩油层粒度中值一般为50~170微米。本区泥质砂岩油层物性属于中低孔渗油层。当孔隙度中等以上时,泥质砂岩油层渗透率与纯砂岩油层渗透率相差很小。泥质砂岩油层束缚水饱和度比纯砂岩油层束缚水饱和平均高9%左右,具有亲水、强亲水特性,地层水属中-高矿化度。本次研究主要任务在于:剖析泥质砂岩油层低阻成因、油层参数测井解释、泥质砂岩油层测井评价,并寻找可直接投产的泥质砂岩油层。其中,核心技术问题是临南油田夏52块沙三中泥质砂岩油层低阻成因和含水饱和度测井解释模型建立。本区泥质砂岩油层泥质含量高,普遍存在低阻现象,一般认为泥质附加导电性是泥质砂岩油层低阻的主导因素。实验结果表明,泥质附加导电性对油层电阻率影响小,所以本区泥质附加导电性并不是引起低阻的主导因素。从本区整体角度看,富含高岭石的泥质砂岩油层,在中-高孔隙度、中-高矿化度和高束缚水饱和度的条件下,地层水矿化度高和束缚水饱和度高是造成本区低阻的主要原因。<WP=6>基于泥质砂岩油层特征和低阻成因分析可知,泥质附加导电性不是本区电阻率降低的主导因素,因此含水饱和度测井解释模型不适合选取考虑泥质附加导电性的“阳离子交换量模”。通过四种含水饱和度解释模型解释结果对比分析可知,考虑泥质附加导电性的“阳离子交换量模型”Waxman-Smiths模型解释效果较差,而经过改进的阿尔奇公式有较好的应用效果。本区泥质砂岩油层经过重新测井解释和评价,解释精度和评价级别都较大提高。但多数油层可能需进行压裂酸化方可投产,急需寻找可直接投产的泥质砂岩油层。本文利用油水相对渗透率实验资料,建立有效渗透率的解释模型。依据有效渗透率和有效厚度将泥质砂岩油层划分为7个区,建议优先对高渗高有效厚度区、中渗高有效厚度区、中渗中有效厚度区进行试油试采。对泥质砂岩油层分区评价有利于合理开采和保护此类油层,降低其生产成本,也为预测此类油层产能提供依据。本次研究成果现已得到新试油层的证实,基本解决临南夏52块沙三中泥质砂岩油层测井解释和测井评价这一难题。预计新增夏52块泥质砂岩油层200-300万吨储量。泥质砂岩油层在临盘厂各油田普遍存在,全厂有2000万吨泥质砂岩油层储量。目前,临盘厂纯砂岩油层的优质储量已到了高含水高采出程度阶段,仅靠这部分储量,无法实现油田的稳产。而泥质砂岩油层是增储上产的主要方向,潜力巨大。对夏52块沙三中泥质砂岩油层进行先导性研究,不仅对临南油田而且对临盘厂的发展具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Generally, hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is a kind of hydrocardon bearing sands with higher shale content. The log interpretation and log evaluation of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands fall to doing two aspects. One is that hydrocardon bearing sands goes with low-resistivity, so analysis of low-resistivity origin is basic; the other is that conductive mechanism is so intricate that it’s difficult to set up conductive model. Until now, there are over thirty kinds of the log interpretation models of water saturation, and, derived from them, there are about one hundred kinds of log interpretation model of water saturations, but all those models couldn’t fit in with all of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands. Hence, the log interpretation and log evaluation of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is always a nodus at home and abroad. The log interpretation theory and analysis method about water saturation of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is derived from the pattern about water saturation of simple hydrocardon bearing sands, and furthermore derived from interpretation model of Formula Archie. The water saturation models of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands include Formula Dual Porosity, Formula Waxman-Smiths, Formula Dual Water, Formula Three Water, which is relatively in common use. Based on oil formation character of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands in the middle of Sha 3 Member of Block Xia-52 in Linnan Oilfield, the emphases of log interpretation and log evaluation of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands are to analyze of low-resistivity origin and select The water saturation models that hold true to the hydrocardon bearing shaly sands.In the middle of Sha 3 Member of Block Xia-52 in Linnan Oilfield, petroleum deposit has been exploited for many years. The structure of block possesses integrity and inheritance. The hydrocardon bearing sands belongs to powder-fine sandstone in the front of delta. The salinity of formation water is 30000~60000 ppm. In the block, there are two types of hydrocardon bearing sands, simple hydrocardon bearing sands and hydrocardon bearing shaly sands. And the former has mainly been exploited, while the latter has not mostly been exploited for many years. The reason is that the latter was interpretated as water sands in the log interpretation for its resistivity is lower. In addition, hydrocardon bearing shaly sands mostly has low permeability and is so easy to be polluted, which induce low off-take potentiality or no oil. However, hydrocardon bearing shaly sands certainly possesses productive potentiality. Hence, it’s very important for Linnan Oilfield to find out hydrocardon bearing shaly sands unexploited, augment geologic reserve and keep production steady by newly log interpretation and log evaluation. In the middle of Sha 3 Member of Block Xia-52 in Linnan Oilfield, the hydrocardon bearing shaly sands give priority to powder sandstone, shaly powder sandstone. The shale content is higher and the amout of kaolinite predominates. The grading and rounding are<WP=8>middling or middling-different. Generally, the median of granularity is 50~170 micrometer. The porosity and permeability of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is from mid to low. If porosity is middling or more than middling, the permeability of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is close to the permeability of simple hydrocardon bearing sands. The irreducible water saturation of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is averagely more nine percent than that of simple hydrocardon bearing sands. The hydrocardon bearing shaly sands is water wetting or strongly water wetting. The salinity of formation water is mid-high.In this research, main tasks lie in low-resistivity origin of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands, log interpretation of formation parameter, log evaluation and finding out what hydrocardon bearing shaly sands could be directly exploited without pressing crack or acidification. Among those, core technologies are low-resistivity origin of hydrocardon bearing shaly sands and log interpretation of water saturation.In the hydrocard

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