

【作者】 朱龙

【导师】 唐学玺;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋生物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 海龟是世界濒危物种,也是我国Ⅱ级野生保护动物,因此,进行海龟生态学研究具有重大的现实意义。本文从维持海洋生态平衡,保护生物多样性及与科学技术、经济发展、社会文化的关系等方面系统阐述了海龟研究保护的意义,以及当前国际上和我国海龟资源与保护研究的现状,提出了我国南海海龟的威胁因子:1、海龟的过度捕捞;2、乱采海龟蛋;3、海龟产卵场的破坏;4、海洋环境污染。其中,日益恶化的海洋环境污染是最为重要的因子。目前,我国保护性研究存在以下主要问题:基础研究较为薄弱,对资源现状了解不充分;保护生物学研究亟待加强;病害研究相当薄弱。针对存在问题提出了相应的保护措施,其中,加强疾病防治是目前应当急需研究和解决的重要课题。 人工饲养条件下蠵龟行为生态学及其常见病研究是以蓬莱阁水族馆饲养的3头蠵龟(Caretta caretta)为研究对象,一方面,系统观察了蠵龟的行为生态学特性,包括摄食行为、领域行为、防御行为、呼吸行为、拟态等。研究表明: 1、摄食行为:蠵龟属吞咽式摄食方式;从野生到人工喂食驯化,适应时间需3~7d时间;在食物的选择方面,野生状态对食物的选择性不强,在人工养殖条件下,以六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)为佳(北方沿海),日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)、褐菖鲉(Sebastiscus marmoratus)等也是较好的饵料,并且以体长100~200mm,体重20-100g的个体为好,在上述食物缺少时,也摄食其它水生动物。 2、领域行为:蠵龟喜独栖,只有到繁殖季节才群居,否则相遇易争斗。 3、防御行为:蠵龟易受惊吓,只有对食物和杂物分辨清楚才进行摄食。 4、呼吸行为:蠵龟是“咽气式”呼吸方式,呼吸间隔是不均匀的,呼吸频率11~27次/h,平均为18.0次/h。 5、拟态:蠵龟遇到危险时,会四肢不动,浮于水面,藉以隐蔽和保护自己。 另一方面,研究了蠵龟在人工饲养条件下常见的疾病,包括营养缺乏症、低温引起的疾病、细菌性皮肤溃疡病、寄生水蛭、寄生蔓足类和寄生蠕虫,分析了病因、症状,并对防治方法作了深入探讨。

【Abstract】 Sea turtles are endangered species, and classified as Category II by National Protection Law on Endangered Species of Wild Fauna. It is of practical significance to study the ecology of the sea turtle. In this thesis, the importance of the study and protection of sea turtle is discussed in the aspects of maintaining the ecological balance in the ocean, safeguarding the biological diversity, and its relationships with the development of science, technology, economy, and culture. Furthermore, the current situations are described on die study of sea turtle resources and its conservation both in our country and in the world. From the study, four factors are found to be threatening the sea turtle in South China Sea, i.e., over-fishing of the sea turtle, over-harvesting of the sea turtle eggs, destroying of the egg laying beaches, and environmental pollution in the ocean; of which the last one is the most terrifying factor. Currently, there are several shortcomings with the study on sea turtle protection in our country. They are the insufficiencies in fundamental study, biological protection study, disease study, and inadequate understanding of the existing resources. Corresponding protection measures have been proposed in this thesis to attempt overcoming these shortcomings. The prevention and treatment of the diseases are the most pressing problems to be tackled with.In this thesis, the behavioral biology and common diseases of loggerhead turtle (Caretta carettd) in captivity are studied. The three loggerhead turtles bred at the Aquarium of Penglai Pavilion have been taken as specimen for this study. The biological behavior of loggerhead turtles has been observed, including their feeding behavior, territorial behavior, defensive behavior, respiratory behavior, and mimicry. The study indicates:1. Feeding behavior: Loggerhead turtle takes swallow ingestion for food intake. It takes 3-7 days for a wild Loggerhead turtle to be bred and get used to feeding by human. In the wild, loggerhead turtle has no special favor for certain food. But in captivity, loggerhead turtle prefers fat greenling (Hexagrammos otakii) from the seaboard of North China. Japanese stone crab (Charybdis japonicd) and dusky stingfish (Sebastiscus marmoratus) are also good diet for loggerhead turtle, especially those of 100-200mm in length and 20-100g in weight. Loggerhead turtle can also take other aquatic, when its favorites are not available.2. Territorial behavior: Loggerhead turtles like living separately, and they live together only in the breeding season. Otherwise, they will fight each other when meeting.3. Defensive behavior: Loggerhead turtles are easy to be frightened. They will ingest only when they can identify clearly what the food is.4. Respiratory behavior: Loggerhead turtles breathe in a way of "swallow". They breathe in un-equal periods, with a frequency of 11-27/hour, and 18/hour on an average.5. Mimicry: When a loggerhead turtle faces a danger, its legs will stop moving and its body will flow on the surface of water so as to hide and protect itself.In this thesis, the common diseases of Loggerhead turtle in captivity are also studied. They are nutrition deficiency disease, disease caused by low temperature, bacterial skin canker, parasitic leeches, parasitic cirripedes, and parasitic helminthes. The pathogeny and symptom are analyzed, and the prevention and treatment are discussed in depth.

  • 【分类号】S968.9;S947
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】211