

Prestress Anchor Ribbed Beam Support Technology

【作者】 贾绪富

【导师】 刘红军;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 “预应力锚杆肋梁支护技术”是笔者及所在单位历时四年在土钉墙和无嵌入多锚排桩两种支护体系基础上开发应用成功的一种新型实用性支护技术。其支护机理类似于未嵌入坑底的排桩多锚支护,只是由肋梁代替了开挖前施工的排桩从而提前工期并降低支护造价;同时继承了土钉墙随挖随支护的机动灵活性。自1998年至今该技术已在青岛、济南、烟台等十几个深基坑和高边坡工程中成功应用。 现行《建筑基坑支护技术规程》及所有基坑支护方面的手册中涉及的深基坑计算理论均为土层基坑。青岛、大连、珠海等基岩埋深浅的沿海地区深基坑经常需要挖至基岩甚至需要爆破开挖,基岩以上又有流砂、软土、地下水等。排桩及地下连续墙支护很难嵌入坑底基岩,这类基坑如何支护?有的基坑土钉墙支护能保证其稳定性,但水平位移过大,满足不了基坑周边既有建筑物或隐蔽物的要求,如何改善土钉墙支护结构位移过大的问题?预应力锚杆肋梁支护技术为这两类基坑提供了一种实用的支护体系。可以说该技术可以拓展土钉墙支护的应用,弥补排桩支护无法嵌岩或嵌岩不足等缺陷,具有良好的推广和应用前景。 本文在第一章概论部分介绍了“预应力锚杆肋梁支护结构”的发展、应用和优缺点;第二章分析其支护机理、结构特点,并与土钉墙和无嵌入排桩多锚支护进行了结构受力对比分析;第三章介绍该支护结构的设计计算方法步骤,详细介绍了支护结构各部分的设计方法;第四章介绍预应力锚杆肋梁支护系统最重要的两个部分:帷幕和锚杆的施工技术;第五章介绍了不同土层不同深度的有代表性的三个基坑工程实例。 此次是笔者首次对该技术进行系统整理以作为本人的硕士论文,山于原位测一试数据不足又无成熟理论参考,因此计一算方法定显浅薄,望教授及同行专家指导完善,更希望能与同行们继续对该技术进行进一步研究。作为一种应用技术,笔者文中尽量详细地介绍该技术的设计、施工及应用实例,希望本文有一定的实用性和参考价值。 笔者所在公司正在就“预应力锚杆肋梁支护技术”申请国家级实用专利,该技术暂属技术和商业机密,因此特别声明:本文仅作为硕士论文供教授评审使川,论文不能翻印或传至同行业其他单位中,笔者特向拥有本人论文的教授们表示感谢。 最后学生恳请教授们对论文及“预应力锚杆肋梁支护技术”提出宝贵意见,以使该技术能进一步完善成熟。

【Abstract】 "Prestress Anchor Ribbed Beam Support System" is a new practical support technology which came from Soil Nailing Walls system and un-embedded rank of piles with anchors support system that has been used successfully for 4 years by the author and his company named Qingdao Deep Foundation Stabilization Engineering Co., Ltd. It’ s mechanism is similar to rank of piles with anchors support system that can not be inserted into the bottom of foundation trench, but it’ s ribbed beams are used to replace rank of piles made before excavation so the work cycle can be shortened and the support system cost can be reduced; Meanwhile this system maintains the Soil Nailing Wall’ s convenience of digging and supporting.All principles of computer on deep foundation trench that are involved in 《Technical Specification for Retaining and Protection of Building Foundation Excavations》 in effect and all foundation books are about soil trenches . Deep foundation trenches in shallow rocks in some cities along a seashore like Qingdao, Dalian, Zhuhai things like that often need to be dug or exploded into hard rock, there are heaving sand, soft soil, groundwater upon it. It is difficult to make the piles in row or diaphragms into hard rock.. How to build this kind of foundation trenches ? Soil Nailing Walls can ensure the stability of some trenches but the horizontal displacement is too large to satisfy the needs of building or concealed work’ s security. How to reduce the displacement of the soil nailing wall system? It is the "Prestress Anchor Ribbed Beam Support System" that gave a new practical support system to both of them. We can say that it can develop the usage of Soil Nailing Wall fill the rank of piles disadvantage a bright future of developing and using.The development, application, advantage and disadvantage about the"Prestress Anchor Ribbed Beam Support System" is introduced in Chapter 1:It’ s supporting mechanism and structural feature is introduced and compared with the Soil Nailing Walls and un-embedded rank of piles in Chapter 2; Design and computer steps and more details about the design methods of the support system are introduced in Chapter 3; The two important parts named draperies and anchors are introduced on their construction technology in Chapter 4; Three foundation trenches’ instances with different depth in different soil are showed in the last Chapter 5.This is the first time that the author wrote down the technology to be a thesis for his post-graduate degree. The author hopes geotechnical professors and experts to research and develop this support system far because initial surveying dates are too limited and the theory is too simple. That the calculation method must be superficial. It is a kind of practical technology so the author gave more details in this thesis to introduce it’ s design, construction and some project instances to make the article practical and valuable.The company the author worked in is applying a practical patent for the "Prestress Anchor Ribbed Beam Support System" . So far this technology is still a technical and commercial secret. So there is a special announcement here, this thesis is only offered to professors for examination , So any copy and spread to the same project companies is not allowed, the author gave a gratefulness to the professors who hold this thesis here.The author hoped professors give some precious advices for the thesis and this technology to develop it.

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