

About QFII’s Introduction and Info-ventilation Systems

【作者】 朱菁菁

【导师】 赵昕;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 QFⅡ作为新兴市场经济国家和地区一种有限度地引进外资、开放资本市场的过渡性制度,已经展示其对市场的良好作用。通过该机制可对外资的进入进行必要的限制和引导,使之与本国的经济发展和证券市场发展相适应,以控制外来资本对本国经济独立性的影响、抑制境外投机性游资对本国经济的冲击、推动资本市场国际化、促进资本市场健康发展。韩国、印度、巴西、我国台湾等国家和地区相继引入QFⅡ后,不仅外资持有的份额呈现逐年上升的趋势,净流入的特征非常明显,而且更多的是带来了成熟市场的投资理念与价值观。 我国于2002年12月推出了QFⅡ制度,迈出了由封闭的资本市场逐步对外开放的可喜一步。因此,一时间QFⅡ成为了众人瞩目的焦点。围绕这个问题,也展开了许多探讨。但由于QFⅡ对我国而言毕竟是新生事物,迄今为止,人们似乎更热衷于从模型入手,分析其可能对我国市场造成的影响,论证其利弊,从而得出有无引入必要的讨论;或者仅从我国证券市场的现实出发,指出引入QFⅡ的障碍,理论深度的挖掘还不够。针对此,本文尝试利用经济学理论来深入分析对QFⅡ造成最主要障碍的信息不对称问题,得出其与QFⅡ的导入之间的关系,在此基础上,探索了目前情况下,如何完善我国信息披露制度,提出必须协调好信息的需求、供给、监管这三方的关系,通过“三管齐下”,树立起我国证券市场在信息透明度方面的良好形象,增强对投资者的吸引力,推动QFⅡ制度的顺利实施。 本文由四个部分构成:第一部分,从QFⅡ的基本概念着手,介绍了我国QFⅡ的制度设计特点,并通过对QFⅡ对我国资本市场的影响分析,指出了导入QFⅡ的必要性;第二部分,从我国市场的现实出发,分析了对QFⅡ造成的各种障碍,指出信息不对称是最主要的障碍。第三部分,援引经济学中的信息不对称理论来深层分析信息不对称现象可能对我国市场造成的危害。首先介绍了信息不对称的经济学含义;其次阐述了信息不对称在我国市场的主要表现;接着指出了信息不对称对我国市场的消极作用;最后得出了QFⅡ与信息不对称之间的关系。第四部分提出了解决信息不对称以促进QFⅡ顺利导入的方法——完善信息披露制度。主要从信息的需求、供给、监管三个方面分别提出了改善建议。首先,在投资者方面,应该不断提升素质以打造有效的信息需求者,促进上市公司信息披露质量的提升。其次,在上市公司方面,应该从战略高度重新认识信息披露的作用,找准信息披露战略目标的定位,要借助战略性信息披露,获取市场竞争优势,以达到提高企业市场价值的目标,并把握一定的原则,在进行强制性披露的同时,逐步加强自愿性信息披露,以提高信息披露质量;最后在监管部门方面,要确立政府监管、行业自律和社会监督的三位一体的监管框架,进一步提高监管能力,对上市公司进行有力的约束。

【Abstract】 In December 2002, the QFII System has been introduced in China, which is the first step for the Chinese capital market to confront with the international environments. Herewith, the QFII System became the central attention of the public and they also made a lot of exploitation around the system. But up to now, for the QFII is still new to the Chinese, people seemly to pay much attention to the model effects and mainly analyzed the advantages or disadvantages to the market, which made the focus on the necessity of the QFII introduction; or they only started with the practice of the Chinese security business to point out the QFII System defects, which is obviously short of the theoretical studies. So, on the basis of info-dissymmetry theory of the economy, the paper mainly analyzed the core cause of obstacle from the QFII System and explored the consummating method of the info-ventilation systems under the environments nowadays. The writer emphasized that we should harmonize the relations among the demands, supply and the supervision of the information and build up a good example of the info-consummation in the security business to boost up the affinity of the investors, which only in this way can we put the QFII System into practice easily.The paper is composed of four sects: Section one, starting with the explanation of the basic notion of QFII, the writer has made a overall introduction to the institutional frame of QFII and emphasized the necessity of the QFII application; Section two, according to the market practice in China, the writer has analyzed the different obstacles caused from the QFII, and emphasized on the info-asymmetry is the main one from the QFII. Section three, invoking the info-asymmetry theories of the economy, the writer deeply analyzed the probable influence on the Chinese market; Section four, the writer has proposed the practicable methods toovercome the obstacles of the info-asymmetry-to consummate theinfo-ventilation systems, mainly contained the proposal of the demands, supplies and supervision of the information improving.

  • 【分类号】F832.5
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】206